charisma n. [kuh-RIZ-muh]


1: a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or ehthusiasm for a public figure (such as a political leader)

2: a special magnetic charm or appeal

注:magic:魅力,魔力;popluar loyalty: 大众忠诚;public figure:公众人物;political leader:政治领袖

Did You Know?

The Greek word charisma means "favor" or "gift." It is derived from the verb charizesthai ("to favor"), which in turn comes from the noun charis, meaning "grace." In English, charisma has been used in Christian context since the mid-1500s to refer to a gift or power bestowed upon an individual by the Holy Spirit for the good of the Church, a sense that is now very rare. The earliest nonreligional use of charisma that we know of occurred in a German text, a 1922 publication by sociologist Max Weber. The sense began appearing in English context shortly after Weber's work was published.

词源演化:charis (grace,优雅) --> charizesthai (to favor, 偏爱)--> charisma (n. 偏爱,天份)

希腊单词charisma,意思是“偏爱”或”天份“。这个词由动词charizesthai(偏爱)继承而来,而这个动词则是从名词charis(优雅)转化来的。在英语中,自从16世纪中叶,charisma这个词就一直在基督教环境中使用,用来表示圣灵为了教会的益处赋予某些个人的特殊天份和能力,不过这个意思现在几乎很少使用了。我们现在所知的charisma的最早的非宗教用法起源于德文文献,用在社会学家Max Weber在1922年的出版物中。在Weber的书出版后不久,这个词及其非宗教含义就很快出现在了英语语境中。

注:Christian:基督的,基督教的;gift:天份;bestow:授予,赋予;Holy Spirit:【宗】圣灵;for the good of:为了...的利益,好处,益处;;the Church:教会;publication:出版物;sociologist:社会学家


  • The young singer had the kind of charisma that turns a performer into a star.
  • "Winner of seven Tony Awards including Best Musical, 'Evita' is the story of Eva Peron who used her charisma and charms to rise from her penniless origins to political power as the first lady of Argentina at the age of 27."
    --- Oscar Sales, The Press Jounal (Vero Beach, Florida), 19 Dec. 2018

    7项Tony Award大奖包括最佳音乐奖的得主,”Evita“这个故事讲述了Eva Peron运用她非凡的魅力,从身无分文的出身到27岁作为第一夫人登上阿根廷政治权利高峰的故事。

    注:charm:魅力,吸引力,迷人,美貌;rise from ... to ...:从...攀升到...;penniless:身无分文的;political power:政治权利;first lady:第一夫人(总统的媳妇);Argentina:阿根廷(词根argent:银,为了吸引更多投资,早期骗人说阿根廷是白银之国)


Tony Award: The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre, more commonly known as the Tony Award, recognizes excellence in live Broadway theatre. More information:

Evita (musical): a musical with music by Andrew loyd Webber and lyrics and book by Tim Rice, which concentrates on the life of Argentine political leader Eva Peron, the second wife of Argentine president Juan Peron. The story follows Evita's early life, rise to power, charity work, and eventual death. More information:

Tony Award & Evita & Eva Peron ( 

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