ssas ssrs

In this article, we will show how to create a simple SQL Server Reporting Services report from a SSAS Tabular model database as a data source, using DAX query, and then deploy it.

在本文中,我们将展示如何使用DAX查询从SSAS表格模型数据库作为数据源创建一个简单SQL Server Reporting Services报表,然后进行部署。

For this example, the requirements include SQL Server Data Tools version 2013 or higher, SQL Server version 2014 or higher, with installed SQL Server Reporting Services instance in Native mode (used in this article) and SQL Server Analysis Services instance in Tabular mode with deployed Tabular model database.

对于此示例,要求包括SQL Server Data Tools版本2013或更高版本,SQL Server版本2014或更高版本,并以纯模式 (本文中使用)安装了SQL Server Reporting Services实例(已在本文中使用),并且以表格模式安装了SQL Server Analysis Services实例(已部署)表格模型数据库。

All of the steps of creating and deploying the customized SSRS report take place fully in SSDT.


  1. Creating a Report Server project


    Create a new Report Server Project and give it a custom name and solution name (for this occasion, Tabular2Report). This is the base for the future SSRS report.

    创建一个新的Report Server Project并为其指定一个自定义名称和解决方案名称(本例中为Tabular2Report )。 这是将来SSRS报告的基础。

    After creating the project file, these elements should appear in Solution explorer docked window:


    The file Tabular2Report (below Solution) is the actual Report Server project. It contains separate shared folders for data sources, datasets and report definition files.

    Tabular2Report文件(位于解决方案下方)是实际的Report Server项目。 它包含用于数据源 , 数据集和报告定义文件的单独的共享文件夹。

  2. Adding Data Source


    Right-click on folder Shared Data Sources and select the Add New Data Source:


    The Shared Data Source Properties dialog appears:


    In General tab, set the name (or leave a default), choose type of data source (in this case, that will be Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services), and input the connection string, regarding this form:

    在“常规”选项卡中,设置名称 (或保留默认值),选择数据源的类型 (在这种情况下,将为Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services ),然后输入与此格式有关的连接字符串:

    Data Source=localhost\\<name of the SSAS Tabular instance>;Initial Catalog="<name of the cube>"

    Note: The actual source of data is a SSAS Tabular instance, and the cube is considered as a “catalog”. SSRS catalog contains all objects and data related to SSRS, including shared data source, shared datasets and report definition.

    注意 :实际数据来源是SSAS表格实例,并且多维数据集被视为“目录”。 SSRS目录包含与SSRS相关的所有对象和数据,包括共享数据源,共享数据集和报告定义。

    Alternatively, a data source can be set by editing a connection string in the Connection Properties dialog (click the Edit button, shown in picture above):

    或者,可以通过在“连接属性”对话框中编辑连接字符串来设置数据源(单击“ 编辑”按钮,如上图所示):

    Note: To verify the validity of the chosen server instance and database, click on “Test connection” button.

    注意 :要验证所选服务器实例和数据库的有效性,请单击“测试连接”按钮。

    After that, set a valid credential for SSAS Tabular database in Credentials tab:

    之后,在“ 凭据”选项卡中为SSAS表格数据库设置有效的凭据:

    For this occasion, Windows authentication with integrated security will be used.


  3. Adding Dataset


    Add a dataset within right-click on Shared Datasets folder:


    The Shared Dataset Properties dialog will appear. In the Query tab, click on Query Designer button:

    将显示“ 共享数据集属性”对话框。 在查询选项卡中,单击查询设计器按钮:

    The Dataset for this project will be created through DAX query in query designer:


    At this moment, query designer holds MDX queries by default, so Command type DMX must be set:


    Note: SSAS Tabular model supports DMX extension, which is query language for data mining models. In this case, Tabular database will be considered as a mining model, in order to override the limitation of using DAX query in SSDT.

    注意 :SSAS表格模型支持DMX扩展 ,这是数据挖掘模型的查询语言。 在这种情况下,表格数据库将被视为挖掘模型,以克服在SSDT中使用DAX查询的限制。

    Click Command type DMX and confirm:


    After confirmation, switch to the Design mode, by clicking button as shown:

    确认后,通过单击按钮切换到“ 设计”模式 ,如下所示:

    Input this DAX query below into specified field and confirm:


    evaluate(summarize('Internet Sales','Product'[Product Name],'Date'[Calendar Year],"Total Sales Amount", sum('Internet Sales'[Sales Amount])))

    This query retrieves and wraps up the following objects from the cube into dataset: full table Internet Sales, columns Product Name (from Product table) and Calendar Year (from Date table) and the calculated measure Total Sales Amount.

    该查询从多维数据集中检索以下对象并将其包装到数据集中:完整表Internet Sales ,列Product Name (来自Product表)和Calendar Year (来自Date表)以及计算得出的度量Total Sales Amount

    After confirmation, double-click on the created Dataset, which shows in Solution explorer:


    Go to the Fields tab, and rename Field Name strings as shown in the picture below, and confirm:

    转到“ 字段”选项卡,并如下图所示重命名“ 字段名称”字符串,然后确认:

    With simplified field names like this, it will be easier to use them in report designing.


    Note: Space character cannot be used when renaming, because it raises error.

    注意 :重命名时不能使用空格字符,因为它会引起错误。

  4. Creating a report definition file


    Create a report definition with right-click on Reports folder:


    Previously set Shared Data source should appear in Report Wizard dialog:


    In the next step, click on Query Builder button:


    Note: In Query Builder, the Command type DMX and Design Mode options must be chosen, one after another, in order to successfully insert the query (see Add Dataset section of this article)

    注意 :在查询生成器中,必须依次选择“ 命令类型DMX”和“ 设计模式”选项,以便成功插入查询(请参见本文的“ 添加数据集”部分)

    Input the query, same as the one mentioned before:


    evaluate(summarize('Internet Sales','Product'[Product Name],'Date'[Calendar Year],"Total Sales Amount", sum('Internet Sales'[Sales Amount])))

    After that, select the Tabular type of report:


    From this point, as shown in the picture below, Report Wizard leads through a basic table design. In this article, we will leave default settings for report building, by clicking Finish:

    至此,如下图所示,报表向导将引导您进行基本的表设计。 在本文中,我们将通过单击Finish保留用于生成报告的默认设置:

    Next step is summary of the future SSRS report:


    Set a custom name (in this case, it is Tabular2Report), review the report summary and then confirm the creation of the report definition file.

    设置一个自定义名称(在本例中为Tabular2Report ),查看报告摘要,然后确认创建报告定义文件。

  5. Tabular2Report customization


    After successful creation of three necessary files for this Report project, they will appear in the Solution Explorer:


    Tabular2Report report definition already has predefined design, as shown in the picture below:


    The elements of the report definition design are fully customizable (tables, cells and other elements). As can be seen, there is a label with a name of the file and table with the header and corresponding cells which contain the elements from the Report Data docked window (placed left in the picture above).

    报表定义设计的元素是完全可定制的 (表,单元格和其他元素)。 可以看到,有一个带有文件名和表名的标签,以及标题和对应的单元格,其中包含来自“报表数据”停靠窗口的元素(位于上图的左侧)。

    After a customization, Tabular2Report design looks like this:


    Beneath table header, these cells contain the parts of defined dataset, columns Product Name, Year and calculated measure Total Sales Amount, which will correspond with the DAX query.

    在表格标题下,这些单元格包含定义的数据集, 产品名称年份列和计算的度量总销售金额的部分 ,这些部分将与DAX查询相对应。

    To see fully generated report, click the Preview tab:


    Notice that tabular view expands and show all of the rows within tables, and also the calculated measure shows the results.


    We will add a currency symbol in rows from Total Sales column, by right-click on the Text Box properties:


    In Number tab, Currency category, set that currency symbol stands before value, as shown in the picture below, and confirm:

    在“ 数字”选项卡的“ 货币”类别中,设置货币符号位于值之前,如下图所示,并确认:

    Now look the report in Preview tab, as the currency sign is present:


  6. Deploying files to the Report Server


    To deploy Data Source, Dataset and the Report definition file itself, set the target URL of Report Server, within properties:


    Build and deploy every particular file from the project: DataSource1.rds, Dataset1.rsd, and Tabular2Report.rdl.

    构建和部署项目中的每个特定文件: DataSource1.rdsDataset1.rsdTabular2Report.rdl

    Note: If Target URL is not reachable or invalid, troubleshoot the Report Server

    注意 :如果目标URL不可访问或无效,请对报表服务器进行故障排除

    After successful deployment, all these files should appear the Report Server folder:


    Also, the report can be rendered in a browser, to see it in its entirety:


I hope you enjoyed creating a simple SSRS report from a SSAS Tabular database!


参考资料 (References)

  • How to create a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report如何创建SQL Server报告服务(SSRS)报告
  • Create a Basic Table Report (SSRS Tutorial) 创建基本表报告(SSRS教程)
  • Getting Started in Report Designer (SSRS)报表设计器(SSRS)入门


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