ssas表格模型 权限控制

Considering BI environment, when comparing Multidimensional Vs Tabular model databases, both of them have their own advantages and purpose in data analytics and business intelligence.


The best way to learn about SSAS Tabular model databases is to perform research, experiment a bit and build one, yourself. In this article, we’ll do just that and I’ll provide detailed information on building simple and modestly populated Tabular database for testing/personal usage.

了解SSAS表格模型数据库的最好方法是自己进行研究,进行一些试验并构建一个数据库。 在本文中,我们将这样做,并且将提供有关构建简单且数量适中的表格数据库以供测试/个人使用的详细信息。

1. Requirements

1. 要求

  • SQL Server 2012 or higher, with installed Analysis Services instance in Tabular mode

    SQL Server 2012或更高版本,以表格模式安装了Analysis Services实例

Quick note: In SQL Server 20xx installation, Analysis Services instance deploys Multidimensional mode by default.

快速说明 :在SQL Server 20xx安装中,Analysis Services实例默认情况下部署多维模式。

  • SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 2013 or higher

    SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)2013或更高版本

  • Deployed AdventureWorksDW sample database 2012 version or higher (this article regards the 2014 version) as data source


  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2014 or higher;

    SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)2014或更高版本;

2. Creating a blank project in SSDT

2. 在SSDT中创建一个空白项目

To start building a Tabular model database, the first step is to create a project file (Analysis Services Tabular Project), giving the name to the project (in this article, it is MyFirstTabularDatabase), define the custom location or leave the default, and the Solution name will be the same as the name of the project, by default.

要开始构建表格模型数据库,第一步是创建一个项目文件( Analysis Services Tabular Project ),为该项目指定名称(在本文中为MyFirstTabularDatabase ),定义自定义位置或保留默认位置,然后默认情况下,解决方案名称将与项目名称相同。

Note: The solution name can be defined independently from the project name.

注意 :可以独立于项目名称定义解决方案名称。

After that, this dialog will appear:


The exact name of the SSAS Tabular instance must be input into the Workspace server text field, otherwise, it won’t be possible to create a project. To make sure the connection is valid, press ‘Test Connection’ button. After validation, if successful, message states:

必须将SSAS Tabular实例的确切名称输入到Workspace服务器文本字段中,否则,将无法创建项目。 为了确保连接有效,请按“测试连接”按钮。 验证后,如果成功,则消息指出:

Also, the Compatibility level must comply with installed version of Analysis Services instance.

另外, 兼容性级别必须符合Analysis Services实例的安装版本。

When a blank project file is made, the environment looks like this:


The most important part of this project is Model.bim, which is the skeleton of the future SSAS Tabular model database. In further steps, this file will be populated with necessary elements and, in the end, deployed into Analysis Services instance.

该项目最重要的部分是Model.bim ,它是未来SSAS表格模型数据库的框架。 在进一步的步骤中,将使用必要的元素填充此文件,最后将其部署到Analysis Services实例中。

Note: Because of certain number of steps and actions, every change performed should be saved with Save All (instead of Save)

注意 :由于某些步骤和操作的数量,执行的每个更改都应使用“ 全部保存” (而不是“保存”)保存

3. Importing data into the SSAS Tabular model database

3. 将数据导入SSAS表格模型数据库

To begin, populate the Tabular model; importing data into the project is the next step. That means selecting the data source (mentioned in Requirements), as a preparation, rename and filter objects (tables) within data source and import prepared tables into the model.

首先,填充表格模型; 下一步是将数据导入项目。 这意味着选择数据源(在需求中提到)作为准备,重命名和过滤数据源内的对象(表),并将准备好的表导入模型中。

Select the option ‘Import from Data Source’, placed in Model menu, and Table Import Wizard shows. In this article, the source connection will be Microsoft SQL Server.

选择位于“模型”菜单中的“从数据源导入”选项,然后将显示“ 表导入向导” 。 在本文中,源连接将是Microsoft SQL Server

Info: There are numerous internal and external sources besides mentioned (Oracle, Teradata databases etc.), and that is one of the advantages of deploying and using SSAS Tabular databases, compared with only-internal OLE DB sources support for Multidimensional model databases.

信息 :除了提到的(Oracle,Teradata数据库等)之外,还有许多内部和外部资源,与仅内部OLE DB源对多维模型数据库的支持相比,这是部署和使用SSAS表格数据库的优势之一。

In the Server name text field, select the proper Database Engine instance, where data source is deployed. After selecting, the list of databases will appear in Database name drop-down menu. This connection must be also validated.

在服务器名称文本字段中,选择适当的数据库引擎实例 ,在该实例中部署数据源。 选择后,数据库列表将出现在“ 数据库名称”下拉菜单中。 此连接也必须经过验证。

Note: This article will use Windows authentication, although there is option to select Service Account. This method is Impersonation.

注意 :尽管可以选择服务帐户,但本文将使用Windows身份验证。 此方法是模拟 。

In picture above, there are two methods of importing data, through querying the tables (intermediate knowledge of T-SQL is required) or selecting from the tables list (easier and used in this article).

在上图中,有两种导入数据的方法,即通过查询表 (需要T-SQL的中级知识)或从表列表中进行选择 (本文中较为轻松和使用)。

3.1. Filtering and renaming the tables

3.1。 过滤和重命名表

Next step is filtering and renaming the necessary tables from the data source, and finalizing the process of data importing:


Check the tables as shown in the picture (tables are selected for illustrating reasons). Renaming tables performs by double-clicking particular cells in Friendly Name column; in the other words, simplifying the table names, de-normalizing, in sense of CamelCase or pascalCase normalization.

如图所示检查表(选择表是为了说明原因)。 重命名表的方法是双击“ 友好名称”列中的特定单元格; 换句话说,就CamelCase或pascalCase规范化而言,简化表名,取消规范化。

All of the selected tables must check with Preview & Filter function:

所有选定的表都必须使用“ 预览和过滤器”功能进行检查:

As shown in this picture above, the table DimCustomer needs filtering (the friendly name for this table will be applied later), by unchecking the redundant columns. In this case, the redundant columns are related to translated columns that resembles the column e.g. EnglishEducation (like SpanishEducation, HebrewDescription etc.). This applies for all of the tables, separately. The purpose of filtering is reducing the size of the future Tabular database, which will improve its performance.

如上图所示,表DimCustomer需要过滤 (通过取消选中冗余列来过滤此表的友好名称)。 在这种情况下,冗余列涉及类似于柱例如EnglishEducation(如SpanishEducation,HebrewDescription等)翻译列。 这分别适用于所有表。 过滤的目的是减小将来的表格数据库的大小,这将提高其性能。

Table FactInternetSales (with Friendly Name Internet Sales) needs removal of particular columns: OrderDateKey, DueDateKey, ShipDateKey.

FactInternetSales度 (与友好名称互联网销售 )需要去除特定的列:OrderDateKey,DueDateKey,ShipDateKey。

Important notice: Until the tables are reviewed, properly renamed and filtered, ‘Finish’ button should not be pressed, because there will be a lot of redundant data, and the Tabular model database itself may be larger than expected.


After clicking ‘Finish’, and importing process is done, this information should appear:


Troubleshoot: if error occurs, check the Impersonation option again, and make sure that Windows authentication credentials are valid, or provide the necessary Login object within AW2014 database.

疑难解答 :如果发生错误,请再次检查“ 模拟”选项,并确保Windows身份验证凭据有效,或在AW2014数据库中提供必要的Login对象 。

3.2. Renaming the columns and verifying a Date dimension table

3.2。 重命名列并验证“日期”维表

After renaming and importing the tables into Model.bim, the columns in these tables also must get the Friendly Names. Imported tables are placed in tabs, as shown in the picture.

将表重命名并导入到Model.bim中之后,这些表中的列也必须获得友好名称。 导入的表放​​置在选项卡中,如图所示。

Perform these steps in order to correctly rename all columns in every table:


  • Renaming of the columns is performing by double-clicking the header of the particular column (as shown in the picture), or by change the Column Name field in Properties (column FirstName -> First Name e.g.).

    列的重命名是通过双击该特定列的标题(如在图中所示),或通过改变列名称字段在属性进行(柱 - > 名字例如)。

  • Columns that contain “-Key” in title should be changed with “Id” (CustomerAlternateKey -> Customer Alternate Id, e.g.)

    标题中包含“ -Key”的列应更改为“ Id”(例如, CustomerAlternateKey- > Customer Alternate Id

  • Some of the columns must get specific names:


Note: FullDateAlternateKey column in Date table must get title “Date”, because if doesn’t, the structure of the Tabular model database will be compromised.

注意 :Date表中的FullDateAlternateKey必须具有标题“ Date”,因为如果没有,则将损害表格模型数据库的结构。

While renaming of the columns is in process, creation of the Date dimension table can also take place. Make sure that Data type of Date column (formerly FullDateAlternateKey) is like shows in Properties:

在重命名列的同时,还可以创建“ 日期”维表 。 确保“日期”列的数据类型(以前为FullDateAlternateKey)类似于“属性”中的显示:

After that, select the Date column (if not checked) and click the option Mark as Date table (in Table menu). Make sure that column as a unique identifier is Date in following dialog:

之后,选择“日期”列(如果未选中),然后单击“ 标记为日期表 ”选项(在“ 表”菜单中)。 在以下对话框中,确保该列作为唯一标识符为Date:

At this moment, there are now populated Tabular model databases with a verified Date dimension table.


Next steps are creating the particular elements of Tabular database: Relationships, Calculated column, Measures, KPIs, Perspective, Hierarchies, Partitions, administrative Role, and finally, deploy the SSAS Tabular model database.

下一步是创建表格数据库的特定元素: 关系计算列度量KPI透视图层次结构分区管理角色,最后部署SSAS表格模型数据库。

4. Creating the specific elements of SSAS Tabular model database

4. 创建SSAS表格模型数据库的特定元素

For certain steps in process, it is necessary to switch to Diagram View (Model View option in Model menu), as shown in picture below:

对于正在进行的某些步骤,有必要切换到图视图 (“模型”菜单中的“模型视图”选项),如下图所示:

Note: there are two small icons in the right-down corner, for switching these two views

注意 :右下角有两个小图标,用于切换这两个视图

4.1 Creating Relationships

4.1 建立关系

Notice that some relationships already exists in this table, and they must be checked through Manage Relationships option (in Table menu):

请注意,此表中已经存在一些关系 ,必须通过“ 管理关系”选项(在“表”菜单中)检查它们:

If some of these relationships are missing, add them within Manage Relationships modal dialog, clicking the Create button, where the related tables and columns define:


or with drag-and-drop method, as shown:


Note: the particular column must be selected at first, and then dragged to related column.

注意 :必须首先选择特定的列,然后将其拖到相关的列。

With the chosen method, create three new relationships, in this particular order (tables are with bigger font, and columns are with smaller):


After creating these relationships, one full and two dotted line will appear (because of specified order):


Verify that all of the relationships are here:


4.2. Adding Calculated column

4.2。 添加计算列

To add a Calculated column, select back the Data View, instead of Diagram View. Create a new column in Date table, as shown in picture:

要添加Calculated列 ,请选择返回数据视图,而不是图视图。 如图所示,在“日期”表中创建一个新列:

The “Calculated Column 1” will appear on the left, and then input the formula (all of the formulas present in the article are the simple DAX formulas), as shown:

“计算列1”将出现在左侧,然后输入公式(本文中存在的所有公式都是简单的DAX公式 ),如下所示:

The populated column should appear when finished with input, and rename the column into Month Calendar.

输入完毕后,将出现填充的列,并将该列重命名为Month Calendar

After this, create Day of Week calculated column, with repeating previous steps on Day of Month column:


In Product table, create two calculated columns, with corresponding formulas:

在“ 产品”表中,创建两个具有相应公式的计算列:

Product Subcategory Name:


Product Category Name:


In Internet Sales table, create Margin calculated column, besides Tax Amt column:

在“ Internet销售”表中,除了“ 税额”列之外,创建“ 保证金计算”列:

Note: The reason for this particular placing of calculated columns is because of related data between the columns

注意 :之所以要特别放置计算列,是因为列之间的相关数据

4.3. Adding Measures

4.3。 增加措施

To add measures, Measures grid should be enabled (grey table area) beneath every selected table:

要添加度量 ,应在每个选定表下方启用度量网格(灰色表区域):

Then, click the single cell in Measures grid, and specify an input in the formula bar – the measure will be created.


This is Days Current Quarter to Date measure, as shown in picture:

这是“ 天当前季度迄今”度量 ,如图所示:

Note: The following steps share all of the formulas for the measures, in all tables.

注意 :以下步骤共享所有表中的所有度量公式。

Create one more measure in the Date table, Days in Current Quarter, with corresponding formula, placed under the previous measure:


In the Internet Sales table, several measures will be created, with performing the following steps:

在“ Internet销售”表中,将创建几个度量,并执行以下步骤:

  • Click a cell in the measure grid beneath Sales Order Number, and apply the following formula, as shown:

    单击度量网格中“ 销售订单编号”下方的一个单元,然后应用以下公式,如下所示:

  • Under particular column, apply related formulas in specified order into the empty measures grid cells beneath:

    在特定列下, 按指定顺序将相关公式应用于下面的空白度量网格单元中:

These measures can be created anywhere in the grid, but still in the particular order:


4.4. Creating KPI

4.4。 创建KPI

To create KPIs, use the same method as for creating measure (any cell in the measure grid), with this input in formula bar:

要创建KPI ,请使用与创建度量(度量网格中的任何单元格)相同的方法,并在公式栏中输入以下内容:

Then, right-click on created measure and select Create KPI.


Apply the values as seen on picture:


After creating this Key Performance Indicator, the icon should appear in the cell for verification:


Create one more KPI, repeating method from the previous one, with this formula:


Apply these values, as shown:


Verify that the second KPI is present:


4.5. Creating Perspective

4.5。 创造视角

For this database, create one Perspective, titled Internet Sales, through Create and Manage option (in Model ➜ Perspectives menu)

为此数据库创建一个标题为Internet Sales的 Perspective , 通过创建和管理选项(在“模型”➜“透视”菜单中)

As displayed, select all tables except Customer. After that, verify that Perspective is present:

如图所示,选择客户之外的所有表。 之后,验证是否存在Perspective:

4.6. Creating Hierarchies

4.6。 创建层次结构

First, change the environment to the Diagram View. Create the first Hierarchy with right-click on the table Product, like shown:

首先,将环境更改为图视图。 右键单击表Product来创建第一个层次结构 ,如下所示:

Title the hierarchy as Category, right-click the following columns and add them to this hierarchy in specified order: Product Category Name, Product Subcategory Name, Model Name and Product Name:

将层次结构命名为“ 类别” ,右键单击以下列,然后按指定顺序将其添加到此层次结构:“ 产品类别名称” ,“ 产品子类别名称” ,“ 型号名称”和“ 产品名称”

After addition, rename the columns in Category hierarchy as seen in the picture (with a double-click on it). The table should look like this:

添加后,重命名“类别”层次结构中的列,如图所示(双击该列)。 该表应如下所示:

Note: Renamed columns still have old titles in brackets

注意 :重命名的列在方括号中仍带有旧标题

Create Calendar hierarchy in Date table, and add columns, following the order:


Rename the columns after addition, as displayed:


Create also the Fiscal and Product Calendar hierarchies, repeating the previous methods:


Note: Pay attention to the order of columns addition, and don’t forget to rename after addition

注意 :注意列添加的顺序,添加后不要忘记重命名

4.7. Creating Partitions

4.7。 创建分区

To create Partitions, select the Internet Sales table, and select the Partitions option (in Table menu). Check the Table (that Internet Sales is selected) and customize Partition name (add ‘2013’).

若要创建分区 ,请选择“ Internet销售”表,然后选择“ 分区”选项(在“表”菜单中)。 检查表(已选择Internet Sales)并自定义分区名称(添加“ 2013”​​)。

After that, click the ‘SQL’ button, add the following T-SQL code into the text box, and validate the code:

之后,单击“ SQL”按钮,将以下T-SQL代码添加到文本框中,然后验证代码:

Confirmation message should appear (


Copy the existing partition, change its name, and change the particular part of the code, in order to create Internet Sales 2014 partition:

复制现有分区,更改其名称,并更改代码的特定部分,以创建Internet Sales 2014分区:

After input, the partitions must be processed:


Select default mode and confirm the dialog:


Impersonation Credentials dialog will appear, input the necessary fields. After that, this should show:

将出现“ 模拟凭据”对话框,输入必要的字段。 在那之后,这应该显示:

Note: Use the credentials which are previously input in Impersonation information

注意 :使用模拟信息中先前输入的凭据

4.8. Creating Role

4.8。 创建角色

Create the Administrator role, by selecting Roles… (in Model menu):

通过选择Roles… (在Model菜单中)来创建Administrator 角色 :

Set the permission of the role to Administrator (as shown).


Note: For making sure that Tabular database will be fully accessible, add the current Windows user within Members tab:

注意 :为了确保可以完全访问表格数据库,请在“成员”选项卡中添加当前Windows用户:

5. Deploying the Tabular model

5. 部署表格模型

Finally, deploy the Tabular model database into the Analysis Services instance.

最后,将表格模型数据库部署到Analysis Services实例中。

Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer, select Properties, and change the marked fields, as shown:


Also, verify that the server instance for deploying is correct.


Note: Database and Cube Name can be customized, just make sure to name it properly, using CamelCase normalization.

注意 :可以自定义数据库多维数据集名称 ,只需使用CamelCase规范化确保正确命名即可。

Build the database first, and then, deploy it:


This message should appear after deploying process:


To make sure that new SSAS Tabular model database is deployed, check for it in SSMS. After connecting on Analysis Services Tabular instance, select the new database (for this time, the Tabular database in this article is named ‘AW Tabular’), and query it. This docked window should appear:

要确保已部署新的SSAS表格模型数据库,请在SSMS中进行检查。 在Analysis Services Tabular实例上连接后,选择新数据库(这次,本文中的Tabular数据库被命名为“ AW Tabular”),并对其进行查询。 此停靠的窗口应显示:

As can be seen, all of the elements are here. That means: a new, fresh Tabular model database is ready to roll!

可以看出,所有元素都在这里。 这意味着:一个新的,新鲜的表格模型数据库已准备就绪


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  20. 社区专家谈 12306


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  2. Codeforces Round #572 (Div. 2)B
  3. 想念你 2012-10-24 23:27
  4. python---django中form组件(1)简单使用和字段了解
  5. 2017-06-27
  6. Apache无法正常启动的原因
  7. Shell编程之一:Shell基础编程
  8. Vue err:This dependency was not found
  9. php7.2 session,PHP 7.2 Warning: “Cannot change session name when session is active”
  10. 一个月工资6500,一年存了五万左右,算节省吗?