The Design:Real Artists Simplify 之 A Bauhaus Aesthetic

1. apart                    adj. 意见不一致的,有分歧的;分开的;与众不同的   adv. (空间或时间)相隔,相距;拆开,成碎片;解体,崩溃;分开,分离;与众不同地,独特地;除了……外;远远地
So from the beginning at Apple, he believed that great industrial design — a colorfully simple logo, a sleek case for the Apple II — would set the company apart and make its products distinctive.

2. recede                           v.逐渐退去,衰退【想起 recession:(经济的)衰退(期);经济大萧条:Great Depression】
His fondness for the dark, industrial look of Sony receded around June 1981, …

3. leverage                         v.充分利用(资源、观点等)   n. 影响力,手段;杠杆力,杠杆作用
… we can leverage this experience people already have.

4. towering                         adj.卓越的;高耸的;激烈的【tower:n.塔楼   v.v. (比周围的人或物)高出许多,屹立;胜过,超过;(尤指猎鹰为捕抓猎物俯冲前)高飞,翱翔】
But there were no towering figures energizing the world of industrial design the way that Raymond Loewy and Herbert Bayer had done.

Real Artists Simplify 之 Like a Porsche(保时捷)

5. counter                            v.对抗,反驳   n.柜台,计数器   adj.反方向的
" Not a Ferrari(法拉利), that’s not right either," Jobs countered.

6. lingo                                 n.行话,术语【 jargon:行话,黑话 】
With his new fluency in industrial design lingo(工业设计术语), Jobs was referring to the angular or curved edge connecting the sides of the computer.

7. dramatically                     adv.戏剧地;引人注目地
The lastest plaster model would be dramatically unveild, and all the previous attempts would be lined up next to it.

8. lavish                                 vt.浪费;慷慨给予;滥用   adj.浪费的,丰富的,大方的
Jobs lavished similar attention on the title bars atop windows and documents.

9. dwarf                                 n.小矮人,侏儒
… but because the products to be designed were code-named after the seven dwarfs.

10. hallmark                           n.品质证明,特点   v.给…盖上品质证明印记
From his father Jobs had learned that a hallmark of passionate craftsmanship is making sure that even the ascepts that will remain hidden are done beautifully.

11. engrave                    v.刻在
The signatures were engraved inside each Macintosh.

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