2019 siggraph

If you weren’t able to attend SIGGRAPH this year or missed one of our presentations in the Unity Sessions room, you can now watch them on our YouTube channel!

如果您今年无法参加SIGGRAPH或错过了Unity Sessions会议室中的一项演示,现在可以在我们的YouTube频道上观看!

SIGGRAPH is the world’s largest conference for computer graphics technology and research, bringing together thousands of computer graphics professionals. This year the show took place in Los Angeles, California from July 28 to August 1, and Unity was there showing the latest demos and technology for high-fidelity real-time graphics.

SIGGRAPH是世界上最大的计算机图形技术和研究会议,汇集了数千名计算机图形专业人士。 今年的展会于7月28日至8月1日在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶举行,Unity在那里展示了用于高保真实时图形的最新演示和技术。

If you weren’t able to attend this year, we have uploaded the graphics sessions to our YouTube channel. These are just a few of the sessions. Keep watching our YouTube channel for more as they become available.

如果您今年不能参加,我们已将图形会议上传到我们的YouTube频道。 这些只是部分会议。 继续观看我们的YouTube频道,以获取更多可用信息。

包括会议 (Sessions included)

Unity的新轻量级渲染管道入门 (Getting Started with Unity’s New Lightweight Render Pipeline)

With Unity 2019.1, LWRP is out of Preview and ready for production with improvements in performance, workflow, and extensibility over the built-in pipeline. This session teaches you the benefits of using LWRP, how to set up your project for it, and how to extend it for custom rendering effects.

在Unity 2019.1中,LWRP已脱离预览版,可以通过内置管道的性能,工作流程和可扩展性方面的改进来投入生产。 本课程将教您使用LWRP的好处,如何为其设置项目以及如何针对自定义渲染效果对其进行扩展。


使用视觉效果图创建爆炸性实时视觉 (Creating Explosive Real-Time Visuals with the Visual Effect Graph)

Interested in creating filmlike effects such as fire, smoke or holograms in Unity? This session shares how to use node-based effects and adaptive features in Unity’s Visual Effect Graph to create striking VFX in real-time.

有兴趣在Unity中创建类似电影的效果,例如火,烟或全息图吗? 本次会议分享了如何在Unity的视觉效果图中使用基于节点的效果和自适应功能来实时创建醒目的VFX。


了解如何使用着色器图进行程式化着色 (Learn How to Do Stylized Shading with Shader Graph)

In this session, learn how to write a custom lighting shader for a stylized look that can easily be shared across multiple assets. We’ll also demo the workflow for creating and maintaining custom HLSL inside the Unity Shader Graph, and explore new Shader Graph features such as keywords.

在本课程中,学习如何编写自定义照明着色器以实现可轻松在多个资产之间共享的风格化外观。 我们还将演示在Unity Shader Graph中创建和维护自定义HLSL的工作流程,并探索诸如关键字之类的Shader Graph新功能。


地形工具与未来之路 (Terrain Tools and the Road Ahead)

Creating landscapes for interactive experiences can be difficult, but Unity’s new Terrain tools are designed to streamline that process. This session covers Terrain improvements in Unity 2019, including a demo of the Terrain Tools package and a sneak peek of new features coming in the next update.

为交互式体验创建景观可能很困难,但是Unity的新Terrain工具旨在简化该过程。 本期会议介绍Unity 2019中的Terrain改进,包括Terrain Tools软件包的演示以及下一更新中的一些新功能。


Unity中DirectX光线跟踪入门 (Getting Started with DirectX Ray Tracing in Unity)

Learn how to use the experimental ray tracing features introduced in the 19.3 Unity beta! This talk begins with an overview of DXR, in context of how to use Unity’s new API to implement GPU ray tracing. The second half describes the ray tracing features offered by the High-Definition Render Pipeline and how they were implemented. If you’re curious about how ray tracing works in Unity, but don’t want to get bogged down in algorithms, this is the talk for you!

了解如何使用19.3 Unity beta中引入的实验性光线跟踪功能! 本讲座从DXR概述开始,内容涉及如何使用Unity的新API来实现GPU射线跟踪。 下半部分描述了高清渲染管线提供的光线跟踪功能及其实现方式。 如果您对光线追踪在Unity中的工作方式感到好奇,但又不想陷入算法困境,那么这就是您的最佳选择!


加入我们,在哥本哈根哥本哈根参加更多类似的活动! (Join us at Unite Copenhagen for more sessions like these!)

Want to learn more? Meet us at Unite Copenhagen, which takes place September 23–26. It’s a unique opportunity to engage with thousands of talented creators and top developers from around the world!

想了解更多? 在 9月23日至26日 于 哥本哈根 举行的 团结 大会上与我们会面 。 这是与世界各地成千上万的才华横溢的创作者和顶尖开发者互动的独特机会!

这只是Unite的一些会议: (Here are just a couple of the sessions at Unite:)

“异端”中的实时VFX工作流程 (Real-time VFX Workflows in “The Heretic”)

Unity’s award-winning Demo Team uses a range of different tools and techniques to create Realtime VFX. This talk covers the production process behind key visual effects in “The Heretic” project, and explains how the team uses Unity’s VFX Graph. The team will also share different learnings that you can use in your own productions.

Unity屡获殊荣的演示团队使用各种不同的工具和技术来创建Realtime VFX。 本讲座涵盖“ The Heretic”项目中关键视觉效果背后的制作过程,并说明团队如何使用Unity的VFX Graph。 团队还将分享您可以在自己的作品中使用的不同知识。

高清晰度渲染管线游戏入门 (Getting started with High-Definition Render Pipeline for games)

In this session for beginner to intermediate-level programmers, technical artists, and technical leaders, you’ll learn to assess when to use the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) and how to start using it for production.


Visit the website to see what else is planned.


Unite is the place to learn, network, and participate:


  • Get ahead with the latest Unity features, tips and tricks, and cool reveals in dozens of tech sessions, pop-up talks, and a keynote presentation.


  • Meet industry leaders and make new friends at fun networking events and “Unite at Night” gatherings.


  • Uplevel your Unity skills and make career-advancing connections in workshops, Q&A sessions, and community events.


Learn more about Unite Copenhagen on our website, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news.

在我们的 网站 上了解有关Unite Copenhagen的更多信息 ,不要忘记在 Twitter 和 Facebook 上关注我们以 获取最新消息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/03/watch-the-unity-graphics-sessions-from-siggraph-2019/

2019 siggraph

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