
There are few things more annoying than tourists ruining an otherwise great photo. You can painstakingly edit them out by hand but, with a bit of forethought, you can get Photoshop to do it automatically.

没有什么比游客毁了本来不错的照片更让人讨厌的了。 您可以手工将它们辛苦地编辑掉,但是,经过一些深思熟虑,您可以让Photoshop自动进行编辑。

Here’s a before shot…


…and an after shot…


…of what we’ll be showing you how to do today.


运作方式 (How This Works)

The secret to this trick is that you’re not just using one photo. The after shot above is a combination of 15 photos taken 30 seconds apart. I’ve used a Photoshop feature to find the median value for each pixel. If you’ve forgotten your high school math, the median value separates the higher and lower values. For example, if your set is 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9, the median is 3—it’s not the average but the midpoint of your number distribution.

此技巧的秘密在于,您不只是使用一张照片。 上面的后镜头是相隔30秒拍摄的15张照片的组合。 我使用了Photoshop功能来查找每个像素的中值。 如果您忘记了中学数学,则中位值会将较高和较低的值分开。 例如,如果您的集合为1、2、3、7和9,则中位数为3,这不是平均值,而是数字分布的中点。

Where our photos are concerned, this means that as long as each pixel is free of a person more than half the time, Photoshop uses the background value. For example, let’s say the pixel values in each of our photos are 133, 133, 133, 133, and 92, where 133 represents the background, and 92 is where a person has walked across the spot. The median value is 133, so that’s the value used in the composite image.

在涉及我们的照片的地方,这意味着只要每个像素都没有一个人多于一半的时间,Photoshop就会使用背景值。 例如,假设我们每张照片的像素值分别为133、133、133、133和92,其中133表示背景,而92则是一个人穿过该点的位置。 中值是133,因此是合成图像中使用的值。

This might sound a bit complicated, but you don’t have to understand the math to put it to practice. All you need to remember is that this works best when the crowd is spread out and fast moving. You need the background to be visible just over half the time in each spot of the scene. If you have someone sitting in the same place on a bench in all your photos, Photoshop won’t be able to remove them.

这听起来可能有点复杂,但是您无需了解数学即可将其付诸实践。 您需要记住的是,这在人群分散并快速移动时效果最佳。 您需要使背景在场景的每个位置的一半时间都可见。 如果所有照片中有人坐在长凳上的同一位置,Photoshop将无法删除它们。

In the GIF below, you can see it in action. Although there are people in each of the three photos, since they’re always in a different spot, the median value is the background.

在下面的GIF中,您可以看到它的实际效果。 尽管三张照片中都有人,但由于它们始终位于不同的位置,因此中间值是背景。

拍摄照片 (Shooting the Pictures)

How big the crowd is and how fast they’re moving determines how well this technique works, how many pictures you need, and how often you need to take those pictures. If there’s a very thin crowd of people walking quickly, shooting five photos three or four seconds apart will probably work. You could even do it handheld.

人群有多大,移动速度有多快,这决定了这项技术的效果,需要多少张照片以及需要多长时间拍摄一次。 如果人群稀少,走路很快,那么间隔三到四秒拍摄五张照片可能会起作用。 您甚至可以手持进行。

For thicker crowds, or when the people are moving slowly relative to your camera, you’ll need to take more photos, spaced further apart. I’ve found that around 20 photos taken 30 seconds apart works for most situations. If it doesn’t, the crowd is probably too thick or too slow moving for you ever to get good results with this technique.

对于人群比较拥挤的人群,或者当人们相对于您的相机缓慢移动时,您需要拍摄更多的照片,并将其间隔开一些。 我发现大多数情况下,间隔30秒拍摄约20张照片都可以。 如果不是这样,人群可能太厚或移动太慢,以至于您无法使用此技术获得良好的效果。

Set your camera up on a tripod and put it in manual mode. Spend a few moments working out the right exposure settings and focus point. You need each photo to be as consistent as possible.

将相机放在三脚架上,然后将其置于手动模式 。 花一些时间来制定正确的曝光设置和对焦点。 您需要每张照片尽可能保持一致。

Once you’re ready, start shooting. It’s simplest to use a remote shutter release, but you can press the shutter button yourself.

准备就绪后,开始射击。 使用远程快门释放按钮最简单,但是您可以自己按下快门按钮。

When you’re finished, import all the images into a single folder on your computer.


遣散人员 (Removing the People)

Now that you’ve got the photos ready to go, it’s time to remove the people. Open Photoshop and go to File > Scripts > Statistics.

现在您已经准备好了照片,是时候搬走这些人了。 打开Photoshop,然后转到“文件”>“脚本”>“统计信息”。

In the Image Statistics window, select “Median” from the Stack Mode drop-down menu.


Under the “Source Files” section, click the “Browse” button and select all your photos.


Make sure the “Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images” option is checked and then click the “OK” button.


Photoshop will run for a few minutes, and when it’s done, you should have a single composite image free of people.


清理一切 (Cleaning Everything Up)

Although at first glance, the above image looks pretty good, there are one or two small things that are probably worth fixing. If we zoom in really close, you can see a couple of weird color blemishes from a slow-moving stand-up paddleboarder.

尽管乍看之下,上面的图像看起来不错,但是可能有一两个小问题值得修复。 如果我们放大得很近,您会从缓慢移动的站立式桨手冲浪板中看到一些奇怪的颜色斑点。

The good news is that these small issues are a lot simpler to fix than removing a whole crowd manually. Just grab your favorite healing tool and get to work. We’ve got detailed guides to both the clone stamp tool and the healing brush tool you can follow. It took me about 30 seconds to clean up this issue.

好消息是,这些小问题比手动删除整个人群要容易得多。 只需抓住您最喜欢的治疗工具,然后开始工作。 我们为您提供了有关克隆图章工具和修复画笔工具的详细指南。 我花了大约30秒钟来清理此问题。

The only other weird thing is that the clouds look a little funny around the edges.


This is another thing that’s simple to fix, either with the healing tools or by masking in the sky from one of the original images. If you want, you can take the time to make a precise selection, but there’s no need. It took me about ten seconds to paint in the mask I used.

这是另一种很容易修复的东西,无论是使用修复工具还是通过对原始图像之一进行空中遮蔽 。 如果需要,可以花一些时间进行精确选择 ,但是没有必要。 我花了大约十秒钟的时间来涂上我使用的口罩。

And there you have it, the final result. With almost no effort, I’ve managed to remove the 100 or so people who were walking by as I took the photo. I’d never have been able to get as good a shot as this by waiting for a gap in the crowd or editing people out individually.

最终结果就在那里。 几乎不费吹灰之力,我就删除了拍照时路过的100个左右的人。 通过等待人群中的空白或单独编辑人员,我再也无法获得如此出色的表现。

The next time you’re shooting a busy landmark or any other scene where there are people walking through your shot, consider going with this method. It will really make your holiday photos stand out.

下次当您拍摄繁忙的地标或有人走过的其他场景时,请考虑使用此方法。 它将真正使您的假日照片脱颖而出。




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