
Ever lay out a page of multiple business cards (or other project) to print, only to have to come back to perform dozens of annoying edits? Photoshop Smart Objects can automate this process and turn dozens of annoying steps into an easy few.

是否曾经安排要打印多张名片(或其他项目)的页面,而只需要回来执行许多烦人的编辑? Photoshop Smart Objects可以自动执行此过程,并将数十个烦人的步骤简化为几个步骤。

We’ll make an example of a business card design I’ve done for How-To Geek. Standard American business card sizes are usually 3.5″ x 2″.

我们将以我为How-To Geek所做的名片设计为例。 美国标准名片尺寸通常为3.5英寸x 2英寸。

This is the product I came up with. All the text is editable at this stage, even the “How-To Geek” headline. You can start with whatever design you want, business card or not.

这是我想出的产品。 在此阶段,所有文本都是可编辑的,甚至包括“ How-To Geek”标题。 您可以从任何您想要的设计开始,无论是否需要名片。

Select all of your layers by holding and clicking each one. You want to have a solid color layer behind your entire card. Don’t pick the “Background” layer, and leave your text editable.

按住并单击每个图层,选择所有图层。 您希望在整个卡的背面都具有纯色层。 不要选择“背景”层,并保持文本可编辑。

Press to group them all together.


Right-click your new group and choose “Convert to Smart Object.”


The business card has now painlessly become a Smart Object. You can’t directly edit the text or images anymore! But what do we gain from that? Let’s take a look.

名片现在毫不费力地成为了智能对象。 您不能再直接编辑文本或图像! 但是,我们从中得到什么呢? 让我们来看看。

Go to Image > Canvas Size or simply press .


Resize your page to 8″ x 10″. This is a standard size that nearly any desktop inkjet or laserjet can print without cropping your image.

将页面大小调整为8“ x 10”。 这是标准尺寸,几乎所有台式机喷墨打印机或激光打印机都可以打印而不会裁剪图像。

We’ve got plenty of room to lay out our cards on this page for print. Make eight copies of your business card and arrange them on your page.

我们有足够的空间在此页面上布置卡片以进行打印。 制作八份名片,并将它们排列在页面上。

Normally there are proper, exact steps to laying out cards for production, but I’ll leave these out for the time being. For now, these cards are laid out by eye, and more-or-less evenly. (I can better show this technique in another How-To, on another day. But for now, this will suffice.)

通常,有适当,准确的步骤来布置生产卡,但我暂时将其省略。 目前,这些卡片几乎是均匀分布的。 (我可以在另一天的另一本“操作方法”中更好地展示这种技术。但是,现在就足够了。)

At this point, fellow author Trevor Bekolay asks that I make him a set of these How-To Geek business cards. Do I edit the cards eight times? Thanks to my smart objects, I edit them only one time.

在这一点上,同行作家Trevor Bekolay要求我为他制作一组这些How-To Geek名片。 我是否要编辑卡片八次? 由于有了智能对象,我只能编辑一次

Right click any of your eight business card smart objects. Pick “Edit Contents” from the contextual menu.

右键单击八个名片智能对象中的任何一个。 从上下文菜单中选择“编辑内容”。

You’ll get this warning if you’ve never edited a Smart Object before. You can safely tell it to never show you this again, but read the warning!

如果您以前从未编辑过智能对象,则会收到此警告。 您可以放心地告诉它,从此不再显示任何内容,但是请阅读警告!

Smart Objects are sort of like Photoshop files within Photoshop files. The group of text and graphics we made earlier has become “Group 2.psb” buried within our file. You’ll find that all your layers and graphics are here and editable again.

智能对象有点像Photoshop文件中的Photoshop文件。 我们之前制作的文本和图形组已变成文件中的“ Group 2.psb”。 您会发现所有图层和图形都在这里,并且可以再次编辑。

I edit the text to change Trevor’s name and qualifications, as well as his URL. Seems simple enough.

我编辑文本以更改Trevor的名称和资格以及URL。 似乎很简单。

I close the file and save it,when asked. Remember, nothing you’ve changed in this object will remain changed unless you save these changes!

询问时,我关闭文件并保存。 请记住,除非您保存这些更改,否则您在此对象中所做的任何更改都将保持不变!

All eight of my business cards have become Trevor’s, instantly. When you edit the original smart object, it changes all the copies you have made of it.

我的所有八张名片都立刻变成了Trevor的名片。 当您编辑原始智能对象时,它会更改您所创建的所有副本。

With nearly no additional time invested, I can create cards for everyone in the entire company. Keep in mind, you can change more than simply text—any changes to your graphics, colors, etc. will change once you edit the source Smart Object.

几乎无需花费额外的时间,我便可以为整个公司中的每个人创建名片。 请记住,您不仅可以更改文本,还可以进行更多更改-图形,颜色等的任何更改都将在您编辑源智能对象后更改。




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