
  • 前言
  • 文件夹目录
    • pytmx模块安装
    • 实现效果
    • 代码实现






import loggingimport pygame
from pygame.locals import *import pytmx
from pytmx import TiledImageLayer
from pytmx import TiledObjectGroup
from pytmx import TiledTileLayer
from pytmx.util_pygame import load_pygamelogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)def init_screen(width, height):""" Set the screen modeThis function is used to handle window resize events"""return pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), pygame.RESIZABLE)class TiledRenderer(object):"""Super simple way to render a tiled map"""def __init__(self, filename):tm = load_pygame(filename)# self.size will be the pixel size of the map# this value is used later to render the entire map to a pygame surfaceself.pixel_size = tm.width * tm.tilewidth, tm.height * tm.tileheightself.tmx_data = tmdef render_map(self, surface):""" Render our map to a pygame surfaceFeel free to use this as a starting point for your pygame app.This method expects that the surface passed is the same pixelsize as the map.Scrolling is a often requested feature, but pytmx is a maploader, not a renderer!  If you'd like to have a scrolling maprenderer, please see my pyscroll project."""# fill the background color of our render surfaceif self.tmx_data.background_color:surface.fill(pygame.Color(self.tmx_data.background_color))# iterate over all the visible layers, then draw themfor layer in self.tmx_data.visible_layers:# each layer can be handled differently by checking their typeif isinstance(layer, TiledTileLayer):self.render_tile_layer(surface, layer)elif isinstance(layer, TiledObjectGroup):self.render_object_layer(surface, layer)elif isinstance(layer, TiledImageLayer):self.render_image_layer(surface, layer)def render_tile_layer(self, surface, layer):""" Render all TiledTiles in this layer"""# deref these heavily used references for speedtw = self.tmx_data.tilewidthth = self.tmx_data.tileheightsurface_blit = surface.blit# iterate over the tiles in the layer, and blit themfor x, y, image in layer.tiles():surface_blit(image, (x * tw, y * th))def render_object_layer(self, surface, layer):""" Render all TiledObjects contained in this layer"""# deref these heavily used references for speeddraw_lines = pygame.draw.linessurface_blit = surface.blit# these colors are used to draw vector shapes,# like polygon and box shapesrect_color = (255, 0, 0)# iterate over all the objects in the layer# These may be Tiled shapes like circles or polygons, GID objects, or Tiled Objectsfor obj in layer:logger.info(obj)# objects with points are polygons or linesif obj.image:# some objects have an image; Tiled calls them "GID Objects"surface_blit(obj.image, (obj.x, obj.y))else:# use `apply_transformations` to get the points after rotationdraw_lines(surface, rect_color, obj.closed, obj.apply_transformations(), 3)def render_image_layer(self, surface, layer):if layer.image:surface.blit(layer.image, (0, 0))class SimpleTest(object):""" Basic app to display a rendered Tiled map"""def __init__(self, filename):self.renderer = Noneself.running = Falseself.dirty = Falseself.exit_status = 0self.load_map(filename)def load_map(self, filename):""" Create a renderer, load data, and print some debug info"""self.renderer = TiledRenderer(filename)logger.info("地图中的对象:")for obj in self.renderer.tmx_data.objects:logger.info(obj)for k, v in obj.properties.items():logger.info("%s\t%s", k, v)logger.info("GID(磁贴)属性:")for k, v in self.renderer.tmx_data.tile_properties.items():logger.info("%s\t%s", k, v)logger.info("碰撞体:")for k, v in self.renderer.tmx_data.get_tile_colliders():logger.info("%s\t%s", k, list(v))def draw(self, surface):""" Draw our map to some surface (probably the display)"""# first we make a temporary surface that will accommodate the entire# size of the map.# because this demo does not implement scrolling, we render the# entire map each frametemp = pygame.Surface(self.renderer.pixel_size)# render the map onto the temporary surfaceself.renderer.render_map(temp)# now resize the temporary surface to the size of the display# this will also 'blit' the temp surface to the displaypygame.transform.smoothscale(temp, surface.get_size(), surface)# display a bit of use info on the displayf = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 20)i = f.render('press any key for next map or ESC to quit',1, (180, 180, 0))surface.blit(i, (0, 0))def handle_input(self):try:event = pygame.event.wait()if event.type == QUIT:self.exit_status = 0self.running = Falseelif event.type == KEYDOWN:if event.key == K_ESCAPE:self.exit_status = 0self.running = Falseelse:self.running = Falseelif event.type == VIDEORESIZE:init_screen(event.w, event.h)self.dirty = Trueexcept KeyboardInterrupt:self.exit_status = 0self.running = Falsedef run(self):""" This is our app main loop"""self.dirty = Trueself.running = Trueself.exit_status = 1while self.running:self.handle_input()# we don't want to constantly draw on the display, as that is way# inefficient.  so, this 'dirty' values is used.  If dirty is True,# then re-render the map, display it, then mark 'dirty' False.if self.dirty:self.draw(screen)self.dirty = Falsepygame.display.flip()return self.exit_statusif __name__ == '__main__':import os.pathimport globpygame.init()pygame.font.init()screen = init_screen(600, 600)pygame.display.set_caption('地图浏览器')logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)logger.info(pytmx.__version__)  # '版本',# loop through a bunch of maps in the maps foldertry:SimpleTest('家.tmx').run()# for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join('data', '*.tmx')):#     print(filename)#     logger.info("Testing %s", filename)#     if not SimpleTest(filename).run():#         breakexcept:pygame.quit()raise


## 总结
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