If you spend any time poking around through your Task Manager window, you’ve probably seen a process named “Host Process for Windows Tasks.” In fact, you’ve likely seen multiple instances of this task running at the same time. If you’ve ever wondered what it was and why there are sometimes so many, we’ve got the answer for you.

如果您花任何时间在“ 任务管理器”窗口中浏览,可能已经看到了一个名为“ Windows任务的主机进程”的进程。 实际上,您可能已经看到该任务的多个实例同时运行。 如果您曾经想知道这是什么,为什么有时有时会这么多,我们已经为您找到了答案。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Broker, svchost.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,介绍了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如Runtime Broker , svchost.exe , dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe 等 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

它是什么?为什么在任务管理器中有那么多? (What Is It and Why Are There So Many in Task Manager?)

Host Process for Windows Tasks is an official Microsoft core process. In Windows, services that load from executable (EXE) files are able to institute themselves as full, separate processes on the system and are listed by their own names in Task Manager. Services that load from Dynamic Linked Library (DLL) files rather than from EXE files cannot institute themselves as a full process. Instead, Host Process for Windows Tasks must serve as a host for that service.

Windows Tasks的主机进程是Microsoft的官方核心进程。 在Windows中,从可执行(EXE)文件加载的服务能够在系统上将其自身设置为完整的独立进程,并在任务管理器中按其自己的名称列出。 从动态链接库(DLL)文件而不是从EXE文件加载的服务无法将自身建立为一个完整的过程。 而是,Windows任务的主机进程必须充当该服务的主机。

You will see a separate Host Process for Windows Tasks entry running for each DLL-based service loaded into Windows, or possibly for a group of DLL-based services. Whether and how DLL-based services are grouped is up to the developer of the service. How many instances you see depends entirely on how many such processes you have running on your system. On my current system, I see only two instances, but on other systems, I’ve seen as many as a dozen.

您将看到一个单独的“ Windows任务的主机进程”条目正在运行,该条目针对加载到Windows中的每个基于DLL的服务运行,也可能针对一组基于DLL的服务运行。 基于DLL的服务是否以及如何分组取决于该服务的开发人员。 您看到多少个实例完全取决于您的系统上运行了多少个此类进程。 在当前系统上,我只看到两个实例,但是在其他系统上,我看到了多达十二个实例。

Unfortunately, Task Manager gives you no way to see exactly what services (or group of services) are attached to each Host Process for Windows Tasks entry. If you’re really curious to see what each instance is linked to, you’ll need to download Process Explorer, a free Sysinternals utility provided by Microsoft. It’s a portable tool, so there’s no installation. Just download it, extract the files, and run it. In Process Explorer, select View > Lower Pane to be able to see details for whatever process you select. Scroll down the list and select one of the taskhostw.exe entries. That’s the file name of the Host Process for Windows Tasks service.

不幸的是,任务管理器无法让您确切地查看将哪些服务(或服务组)附加到每个Windows任务主机进程条目。 如果您真的想知道每个实例都链接到什么,则需要下载Process Explorer ,它是Microsoft提供的免费Sysinternals实用程序。 它是便携式工具,因此无需安装。 只需下载,解压缩文件并运行即可。 在“进程资源管理器”中,选择“视图”>“下部窗格”以查看所选进程的详细信息。 向下滚动列表,然后选择taskhostw.exe条目之一。 那是Windows任务主机进程服务的文件名。

Looking through the details in the lower pane, I’m able to piece together that this service is linked to my audio drivers and also has Registry keys associated keyboard layout. So, I’m going to assume it’s the service that monitors for when I press any of the media keys on my keyboard (volume, mute, and so on) and delivers the appropriate commands where they need to go.

通过查看下部窗格中的详细信息,我可以了解到该服务已链接到我的音频驱动程序,并且还具有与注册表键关联的键盘布局。 因此,我将假设它是监视我按下键盘上的任何媒体键(音量,静音等)的服务,并在需要的地方提供适当的命令。

为什么Windows启动时会使用这么多资源? (Why Does It Use So Many Resources at Windows Startup?)

Typically, the CPU and memory each instance of Host Process for Windows Tasks just depends on what service the entry is attached to. Normally, each service will consume the resources it needs to do its job and then settle back down to a baseline of activity. If you notice that any single instance of Host Process for Windows Tasks continually uses more resources than you think it should, you’ll need to track down which service is attached to that instance and troubleshoot the related service itself.

通常,Windows任务主机进程的每个实例的CPU和内存仅取决于条目所附加的服务。 通常,每个服务都将消耗其完成工作所需的资源,然后重新回到活动基线。 如果您发现Host Task for Windows Tasks的任何单个实例持续使用的资源超出了您的预期,则需要跟踪该实例所附加的服务,并对相关服务本身进行故障排除。

You will notice that right after startup, all instances of Host Process for Windows Tasks may look like they’re consuming extra resources–especially the CPU. This is also normal behavior and should settle down quickly. When Windows starts, the Host Process for Windows Tasks scans the Services entries in the Registry and builds a list of DLL-based services that it needs to load. It then loads each of those services, and you’re going to see it consuming a fair bit of CPU during that time.

您会注意到,启动后,Windows Tasks的Host Process的所有实例似乎都在消耗额外的资源,尤其是CPU。 这也是正常现象,应该很快解决。 Windows启动时,Windows任务主机进程将扫描注册表中的“服务”条目,并生成它需要加载的基于DLL的服务的列表。 然后,它将加载所有这些服务,并且您将看到在那段时间它消耗了相当多的CPU。

我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

No, you can’t disable Host Process for Windows Tasks. And you wouldn’t want to anyway. It’s essential for being able to load DLL-based services onto your system and, depending on what you’ve got running, disabling Host Process for Windows Tasks could break any number of things. Windows won’t even let you temporarily end the task.

不,您不能为Windows任务禁用主机进程。 而且您还是不想。 这是能够将基于DLL的服务加载到系统上的必要条件,并且根据运行的情况,为Windows Tasks禁用Host Process可能会破坏很多事情。 Windows甚至不会让您暂时结束任务。

这个过程可能是病毒吗? (Could This Process Be a Virus?)

The process itself is an official Windows component. While it’s possible that a virus has replaced the real Host Process for Windows Tasks with an executable of its own, it’s very unlikely. We’ve seen no reports of viruses that hijack this process. If you’d like to be sure, you can check out Host Process for Windows Tasks’ underlying file location. In Task Manager, right-click Host Process for Windows Tasks and choose the “Open File Location” option.

该过程本身是Windows的正式组件。 尽管病毒可能用自己的可执行文件代替了Windows Tasks的实际Host Process,但这种可能性很小。 我们还没有关于劫持此过程的病毒的报告。 如果您想确定的话,可以签出Windows任务主机进程的基础文件位置。 在任务管理器中,右键单击“ Windows任务的主机进程”,然后选择“打开文件位置”选项。

If the file is stored in your Windows\System32 folder, then you can be fairly certain you are not dealing with a virus.

如果文件存储在Windows \ System32文件夹中,则可以确定您没有在处理病毒。

That said, if you still want a little more peace of mind–or if you see that file stored anywhere other than the System32 folder–scan for viruses using your preferred virus scanner. Better safe than sorry!

就是说,如果您仍然想让自己更加安心-或者看到该文件存储在System32文件夹以外的其他位置,请使用首选的病毒扫描程序扫描病毒 。 安全胜过遗憾!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/269307/what-is-host-process-for-windows-tasks-and-why-are-so-many-running-on-my-pc/

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