If you’ve ever noticed a process named “Windows Shell Experience Host” in your Task Manager window, you may experienced a fleeting curiosity and then gone on about your business. Here’s what that process is and why it can occasionally eat up some people’s CPU and Memory.

如果您在“ 任务管理器”窗口中注意到一个名为“ Windows Shell Experience Host”的过程,则可能会遇到好奇心转瞬即逝,然后继续开展业务。 这就是该过程,以及为什么它有时会耗尽某些人的CPU和内存的原因。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Broker, svchost.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,介绍了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如Runtime Broker , svchost.exe , dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe 等 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是“ Windows Shell体验主机”过程? (What Is the “Windows Shell Experience Host” Process?)

“Windows Shell Experience Host” is an official part of Windows. It’s responsible for presenting universal apps in a windowed interface. It also handles several graphical elements of the interface, like Start menu and taskbar transparency and the new visuals for your notification area flyouts–clock, calendar, and so on. It even controls certain elements of desktop background behavior, like changing the background when you’ve got it set to slideshow.

“ Windows Shell体验主机”是Windows的正式组成部分。 它负责在窗口界面中呈现通用应用程序。 它还处理界面的多个图形元素,例如“开始”菜单和任务栏透明度以及通知区域弹出窗口的新视觉效果-时钟,日历等。 它甚至可以控制桌面背景行为的某些元素,例如在将背景设置为幻灯片显示时更改背景。

When Windows 10 first shipped, a lot of people experienced problems with “Windows Shell Experience Host” going a bit wild with CPU and memory usage. While the number of problems experienced has fallen–likely due to updates since then–some people are still reporting these issues.

Windows 10首次发布时,许多人都遇到了“ Windows Shell Experience Host”的问题,这些问题在CPU和内存使用方面变得有些疯狂。 尽管经历的问题数量有所减少(可能是由于此后的更新),但仍有一些人仍在报告这些问题。

好吧,那为什么要使用那么多的CPU和内存? (Okay, So Why Is It Using So Much CPU and Memory?)

Under normal operations, “Windows Shell Experience Host” will consume none of your CPU, occasionally spiking up to a few percentage points when graphical elements are changed, but then settling back down to zero. The process typically hovers around 100-200 MB of memory use. You’ll also see that go up occasionally, but settle back down right away. If you see the process regularly consuming more CPU or memory than that–some people see a consistent 25-30% CPU or several hundred MB of memory use, for example–then you’ve got a problem to solve.

在正常操作下,“ Windows Shell Experience Host”将不消耗您的CPU,有时在更改图形元素时会增加几个百分点,但随后会回落到零。 该过程通常徘徊在100-200 MB的内存使用量附近。 您还会看到这种情况偶尔会上升,但会立即降下来。 如果您看到该进程经常消耗更多的CPU或内存(例如,某些人看到的CPU占用率稳定在25-30%或数百MB),那么您就需要解决一个问题。

So, how do you solve your problem? We’ll start by making sure your PC and universal apps are updated and then run through some other potential causes of the issue.

那么,您如何解决您的问题? 首先,请确保您的PC和通用应用程序已更新,然后再通过其他可能导致此问题的原因进行运行。

更新您的PC和通用应用程序 (Update Your PC and Universal Apps)

Start by making sure that Windows is updated. It’s possible there’s a fix already waiting for you. Next, you should make sure that all your universal apps are up to date. Open the Windows Store, click your user icon next to the Search bar, and then select “Downloads and Updates.”

首先,请确保Windows已更新 。 有可能已经有修复程序在等您。 接下来,您应该确保所有通用应用程序都是最新的。 打开Windows应用商店,单击搜索栏旁边的用户图标,然后选择“下载和更新”。

In the “Downloads and updates” window, click the “Check for updates” button and then, if updates are available, click “Update all.”


After updating, give it some time and see if the problem has resolved. If not, move on to experiment with some common potential causes for problems with the “Windows Shell Experience Host” process.

更新后,请花一些时间查看问题是否已解决。 如果没有,请继续尝试“ Windows Shell Experience Host”过程的一些常见潜在原因。

检查这些常见的潜在原因 (Check These Common Potential Causes)

If you’re still having problems after updating everything, the next step is to run through some common potential causes. Try these one at a time and see if your problem’s fixed. If not, revert the changes and move on to the next.

如果您在更新所有内容后仍然遇到问题,则下一步是解决一些常见的潜在原因。 一次尝试这些,看看问题是否已解决。 如果不是,请还原更改并继续进行下一个。

By far the most common cause of this problem seems to be using a slideshow background in Windows. It doesn’t happen to everyone, of course, but when it does, you’ll see a few hundred extra MB of memory consumed each time the background changes, which doesn’t get released after the change. You may also see CPU usage spike to 25% or so, and not settle back down. To test this potential cause, head to Settings > Personalization > Background and change your background to a solid color. If that solves your problem, you can also experiment with a single picture background. You could also try running your slideshow with another app, like John’s Background Switcher (free) or DisplayFusion (the features relevant to wallpaper management are available in the free version).

到目前为止,此问题的最常见原因似乎是在Windows中使用幻灯片背景。 当然,并不是每个人都发生这种情况,但是当发生这种情况时,您会看到每次背景更改都会消耗数百MB的额外内存,而更改后并不会释放该内存。 您可能还会看到CPU使用率飙升至25%左右,并且没有回落。 要测试此潜在原因,请转到“设置”>“个性化”>“背景”,然后将背景更改为纯色。 如果这样可以解决您的问题,您还可以尝试使用单个图片背景。 您也可以尝试使用其他应用程序来运行幻灯片,例如John的Background Switcher (免费)或DisplayFusion (与墙纸管理相关的功能可在免费版本中使用 )。

The next potential cause is letting Windows automatically pick an accent color based on your background. To test this one, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and turn off the “Automatically pick an accent color from my background” option. Give it some time and see if the problem is resolved. If not, re-enable this setting and move on to the next possible cause.

下一个潜在的原因是让Windows根据您的背景自动选择一种强调色。 要测试这一点,请转到“设置”>“个性化”>“颜色”,然后关闭“从我的背景自动选择一种强调色”选项。 给它一些时间,看看问题是否解决。 如果没有,请重新启用此设置并继续下一个可能的原因。

Next up is the transparency effect for the Start menu, taskbar, and Action Center. The setting is on the same screen as the last one at  Settings > Personalization > Colors. Just turn off the “Make Start, taskbar, and action center transparent” option.

接下来是“开始”菜单,任务栏和“操作中心”的透明效果。 该设置与“设置”>“个性化”>“颜色”中的最后一个屏幕位于同一屏幕上。 只需关闭“使启动,任务栏和操作中心透明”选项即可。

我可以禁用“ Windows Shell Experience Host”吗? (Can I Disable “Windows Shell Experience Host?”)

No, you can’t disable “Windows Shell Experience Host”, and you shouldn’t anyway. It’s an important part of delivering the visuals you see in Windows 10.  You can temporarily end the task to see if that will resolve your problem. Just right-click it in Task Manager and choose “End Task.” Windows will restart the task automatically after a few seconds.

不,您不能禁用“ Windows Shell Experience Host”,并且也不应禁用。 这是提供Windows 10中显示的视觉效果的重要部分。您可以暂时结束任务,看看是否可以解决您的问题。 只需在任务管理器中右键单击它,然后选择“结束任务”。 Windows将在几秒钟后自动重新启动任务。

这个过程可能是病毒吗? (Could This Process Be a Virus?)

“Windows Shell Experience Host” itself is an official Windows component and very likely not a virus. While we haven’t seen reports of any viruses hijacking this process, it is always possible we’ll see one in the future. If you suspect any form of malware, go ahead and scan for viruses using your preferred virus scanner. Better safe than sorry!

“ Windows Shell Experience Host”本身是Windows的官方组件,很可能不是病毒。 尽管我们还没有发现任何病毒劫持此过程的报告,但总有可能在将来看到它。 如果您怀疑有任何形式的恶意软件,请继续使用首选的病毒扫描程序扫描病毒 。 安全胜过遗憾!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/272930/what-is-windows-shell-experience-host-and-why-is-running-on-my-pc/

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