
You can already see what’s changed in a file by reviewing the revision history in a Google Docs file, but now you can also do the same to two separate documents. Here’s how to use the Compare Documents tool.

通过查看Google Docs文件中的修订历史记录 ,您已经可以查看文件中的更改,但是现在您还可以对两个单独的文档执行相同的操作。 这是使用“比较文档”工具的方法。

In a web browser, fire up the Google Docs home page and open up an already-existing document you want to compare.

在网络浏览器中,启动Google Docs主页,然后打开要比较的现有文档。

Once the document loads, click Tools > Compare Documents to start running the comparison tool.


A small dialog box will appear, allowing you to select a second document to compare against the first one. Click “My Drive” to pull up the file picker.

将会出现一个小对话框,您可以选择第二个文档与第一个文档进行比较。 单击“我的驱动器”以拉起文件选择器。

Navigate to the file you want to use, click it, and then select the “Open” button to choose the document.


The name you enter into “Attribute Differences To” will appear as the person who made the changes in the final document as an edit. Enter your name and click “Compare” to let Google work its magic.

您在“属性差异到”中输入的名称将显示为在最终文档中进行更改的人员,以作为编辑。 输入您的姓名,然后点击“比较”,让Google发挥作用。

When the tool finishes, click “Open” to open the comparison document.


The comparison document will open up as a third file with all the highlighted suggestions inside the body of the document and who made them on the right. In addition, you’ll be able to see what changes were made and when.

比较文档将作为第三个文件打开,其中所有突出显示的建议都在文档正文中,并由谁提出建议。 另外,您将能够看到进行了哪些更改以及何时进行了更改。

Each edit will appear as a suggestion that you’ll have to accept or reject. You can decide to keep or dismiss an edit in the comments section on the right side of the document. Click either the checkmark or the “X” to accept or reject each one.

每次编辑都会显示一个建议,您必须接受或拒绝。 您可以在文档右侧的注释部分中决定保留还是取消编辑。 单击复选标记或“ X”以接受或拒绝每个。

If you click the comment, you’ll be able to reply to the suggestion and give insight as to why the change was made. When you share the file with others, replies will be viewable by anyone who has access to the document.

如果您单击评论,则可以回复该建议并提供更改原因的见解。 与他人共享文件时,有权访问该文档的任何人都可以查看答复。

After you follow up on all the changes made to the Google Docs document, you don’t need to do anything else. The document automatically saves to your Drive in the root folder as “Comparison Of <File 1> & <File 2>” where <File 1> and <File 2> will be the names of your files.

跟进对Google文档文档所做的所有更改之后,您无需执行其他任何操作。 该文档会自动以“ <文件1>和<文件2>的比较”的形式保存到驱动器的根文件夹中,其中<File 1><File 2>将是文件名。




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