
If you find yourself creating the same spreadsheet outline over and over again in Google Sheets, you can save yourself massive amounts of time if you create a template. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.

如果您发现自己在Google表格中一遍又一遍地创建相同的电子表格大纲,那么创建模板可以节省大量时间。 我们将逐步指导您完成该过程。

Google Sheets has a wide selection of templates you can choose from, but it’s possible none of these will meet your specific requirements. If you want to create a custom template you can use whenever you need it, there’s a work-around you can use to get started.

Google表格有很多可供选择的模板 ,但是这些模板都可能无法满足您的特定要求。 如果要创建自定义模板,可以在需要时使用它,可以使用一种变通方法来入门。

First, fire up your browser and head to Google Sheets. Open a blank spreadsheet, a spreadsheet you created previously, or one of Google’s templates.

首先,启动您的浏览器并转到Google表格 。 打开一个空白电子表格,您先前创建的电子表格或Google的模板之一。

Now that you’ve got some “bones” for your spreadsheet template, click the filename at the top of the sheet and rename it to something that includes the word “template.” Press Enter when you’re finished to save your changes.

现在,您已经为电子表格模板有了一些“骨骼”,请单击工作表顶部的文件名,并将其重命名为包含“模板”一词的名称。 完成后按Enter键以保存更改。

Next, click the folder icon next to the filename, and then select the “New Folder” icon to create a new folder for your Google Sheets templates.


Type a name for the new folder and click the check mark to create it.


Click “Move Here” to save the template in your new Google Sheets template folder.


This folder can now be the new home for any future templates you create. This is also a great way to keep everything in your Google Drive neatly organized and easy to find for anyone who’s part of your team.

现在,此文件夹可以成为您将来创建的任何模板的新目录。 这也是使您的Google云端硬盘中的所有内容井井有条且便于团队成员查找的一种好方法。

When you need to make a copy of any of your templates, head over to Google Drive, find the folder you just made for your templates, and double-click it.

当您需要复制任何模板时,转到Google云端硬盘 ,找到您刚刚为模板创建的文件夹,然后双击它。

Because this is a template file you plan to use multiple times, you should first make a copy of it before you start editing or adding info to it. To do so, right-click the template and select “Make a Copy” to duplicate the file.

由于这是您计划多次使用的模板文件,因此在开始编辑或向其中添加信息之前,应首先对其进行复制。 为此,请右键单击模板,然后选择“进行复制”以复制文件。

The copy of your template saves in the current folder with the prefix “Copy of.” From here, you can double-click the file to open it, rename it, or move it to another folder altogether.

模板的副本以“ Copy of”为前缀保存在当前文件夹中。 在这里,您可以双击该文件以将其打开,重命名或将其完全移动到另一个文件夹。

If you open the document, or someone sends you a template file, click File > Make a Copy to copy the template to your Drive.


Name the file, choose a location for it in your Drive, and then click “OK” to save it.


That’s all there is to it! If you want to share your template with other team members, you can create a “Make a Copy” link and send it to them in an email or share it via a shareable link.

这里的所有都是它的! 如果您想与其他团队成员共享模板,则可以创建“制作副本”链接 ,然后通过电子邮件将其发送给他们或通过可共享的链接进行共享 。

If you pay for your G Suite account, you can save custom templates in your custom template gallery for all your team members to use. If you use the free version of G Suite, you can use the method outlined above. Free accounts can share custom templates without any additional expenses.

如果您为G Suite帐户付费 ,则可以将自定义模板保存在自定义模板库中,以供所有团队成员使用。 如果使用G Suite的免费版本,则可以使用上面概述的方法。 免费帐户可以共享自定义模板,而无需任何其他费用。




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