
There are so many types of light bulbs available on the market that it’s hard to keep track of them all, but each type has its own “code” of sorts that tells you everything you need to to know about it.


Whether you’ve shopped around for smart light bulbs or just regular bulbs, you’ve likely come across bulbs that have something like “A19” or “E26” in the name. This isn’t the model number of the bulb, but rather the type of bulb, which is a universal standard coding system in the lighting industry.

无论您是到处购买智能灯泡还是只是普通灯泡,您都可能会碰到名称上带有“ A19”或“ E26”之类的灯泡。 这不是灯泡的型号,而是灯泡的类型,灯泡的类型是照明行业的通用标准编码系统。

A bulb is categorized by three different factors: shape, size, and base. These three factors are all defined in the bulb’s code, but that code is pretty useless if you aren’t able to decode it in the first place. Luckily, we’re here to help.

灯泡根据三个不同的因素进行分类:形状,大小和底座。 这三个因素都是在灯泡的代码中定义的,但是如果您一开始就无法对其进行解码,则该代码将毫无用处。 幸运的是,我们在这里为您提供帮助。

定义灯泡的形状和底座 (Defining a Bulb’s Shape and Base)

As you might already know, light bulbs come in all kinds of different shapes. The single letter in the bulb’s code represents those shapes.

您可能已经知道,灯泡有各种不同的形状。 灯泡代码中的单个字母代表这些形状。

One of the most common shapes that you probably associate with a light bulb is the “A” series bulb with an “E” series base, “A” standing for Arbitrary and “E” meaning Edison.

您可能与灯泡关联的最常见形状之一是带有“ E”系列底座的“ A”系列灯泡,“ A”表示任意,“ E”表示爱迪生。

Another common bulb shape is the B series bulb, which stands for Blunt tip, and are used in decorative light fixtures when you want a candle-like appearance. C and CA series bulbs are also similar, meaning Candle and Candle Angular, respectively. They still use the same E-series base, albeit with a smaller diameter.

另一个常见的灯泡形状是B系列灯泡,代表钝头灯泡,当您想要类似蜡烛的外观时,可用于装饰性灯具。 C和CA系列灯泡也很相似,分别表示Candle和Candle Angular。 他们仍然使用相同的E系列底座,尽管直径较小。

Then there are G series (Globe) bulbs, which are entirely spherical.


You’ll also find a lot of BR series (Bulging Reflector) bulbs in recessed can light fixtures, and PAR (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector) series bulbs in outdoor flood light fixtures. Both have similar shapes but deliver vastly different types of light.

您还会在嵌入式罐头照明灯具中找到很多BR系列(凸出反射器)灯泡,而在室外泛光照明灯具中找到了PAR(抛物面镀铝反射器)系列灯泡。 两者的形状相似,但发出的光类型却大不相同。

There are also different types of bases other than just the E series screw-on base. For instance, the G series (not to be confused with the G series bulb itself) base uses two pins instead of a screw-on style for low-voltage light fixtures (track lighting, etc.).

除了E系列旋入式基座以外,还有其他类型的基座。 例如,对于低压灯具(轨道照明等),G系列(不要与G系列灯泡本身混淆)的底座使用两个插脚而不是旋入式。

Of course, there are a lot more types of bulbs than the ones I mentioned, but Bulbs.com has a fantastic graphic that shows you all the different types of bulbs and their letter codes, as well as one for all the different types of bases.

当然,灯泡的种类比我提到的要多得多 ,但是Bulbs.com上有一个奇妙的图形 ,可以显示所有不同类型的灯泡及其字母代码,也可以显示所有不同类型的底座 。

数字是什么意思 (What the Numbers Mean)

So now that you know what the letters mean, the numbers can be just as confusing. Basically, though, the number corresponds to the bulb’s diameter at its widest point. The way it’s measured, however, is different for the bulb’s size and its base size.

因此,既然您知道字母的含义,那么数字可能同样令人困惑。 但是,基本上,该数字对应于灯泡最宽处的直径。 但是,灯泡的尺寸和基本尺寸的测量方法不同。

A bulb’s size is measured in 1/8-inch increments, so an A19 bulb would be 2-3/8″ in diameter because there are nineteen 1/8-inch increments. An easier way to determine the diameter, though, is to take the number and divide it by 8. So 19 divided by 8 is 2.375, or 2-3/8 as a fraction.

灯泡的尺寸以1/8英寸的增量进行度量,因此A19灯泡的直径为2-3 / 8英寸,因为有19个1/8英寸的增量。 不过,确定直径的更简单方法是将数字除以8。因此,将19除以8就是2.375,即2-3 / 8。

The bulb’s base is measured differently but in a much easier fashion. The number refers to the diameter of the base in millimeters. So a bulb with an E26 base is 26 millimeters.

灯泡的底座的测量方法有所不同,但更为简便。 数字是指底座的直径(以毫米为单位)。 因此,带有E26底座的灯泡为26毫米。

Or if we’re talking about the G series two-pin base, it would be the distance between the two pins measured in millimeters.


更换灯泡时如何使用这些代码 (How to Use These Codes When Replacing Bulbs)

More often than not, you probably don’t need to know the code of the bulb when finding a replacement. A majority of light fixtures use the E26 base, and pretty much every lamp and light fixture in your house uses an A19 bulb.

通常,寻找替代品时,您可能不需要知道灯泡的代码。 大多数灯具都使用E26底座,并且您家中几乎所有的灯具和灯具都使用A19灯泡。

However, if you have a unique light fixture that accepts a different kind of light bulb and aren’t sure of the exact type you need to replace it, there are a couple of things you can do.


First off, it’s rare when the code is printed on the bulb itself. Usually, you can find it on the bulb’s packaging when you buy it, but it’s likely that you don’t keep the packaging after you buy a new bulb.

首先,将代码印在灯泡本身上的情况很少见。 通常,购买时可以在灯泡的包装上找到它,但是购买新灯泡后,很可能没有保留包装。

If you don’t know the code to a bulb that you need to replace, it’s not a big problem. You always can take the old bulb to the store and compare it to other bulbs to find a match. Light bulb sizing standards are different enough that it’s easy to spot the right size just by loooking at them. It’s certainly not like screws and bolts where being a single millimeter off can make all the difference.

如果您不知道需要更换的灯泡代码,那不是大问题。 您总是可以将旧灯泡带到商店,然后将其与其他灯泡进行比较以找到匹配项。 灯泡的尺寸标准差异很大,以至于只要看一下它们就很容易找到合适的尺寸。 当然,这不像螺钉和螺栓,只有一毫米的距离就能带来不同。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363566/what-do-those-confusing-light-bulb-codes-mean/



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