vysor 绿屏

Blue and green screens are used by TV and movie studios to blend two videos by replacing the background with something different. You have that power on your iPhone and iPad and we’re going to show you how to use it.

电视和电影制片厂使用蓝屏和绿屏通过将背景替换为其他内容来融合两个视频。 您在iPhone和iPad上拥有强大的功能,我们将向您展示如何使用它。

Studios have used blue and green screen for a long time, but you don’t need a huge crew or expensive cameras to make them work. With just an iPhone or an iPad, you can create some spectacular effects by yourself.

制片厂使用蓝屏和绿屏已经很长时间了,但是您不需要庞大的工作人员或昂贵的相机就能使它们工作。 仅使用iPhone或iPad,您就可以自己创建一些壮观的效果。

蓝屏和绿屏如何工作 (How Blue and Green Screens Work)

By recording a video in front of a colored screen it’s possible to make that screen appear transparent. Then a second video is placed behind the original using software, allowing it to be displayed in the screen’s place

通过在彩色屏幕前录制视频,可以使该屏幕看起来透明。 然后,使用软件将第二个视频放置在原始视频的后面,以便将其显示在屏幕的位置

This technique was often used to show weather maps behind television presenters, for example.


Dmitri Ma/Shutterstock.com马德米(Dmitri Ma)/Shutterstock.com

如何在iPhone和iPad上使用绿屏/蓝屏 (How to Use a Green/Blue Screen on iPhone and iPad)

Download Apple’s free iMovie app for iPhone and iPad from the App Store and open it. Tap the large “+” button to create a new project.

从App Store下载适用于iPhone和iPad的Apple 免费iMovie应用程序 ,然后将其打开。 点击大的“ +”按钮创建一个新项目。

Tap ‘Movie” to create a new movie project.


Find the video that will be used as the basis for the new project and tap it. Then tap the checkmark button.

找到将用作新项目基础的视频,然后点按它。 然后点击复选标记按钮。

Tap “Create Movie” to open the new project.


Tap the “+” button to add a second video or image. This will be blended into the background of the video you chose earlier. A video with a background consisting mostly of a solid color will work best.

点击“ +”按钮添加第二个视频或图像。 它将与您先前选择的视频混合在一起。 大部分背景为纯色的视频效果最好。

Locate the video or image you want to use and tap it. Tap the “…” icon in the resulting menu.

找到您要使用的视频或图像,然后点按它。 在出现的菜单中点击“…”图标。

Tap “Green/Blue Screen” to add the video or image to your timeline.


Tap a color to make it transparent. This is the color that you want to remove.

点击一种颜色使其透明。 这是您要删除的颜色。

You can move the secondary video or image through your timeline by dragging it left and right.


如何编辑蓝/绿屏 (How to Edit a Blue/Green Screen)

Now you have your timeline set up you can edit the Blue/Green screen effect in two ways; you can  change how large it is, and how strong it is.

现在,您已经设置了时间轴,可以用两种方式编辑蓝/绿屏幕效果。 您可以更改它的大小和强度。

Tap the blue/green screen in your timeline and tap the settings button. Move the slider to strengthen and weaken the effect. You’ll see the changes immediately.

点击时间线中的蓝/绿屏,然后点击设置按钮。 移动滑块以增强和减弱效果。 您会立即看到更改。

Tap the crop button to activate a four-point mask to alter the area of the video or image that is used. Drag the mask to only include the area you want to appear in your finished video.

点击裁剪按钮以激活四点遮罩,以更改使用的视频或图像的区域。 拖动遮罩以仅包含要在完成的视频中显示的区域。

You can now add any extra assets or effects and export the project as normal.


The example above was created in a couple of minutes. It’s not perfect, but it does show how powerful iMovie could be if you have the creativity, and the time, to make something awesome.

上面的示例是在几分钟内创建的。 它不是完美的,但是它确实显示了如果您有创造力和创造出令人敬畏的事物的能力,那么iMovie将会多么强大。

Apple’s free iMovie for Mac offers green screen functionality, too.

苹果公司免费的Mac版iMovie也提供绿屏功能 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/424970/how-to-film-with-your-own-green-screen-using-your-iphone/

vysor 绿屏

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