
玩转NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier

  • 1.刷机(安装sdkmanager)
    • 1.1 NRU公司的工控机模组
    • 1.2 英伟达(这个没有模组,所以没有usb驱动文件)
    • 1.3 瑞泰新时代家的模组
  • 2.配置yolov5环境并运行
    • 2.1配置虚拟环境
    • 2.2 yolo5进行tensorrt加速
  • 3.CAN总线发送数据
  • 4.拉出视频流
  • 5.设备设置
  • 6.win与xavier通信
  • 7.references



1.1 NRU公司的工控机模组




在terminal(ctrl+alt+t)中输入lsusb,可以看到NVIDIA corp说明此时工控机进入了recovery状态。


sudo dpkg -i [sdk名字.deb]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get --fix-broken install

这里第二步host machine可以不选,第二步选择jetpack4.4,然后continue。

然后按步骤安装,安装目录可以自己选择,跳出选择框先skip,完成后会打开你的下载路径文件夹。下载dtb文件刷一下device tree,把下载的dtb文件放到jetpack的安装目录(nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.4_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER/Linux_for_Tegra)下,在这个目录打开终端,输入sudo ./flash.sh -r -d NRU_JetPack4.4_v0.8.dtb jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1
这里按步骤应该没有问题,如果出现not existing,就看自己的工控机是否进入了recovery模式(lsusb有nvidia),成功后如下图。




安装完成后在工控机上可以查看cuda版本:sudo cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt。

1.2 英伟达(这个没有模组,所以没有usb驱动文件)


1.3 瑞泰新时代家的模组

首先下载 Jetson_Linux_R_aarch64.tbz2和Tegra-Linux-Sample-Root-Filesystem_R_aarch64.tbz2(这两个sdkmanager里面第二步就可以下载到自己的电脑上),还有驱动usb的bsp支持包Realtimes-L4T-.tar,这里我用的是32.4.3,具体可以找售后要文件,如果和我版本一样可以用我分享的realtimes_L4T_3243_Xavier.tar文件。
2.1这三个文件下载好后开始,新建一个flash文件夹,首先将Linux Driver Package放入flash,然后打开终端,输入tar -vxf Jetson_Linux_R_aarch64.tbz2对它进行解压,
2.2然后进入他解压后的/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs目录,把 the Root File System拷贝进来,解压到这个目录下 sudo tar -jxpf …/…/Tegra-Linux-Sample-Root-Filesystem_R_aarch64.tbz2,然后进入 Linux_for_Tegra目录,输入 sudo ./apply_binaries.sh(运行 apply_binaries.sh 脚本拷贝 NVIDIA 用户空间库进入目标文件系)。
2.3把Realtimes-L4T-.tar 包解压到与 Linux_for_Tegra 文件夹同级目录下面,使用命令: tar -xvf Realtimes-L4T-.tar,然后进入到 Realtimes-L4T 文件夹,运行sudo./install.sh
2.4然后开始进行烧录,同样把xavier开到recovery模式(关机状态下,中间件两秒钟然后中间件和右边建同时三秒钟一起松开,lsusb里面有了nvidia),在Linux_for_Tegra目录下输入sudo ./flash.sh rtso-1001 mmcblk0p1 //烧写系统

1.Jetson 禁止指定软件及 L4T 系统升级:

sudo dpkg --get-selections | more //查看系统所有软件状态
sudo apt-mark hold nvidia-l4t-kernel //禁止 kernel 升级
sudo apt-mark hold nvidia-l4t-kernel-dtbs //禁止 kernel-dtb 升级
sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep hold //查看是否锁定成功

取消 L4T 系统升级
例如:Jetson L4T R32.4.x
System setting →softwore&Updates→other Software 取消勾选“…r32.4 main”





sh Archiconda3-0.2.3-Linux-aarch64.sh


vim ~/.zshrc



source ~/.zshrc
conda --version


conda create -n yolo python=3.6.9
source activate yolo


git clone -b v5.0 https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.git
git clone https://github.com/wang-xinyu/tensorrtx.git


pip install matplotlib==3.2.2pip install -r requirements.txt  -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com
python detect.py --source 0 --weights weights/yolov5s.pt --conf 0.25 #安装完后测试




 cp -r cv2.cpython-36m-aarch64-linux-gnu.so /media/nvidia/ab1625d4-25fe-4be1-a9da-2198e4c13bb0/softwares/envs/yolo/lib/python3.6
pip install  numpy==1.18.5


pip install /home/nvidia/Desktop/torch-1.7.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev


git clone -b v0.8.1  https://gitee.com/zero-one-game/vision vision-0.8.1sudo /home/nvidia/archiconda3/envs/yolo/bin/python3.6 setup.py install


sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev -y
sudo apt install python3-matplotlib -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install Cython matplotlib==3.2.2 numpy==1.18.5 Pillow PyYAML==5.4.1 scipy==1.5.4 tensorboard==1.15.0
pip install tqdm==4.58.0 seaborn==0.11.1 pandas thop pycocotools==2.0.2


pip install matplotlib==3.2.2
pip install numpy==1.18.5  -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com


2.2 yolo5进行tensorrt加速


python gen_wts.py -w weights/best.pt


mkdir build
cd buildcmake ..
sudo ./yolov5 -s yolov5s.wts yolov5s.engine s





An example that uses TensorRT's Python api to make inferences.
import sys
import ctypes
import os
import shutil
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import tensorrt as trt
import torch
import torchvision
import argparseCONF_THRESH = 0.5
IOU_THRESHOLD = 0.4def get_img_path_batches(batch_size, img_dir):ret = []batch = []for root, dirs, files in os.walk(img_dir):for name in files:if len(batch) == batch_size:ret.append(batch)batch = []batch.append(os.path.join(root, name))if len(batch) > 0:ret.append(batch)return retdef plot_one_box(x, img, color=None, label=None, line_thickness=None):"""description: Plots one bounding box on image img,this function comes from YoLov5 project.param: x:      a box likes [x1,y1,x2,y2]img:    a opencv image objectcolor:  color to draw rectangle, such as (0,255,0)label:  strline_thickness: intreturn:no return"""tl = (line_thickness or round(0.002 * (img.shape[0] + img.shape[1]) / 2) + 1)  # line/font thicknesscolor = color or [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]c1, c2 = (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), (int(x[2]), int(x[3]))# 把框的坐标按照一定格式printprint('1F334455#'+hex(int(x[0]))[2:].zfill(4)+hex(int(x[1]))[2:].zfill(4) +hex(int(x[2]))[2:].zfill(4)+hex(int(x[3]))[2:].zfill(4))_console = sys.stdout  # 获取print数据fff = open("outfile.txt", "a+")  # 打开这个文件sys.stdout = fff  # 将print数据写入这个文件# with open("outfile.txt", "a+") as f:#     sys.stdout = fcv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, thickness=tl, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)if label:tf = max(tl - 1, 1)  # font thicknesst_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=tl / 3, thickness=tf)[0]c2 = c1[0] + t_size[0], c1[1] - t_size[1] - 3cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)  # filledcv2.putText(img,label,(c1[0], c1[1] - 2),0,tl / 3,[225, 255, 255],thickness=tf,lineType=cv2.LINE_AA,)class YoLov5TRT(object):"""description: A YOLOv5 class that warps TensorRT ops, preprocess and postprocess ops."""def __init__(self, engine_file_path):# Create a Context on this device,self.ctx = cuda.Device(0).make_context()stream = cuda.Stream()TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)runtime = trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER)# Deserialize the engine from filewith open(engine_file_path, "rb") as f:engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())context = engine.create_execution_context()host_inputs = []cuda_inputs = []host_outputs = []cuda_outputs = []bindings = []for binding in engine:# print('bingding:', binding, engine.get_binding_shape(binding))size = trt.volume(engine.get_binding_shape(binding)) * engine.max_batch_sizedtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_binding_dtype(binding))# Allocate host and device buffershost_mem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype)cuda_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(host_mem.nbytes)# Append the device buffer to device bindings.bindings.append(int(cuda_mem))# Append to the appropriate list.if engine.binding_is_input(binding):self.input_w = engine.get_binding_shape(binding)[-1]self.input_h = engine.get_binding_shape(binding)[-2]host_inputs.append(host_mem)cuda_inputs.append(cuda_mem)else:host_outputs.append(host_mem)cuda_outputs.append(cuda_mem)# Storeself.stream = streamself.context = contextself.engine = engineself.host_inputs = host_inputsself.cuda_inputs = cuda_inputsself.host_outputs = host_outputsself.cuda_outputs = cuda_outputsself.bindings = bindingsself.batch_size = engine.max_batch_sizedef infer(self, input_image_path):threading.Thread.__init__(self)# Make self the active context, pushing it on top of the context stack.self.ctx.push()self.input_image_path = input_image_path# Restorestream = self.streamcontext = self.contextengine = self.enginehost_inputs = self.host_inputscuda_inputs = self.cuda_inputshost_outputs = self.host_outputscuda_outputs = self.cuda_outputsbindings = self.bindings# Do image preprocessbatch_image_raw = []batch_origin_h = []batch_origin_w = []batch_input_image = np.empty(shape=[self.batch_size, 3, self.input_h, self.input_w])input_image, image_raw, origin_h, origin_w = self.preprocess_image(input_image_path)batch_origin_h.append(origin_h)batch_origin_w.append(origin_w)np.copyto(batch_input_image, input_image)batch_input_image = np.ascontiguousarray(batch_input_image)# Copy input image to host buffernp.copyto(host_inputs[0], batch_input_image.ravel())start = time.time()# Transfer input data  to the GPU.cuda.memcpy_htod_async(cuda_inputs[0], host_inputs[0], stream)# Run inference.context.execute_async(batch_size=self.batch_size,bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle)# Transfer predictions back from the GPU.cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(host_outputs[0], cuda_outputs[0], stream)# Synchronize the streamstream.synchronize()end = time.time()# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()# Here we use the first row of output in that batch_size = 1output = host_outputs[0]# Do postprocessresult_boxes, result_scores, result_classid = self.post_process(output, origin_h, origin_w)# Draw rectangles and labels on the original imagefor j in range(len(result_boxes)):box = result_boxes[j]plot_one_box(box,image_raw,label="{}:{:.2f}".format(categories[int(result_classid[j])], result_scores[j]),)return image_raw, end - startdef destroy(self):# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()def get_raw_image(self, image_path_batch):"""description: Read an image from image path"""for img_path in image_path_batch:yield cv2.imread(img_path)def get_raw_image_zeros(self, image_path_batch=None):"""description: Ready data for warmup"""for _ in range(self.batch_size):yield np.zeros([self.input_h, self.input_w, 3], dtype=np.uint8)def preprocess_image(self, input_image_path):"""description: Convert BGR image to RGB,resize and pad it to target size, normalize to [0,1],transform to NCHW format.param:input_image_path: str, image pathreturn:image:  the processed imageimage_raw: the original imageh: original heightw: original width"""image_raw = input_image_pathh, w, c = image_raw.shapeimage = cv2.cvtColor(image_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)# Calculate widht and height and paddingsr_w = self.input_w / wr_h = self.input_h / hif r_h > r_w:tw = self.input_wth = int(r_w * h)tx1 = tx2 = 0ty1 = int((self.input_h - th) / 2)ty2 = self.input_h - th - ty1else:tw = int(r_h * w)th = self.input_htx1 = int((self.input_w - tw) / 2)tx2 = self.input_w - tw - tx1ty1 = ty2 = 0# Resize the image with long side while maintaining ratioimage = cv2.resize(image, (tw, th))# Pad the short side with (128,128,128)image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, ty1, ty2, tx1, tx2, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, (128, 128, 128))image = image.astype(np.float32)# Normalize to [0,1]image /= 255.0# HWC to CHW format:image = np.transpose(image, [2, 0, 1])# CHW to NCHW formatimage = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)# Convert the image to row-major order, also known as "C order":image = np.ascontiguousarray(image)return image, image_raw, h, wdef xywh2xyxy(self, origin_h, origin_w, x):"""description:    Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-rightparam:origin_h:   height of original imageorigin_w:   width of original imagex:          A boxes tensor, each row is a box [center_x, center_y, w, h]return:y:          A boxes tensor, each row is a box [x1, y1, x2, y2]"""y = torch.zeros_like(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.zeros_like(x)r_w = self.input_w / origin_wr_h = self.input_h / origin_hif r_h > r_w:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 - \(self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 - \(self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y /= r_welse:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 - \(self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 - \(self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2y /= r_hreturn ydef post_process(self, output, origin_h, origin_w):"""description: postprocess the predictionparam:output:     A tensor likes [num_boxes,cx,cy,w,h,conf,cls_id, cx,cy,w,h,conf,cls_id, ...] origin_h:   height of original imageorigin_w:   width of original imagereturn:result_boxes: finally boxes, a boxes tensor, each row is a box [x1, y1, x2, y2]result_scores: finally scores, a tensor, each element is the score correspoing to boxresult_classid: finally classid, a tensor, each element is the classid correspoing to box"""# Get the num of boxes detectednum = int(output[0])# Reshape to a two dimentional ndarraypred = np.reshape(output[1:], (-1, 6))[:num, :]# to a torch Tensorpred = torch.Tensor(pred).cuda()# Get the boxesboxes = pred[:, :4]# Get the scoresscores = pred[:, 4]# Get the classidclassid = pred[:, 5]# Choose those boxes that score > CONF_THRESHsi = scores > CONF_THRESHboxes = boxes[si, :]scores = scores[si]classid = classid[si]# Trandform bbox from [center_x, center_y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2]boxes = self.xywh2xyxy(origin_h, origin_w, boxes)# Do nmsindices = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_threshold=IOU_THRESHOLD).cpu()result_boxes = boxes[indices, :].cpu()result_scores = scores[indices].cpu()result_classid = classid[indices].cpu()return result_boxes, result_scores, result_classidclass inferThread(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, yolov5_wrapper):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.yolov5_wrapper = yolov5_wrapperdef infer(self, frame):batch_image_raw, use_time = self.yolov5_wrapper.infer(frame)# for i, img_path in enumerate(self.image_path_batch):#     parent, filename = os.path.split(img_path)#     save_name = os.path.join('output', filename)#     # Save image#     cv2.imwrite(save_name, batch_image_raw[i])# print('input->{}, time->{:.2f}ms, saving into output/'.format(self.image_path_batch, use_time * 1000))return batch_image_raw, use_timeclass warmUpThread(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, yolov5_wrapper):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.yolov5_wrapper = yolov5_wrapperdef run(self):batch_image_raw, use_time = self.yolov5_wrapper.infer(self.yolov5_wrapper.get_raw_image_zeros())# print(#   'warm_up->{}, time->{:.2f}ms'.format(batch_image_raw[0].shape, use_time * 1000))if __name__ == "__main__":# load custom pluginsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('--engine', nargs='+', type=str,default="build/yolov5s.engine", help='.engine path(s)')parser.add_argument('--save', type=int, default=0, help='save?')opt = parser.parse_args()PLUGIN_LIBRARY = "build/libmyplugins.so"engine_file_path = opt.enginectypes.CDLL(PLUGIN_LIBRARY)# load coco labelscategories = ["person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light","fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow","elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee","skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard","tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple","sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "couch","potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone","microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear","hair drier", "toothbrush"]# a YoLov5TRT instanceyolov5_wrapper = YoLov5TRT(engine_file_path)cap = cv2.VideoCapture(-1)try:thread1 = inferThread(yolov5_wrapper)thread1.start()thread1.join()while 1:_, frame = cap.read()img, t = thread1.infer(frame)cv2.imshow("result", img)# thread1.pop()if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0XFF == ord('q'):  # 1 millisecondbreakfinally:# destroy the instancecap.release()cv2.destroyAllWindows()yolov5_wrapper.destroy()




这里我在linux上运行出现了cannot assign requested address错误,是因为linux客户端链接端口用尽,可以用本机的回环地址即消除错误。



An example that uses TensorRT's Python api to make inferences.
import sys
import ctypes
import os
import shutil
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import tensorrt as trt
import torch
import torchvision
import argparse
from client3 import SendVideo
from client3 import WebVideoStream
IOU_THRESHOLD = 0.4def get_img_path_batches(batch_size, img_dir):ret = []batch = []for root, dirs, files in os.walk(img_dir):for name in files:if len(batch) == batch_size:ret.append(batch)batch = []batch.append(os.path.join(root, name))if len(batch) > 0:ret.append(batch)return retdef plot_one_box(x, img, color=None, label=None, line_thickness=None):"""description: Plots one bounding box on image img,this function comes from YoLov5 project.param: x:      a box likes [x1,y1,x2,y2]img:    a opencv image objectcolor:  color to draw rectangle, such as (0,255,0)label:  strline_thickness: intreturn:no return"""tl = (line_thickness or round(0.002 * (img.shape[0] + img.shape[1]) / 2) + 1)  # line/font thicknesscolor = color or [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]c1, c2 = (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), (int(x[2]), int(x[3]))# 把框的坐标按照一定格式printprint('1F334455#'+hex(int(x[0]))[2:].zfill(4)+hex(int(x[1]))[2:].zfill(4) +hex(int(x[2]))[2:].zfill(4)+hex(int(x[3]))[2:].zfill(4))_console = sys.stdout  # 获取print数据fff = open("outfile.txt", "a+")  # 打开这个文件sys.stdout = fff  # 将print数据写入这个文件# with open("outfile.txt", "a+") as f:#     sys.stdout = fcv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, thickness=tl, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)if label:tf = max(tl - 1, 1)  # font thicknesst_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=tl / 3, thickness=tf)[0]c2 = c1[0] + t_size[0], c1[1] - t_size[1] - 3cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)  # filledcv2.putText(img,label,(c1[0], c1[1] - 2),0,tl / 3,[225, 255, 255],thickness=tf,lineType=cv2.LINE_AA,)class YoLov5TRT(object):"""description: A YOLOv5 class that warps TensorRT ops, preprocess and postprocess ops."""def __init__(self, engine_file_path):# Create a Context on this device,self.ctx = cuda.Device(0).make_context()stream = cuda.Stream()TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)runtime = trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER)# Deserialize the engine from filewith open(engine_file_path, "rb") as f:engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())context = engine.create_execution_context()host_inputs = []cuda_inputs = []host_outputs = []cuda_outputs = []bindings = []for binding in engine:# print('bingding:', binding, engine.get_binding_shape(binding))size = trt.volume(engine.get_binding_shape(binding)) * engine.max_batch_sizedtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_binding_dtype(binding))# Allocate host and device buffershost_mem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype)cuda_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(host_mem.nbytes)# Append the device buffer to device bindings.bindings.append(int(cuda_mem))# Append to the appropriate list.if engine.binding_is_input(binding):self.input_w = engine.get_binding_shape(binding)[-1]self.input_h = engine.get_binding_shape(binding)[-2]host_inputs.append(host_mem)cuda_inputs.append(cuda_mem)else:host_outputs.append(host_mem)cuda_outputs.append(cuda_mem)# Storeself.stream = streamself.context = contextself.engine = engineself.host_inputs = host_inputsself.cuda_inputs = cuda_inputsself.host_outputs = host_outputsself.cuda_outputs = cuda_outputsself.bindings = bindingsself.batch_size = engine.max_batch_sizedef infer(self, input_image_path):threading.Thread.__init__(self)# Make self the active context, pushing it on top of the context stack.self.ctx.push()self.input_image_path = input_image_path# Restorestream = self.streamcontext = self.contextengine = self.enginehost_inputs = self.host_inputscuda_inputs = self.cuda_inputshost_outputs = self.host_outputscuda_outputs = self.cuda_outputsbindings = self.bindings# Do image preprocessbatch_image_raw = []batch_origin_h = []batch_origin_w = []batch_input_image = np.empty(shape=[self.batch_size, 3, self.input_h, self.input_w])input_image, image_raw, origin_h, origin_w = self.preprocess_image(input_image_path)batch_origin_h.append(origin_h)batch_origin_w.append(origin_w)np.copyto(batch_input_image, input_image)batch_input_image = np.ascontiguousarray(batch_input_image)# Copy input image to host buffernp.copyto(host_inputs[0], batch_input_image.ravel())start = time.time()# Transfer input data  to the GPU.cuda.memcpy_htod_async(cuda_inputs[0], host_inputs[0], stream)# Run inference.context.execute_async(batch_size=self.batch_size,bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle)# Transfer predictions back from the GPU.cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(host_outputs[0], cuda_outputs[0], stream)# Synchronize the streamstream.synchronize()end = time.time()# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()# Here we use the first row of output in that batch_size = 1output = host_outputs[0]# Do postprocessresult_boxes, result_scores, result_classid = self.post_process(output, origin_h, origin_w)# Draw rectangles and labels on the original imagefor j in range(len(result_boxes)):box = result_boxes[j]plot_one_box(box,image_raw,label="{}:{:.2f}".format(categories[int(result_classid[j])], result_scores[j]),)return image_raw, end - startdef destroy(self):# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()def get_raw_image(self, image_path_batch):"""description: Read an image from image path"""for img_path in image_path_batch:yield cv2.imread(img_path)def get_raw_image_zeros(self, image_path_batch=None):"""description: Ready data for warmup"""for _ in range(self.batch_size):yield np.zeros([self.input_h, self.input_w, 3], dtype=np.uint8)def preprocess_image(self, input_image_path):"""description: Convert BGR image to RGB,resize and pad it to target size, normalize to [0,1],transform to NCHW format.param:input_image_path: str, image pathreturn:image:  the processed imageimage_raw: the original imageh: original heightw: original width"""image_raw = input_image_pathh, w, c = image_raw.shapeimage = cv2.cvtColor(image_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)# Calculate widht and height and paddingsr_w = self.input_w / wr_h = self.input_h / hif r_h > r_w:tw = self.input_wth = int(r_w * h)tx1 = tx2 = 0ty1 = int((self.input_h - th) / 2)ty2 = self.input_h - th - ty1else:tw = int(r_h * w)th = self.input_htx1 = int((self.input_w - tw) / 2)tx2 = self.input_w - tw - tx1ty1 = ty2 = 0# Resize the image with long side while maintaining ratioimage = cv2.resize(image, (tw, th))# Pad the short side with (128,128,128)image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, ty1, ty2, tx1, tx2, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, (128, 128, 128))image = image.astype(np.float32)# Normalize to [0,1]image /= 255.0# HWC to CHW format:image = np.transpose(image, [2, 0, 1])# CHW to NCHW formatimage = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)# Convert the image to row-major order, also known as "C order":image = np.ascontiguousarray(image)return image, image_raw, h, wdef xywh2xyxy(self, origin_h, origin_w, x):"""description:    Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-rightparam:origin_h:   height of original imageorigin_w:   width of original imagex:          A boxes tensor, each row is a box [center_x, center_y, w, h]return:y:          A boxes tensor, each row is a box [x1, y1, x2, y2]"""y = torch.zeros_like(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.zeros_like(x)r_w = self.input_w / origin_wr_h = self.input_h / origin_hif r_h > r_w:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 - \(self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 - \(self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y /= r_welse:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 - \(self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 - \(self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2y /= r_hreturn ydef post_process(self, output, origin_h, origin_w):"""description: postprocess the predictionparam:output:     A tensor likes [num_boxes,cx,cy,w,h,conf,cls_id, cx,cy,w,h,conf,cls_id, ...] origin_h:   height of original imageorigin_w:   width of original imagereturn:result_boxes: finally boxes, a boxes tensor, each row is a box [x1, y1, x2, y2]result_scores: finally scores, a tensor, each element is the score correspoing to boxresult_classid: finally classid, a tensor, each element is the classid correspoing to box"""# Get the num of boxes detectednum = int(output[0])# Reshape to a two dimentional ndarraypred = np.reshape(output[1:], (-1, 6))[:num, :]# to a torch Tensorpred = torch.Tensor(pred).cuda()# Get the boxesboxes = pred[:, :4]# Get the scoresscores = pred[:, 4]# Get the classidclassid = pred[:, 5]# Choose those boxes that score > CONF_THRESHsi = scores > CONF_THRESHboxes = boxes[si, :]scores = scores[si]classid = classid[si]# Trandform bbox from [center_x, center_y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2]boxes = self.xywh2xyxy(origin_h, origin_w, boxes)# Do nmsindices = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_threshold=IOU_THRESHOLD).cpu()result_boxes = boxes[indices, :].cpu()result_scores = scores[indices].cpu()result_classid = classid[indices].cpu()return result_boxes, result_scores, result_classidclass inferThread(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, yolov5_wrapper):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.yolov5_wrapper = yolov5_wrapperdef infer(self, frame):batch_image_raw, use_time = self.yolov5_wrapper.infer(frame)# for i, img_path in enumerate(self.image_path_batch):#     parent, filename = os.path.split(img_path)#     save_name = os.path.join('output', filename)#     # Save image#     cv2.imwrite(save_name, batch_image_raw[i])# print('input->{}, time->{:.2f}ms, saving into output/'.format(self.image_path_batch, use_time * 1000))return batch_image_raw, use_timeclass warmUpThread(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, yolov5_wrapper):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.yolov5_wrapper = yolov5_wrapperdef run(self):batch_image_raw, use_time = self.yolov5_wrapper.infer(self.yolov5_wrapper.get_raw_image_zeros())# print(#   'warm_up->{}, time->{:.2f}ms'.format(batch_image_raw[0].shape, use_time * 1000))if __name__ == "__main__":# load custom pluginsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('--engine', nargs='+', type=str,default="build/yolov5s.engine", help='.engine path(s)')parser.add_argument('--save', type=int, default=0, help='save?')opt = parser.parse_args()PLUGIN_LIBRARY = "build/libmyplugins.so"engine_file_path = opt.enginectypes.CDLL(PLUGIN_LIBRARY)# load coco labelscategories = ["pedestrians", "riders", "partially", "ignore", "crowd"]# a YoLov5TRT instanceyolov5_wrapper = YoLov5TRT(engine_file_path)wvs = WebVideoStream()cap = wvs.streamwvs.start()try:thread1 = inferThread(yolov5_wrapper)thread1.start()thread1.join()while 1:_, frame = cap.read()# r_c(cap, _, frame)img, t = thread1.infer(frame)# wvs.frame_raw = imgcv2.imshow("result", img)# thread1.pop()if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0XFF == ord('q'):  # 1 millisecondbreakSendVideo(wvs, img)finally:# destroy the instancecap.release()cv2.destroyAllWindows()yolov5_wrapper.destroy()


from threading import Thread, Lock
# from queue import Queue
# from collections import deque as Queue
import socket
import cv2
import numpy
import time
import sys
import os
from fps import FPS
from config import Config
from packer import Packer
import logginglogging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,filename='output.log',format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)class WebVideoStream:def __init__(self, src="C:\\Tools\\titan_test.mp4"):# 1080p D:\\kankan\\backup\\Automata.2014.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4# 720p  C:\\Tools\\titan_test.mp4self.config = Config()self.packer = Packer()# initialize the file video stream along with the boolean# used to indicate if the thread should be stopped or notos.environ["OPENCV_VIDEOIO_DEBUG"] = "1"os.environ["OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_MSMF"] = "0"encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 15]# self.stream = cv2.VideoCapture(src)self.stream = cv2.VideoCapture(-1)self.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.packer.w)   # floatself.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.packer.h)  # float# while True:#  if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):#      break#  ret, frame = self.stream.read()#   if ret:#        # print(frame.shape)#       frame = frame.reshape(self.packer.h, self.packer.w, self.packer.d)#        cv2.imshow('read video data.jpg', frame)# self.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_MODE, cv2.CAP_MODE_YUYV)# print(self.stream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) # 默认帧率30# self.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 20)   # cv version is 3.4.2self.stopped = Falseself.requesting = Falseself.request = Falseself.quit = Falseself.fps = 40self.recv_fps = 0self.push_sleep = 0.01self.push_sleep_min = 0.001self.push_sleep_max = 0.2self.send_sleep = 0.05self.send_sleep_min = 0.01self.send_sleep_max = 0.1self.network_delay = 0self.delay_timer = int(time.time()*1000)self.piece_array = []self.piece_time = int(time.time()*1000)self.piece_fps = 40for i in range(self.packer.frame_pieces):self.piece_array.append(None)self.frame = numpy.zeros(self.packer.frame_size_3d, dtype=numpy.uint8)self.imshow = self.frame.reshape(self.packer.h, self.packer.w, self.packer.d)self.frame_size = 0self.piece_size = 0self.frame_pieces = 0self.init_config()self.init_connection()# intialize thread and lockself.thread = Thread(target=self.update, args=())self.thread.daemon = Truedef init_config(self):config = self.config# 初始化连接信息host = config.get("server", "host")port = config.get("server", "port")feed_host = config.get("server", "feed_host")feed_port = config.get("server", "feed_port")self.address = (host, int(port))self.feed_address = (feed_host, int(feed_port))# 初始化delay信息self.frame_delay = float(config.get("delay", "frame"))self.piece_delay = float(config.get("delay", "piece"))# 初始化队列大小信息self.queue_size = int(config.get("receive", "queue_size"))def init_connection(self):try:self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)# self.sock.bind(self.address)except socket.error as msg:print(msg)sys.exit(1)def close_connection(self):self.sock.close()# def init_feedback_connection(self):#    try:#       feed_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)#       feed_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)#        feed_sock.bind(self.feed_address)#      return feed_sock#   except socket.error as msg:#        print(msg)#         sys.exit(1)def start(self):# start a thread to read frames from the file video streamself.thread.start()recv_thread = Thread(target=self.recv_thread, args=())recv_thread.daemon = Truerecv_thread.start()return selfdef update(self):piece_size = self.packer.piece_size# keep looping infinitely until the thread is stoppedwhile True:# if the thread indicator variable is set, stop the threadif self.stopped:return# self.Q_stuck_control()time.sleep(self.push_sleep)# otherwise, read the next frame from the stream(grabbed, frame_raw) = self.stream.read()# print(frame_raw.shape)now = int(time.time()*1000)for i in range(self.packer.frame_pieces):self.packer.pack_data(i, now, frame_raw, self.piece_array, self.piece_time, self.piece_fps)# print("pfps:", self.piece_fps)# now2 = int(time.time()*1000)# print("Time to get a frame:", (now2-now))returndef Q_stuck_control(self):if self.piece_fps == 0:return False  # 为零表示还没有变化if self.piece_fps > self.packer.send_fps:self.push_sleep = min(self.push_sleep + 0.01, self.push_sleep_max)return Trueif self.piece_fps < self.packer.send_fps:self.push_sleep = max(self.push_sleep - 0.01, self.push_sleep_min)return Falsedef send_stuck_control(self):if self.recv_fps == 0:return Falseif self.recv_fps > self.packer.recv_fps_limit:self.send_sleep = min(self.send_sleep + 0.01, self.send_sleep_max)return Trueif self.recv_fps < self.packer.recv_fps_limit:self.send_sleep = max(self.send_sleep - 0.01, self.send_sleep_min)return Falsedef get_request(self):if self.requesting:returnprint("waiting...")thread = Thread(target=self.get_request_thread, args=())thread.daemon = Truethread.start()self.requesting = Truedef get_request_thread(self):while True:data = b''try:data, address = self.sock.recvfrom(4)except:passif(data == b"get"):self.request = Truebreakelif(data == b"quit"):self.quit = Truebreakdef read(self, i):return self.piece_array[i]def read_send(self, i):# while True:#  if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):#      break# start threads to recieve# for i in range(self.packer.frame_pieces):# intialize threadpack = self.piece_array[i]if pack is None:returnself.sock.sendto(pack, self.address)# thread = Thread(target=self.send_thread, args=(i,))# thread.daemon = True# thread.start()def send_thread(self, i):pack = self.piece_array[i]if pack is None:returnself.sock.sendto(pack, self.address)def recv_thread(self):s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)s.bind(self.feed_address)s.listen(1)conn, addr = s.accept()while True:data = conn.recv(self.packer.info_pack_len)if len(data) > 0:sname, server_fps, send_ctime = self.packer.unpack_info_data(data)now = int(time.time()*1000)self.network_delay = int((now - send_ctime)/2.0)self.recv_fps = server_fpsconn.close()def stop(self):# indicate that the thread should be stoppedself.stopped = Truedef SendVideo(wvs, img):t = 0if t == 0:sock = wvs.sockaddress = wvs.address# running = True# while running:now = time.time()# camara_delay = 0.03wvs.send_stuck_control()time.sleep(wvs.send_sleep)# time.sleep(0.03)# print(wvs.send_sleep)for i in range(wvs.packer.frame_pieces):wvs.read_send(i)now1 = time.time()cnow = int(now1*1000)ctime = now1 - now# print("frame time", ctime)if ctime > 0:send_fps = str(int(1.0/ctime)).ljust(4)recv_fps = str(wvs.recv_fps).ljust(4)net_delay = str(wvs.network_delay).ljust(4)if cnow - wvs.delay_timer > 300:# if True:wvs.delay_timer = cnow# img = numpy.zeros((100, 900, 3), numpy.uint8)font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEXbottomLeftCornerOfText = (10, 50)fontScale = 0.7fontColor = (255, 255, 255)lineType = 2# cv2.putText(img, 'Hello Fire! Send FPS:' + send_fps + ", Recv FPS:" + recv_fps + ", Net delay:" + net_delay,#             bottomLeftCornerOfText,#             font,#             fontScale,#             fontColor,#             lineType)# cv2.imshow("Send clinet", img)# 不断地从队列里面取数据尝试# try:#  for i in range(wvs.packer.frame_pieces):#       pack = wvs.piece_array[i]#         line_data = cv2.imdecode(pack, 1).flatten()#       row_start = i*wvs.packer.piece_size#       row_end = (i+1)*wvs.packer.piece_size#        wvs.frame[row_start:row_end] = line_data#  frame = wvs.frame.reshape(wvs.packer.h, wvs.packer.w, wvs.packer.d)#   if frame is not None:#      cv2.imshow("FireStreamer", frame)# except:#   pass# now = time.time()# frame = wvs.read(i)# if frame:#  # print(len(frame))#    time.sleep(0.05)#   sock.sendto(frame, wvs.address)# now1 = time.time()# ctime += now1 - now# print("frame time", ctime)# if ctime>0:#  print("fps:", (1.0/(ctime)))else:con = Config()host = con.get("server", "host")port = con.get("server", "port")address = (host, int(port))sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_MODE, cv2.CAP_MODE_YUYV)# 读取一帧图像,读取成功:ret=1 frame=读取到的一帧图像;读取失败:ret=0ret, frame = capture.read()encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 60]# 停止0.1S 防止发送过快服务的处理不过来,如果服务端的处理很多,那么应该加大这个值time.sleep(0.01)ret, frame = capture.read()frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)  # 水平翻转result, imgencode = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame, encode_param)print(len(imgencode))s = frame.flatten().tostring()for i in range(20):time.sleep(0.001)# print(i.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))sock.sendto(s[i*46080:(i+1)*46080] +i.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'), address)# result, imgencode = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame, encode_param)# data = numpy.array(imgencode)# stringData = data.tostring()# save data# cv2.imwrite('read video data.jpg', frame, encode_param)# show locally# cv2.imshow('read video data.jpg', frame)# 读取服务器返回值# receive = sock.recvfrom(1024)# if len(receive): print(str(receive,encoding='utf-8'))# if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27: break# exit(0)# capture.release()# cv2.destroyAllWindows()# sock.close()




sudo vi /sys/devices/pwm-fan/target_pwm

2.下载 vscode:https://code.visualstudio.com/Download
choose arm64 deb:



import socket
def send_message(udp_socket,dest_ip,dest_port):send_data = input("请输入你要发送的信息:")udp_socket.sendto(send_data.encode("gbk"),(dest_ip,dest_port))# def receive_message(udp_socket):
#     udp_rece = udp_socket.recvfrom(1024)
#     print(udp_rece[0].decode("gbk"),udp_rece[1])def main():#创建套接字udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)# dest_ip = input("请输入目标ip:")# dest_port = int(input("请输入目标port:"))dest_ip =""dest_port =8000#绑定ip和portudp_socket.bind(("",8888))#循环来处理事情while True:#发送send_message(udp_socket,dest_ip,dest_port)# #接受# receive_message(udp_socket)if __name__ == "__main__":main()


import socket# def send_message(udp_socket, dest_ip, dest_port):
#     send_data = input("请输入你要发送的信息:")
#     udp_socket.sendto(send_data.encode("gbk"), (dest_ip, dest_port))def receive_message(udp_socket):udp_rece = udp_socket.recvfrom(1024)print(udp_rece[0].decode("gbk"), udp_rece[1])with open("udp_can.txt", 'a') as f:f.write(udp_rece[0].decode("gbk")+"\n")def main():# 创建套接字udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)# dest_ip = input("请输入目标ip:")# dest_port = int(input("请输入目标port:"))# 绑定ip和portudp_socket.bind(("", 8000))# 循环来处理事情while True:# 发送# send_message(udp_socket,dest_ip,dest_port)# 接受receive_message(udp_socket)if __name__ == "__main__":main()




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    这篇文章开始我们正式要介绍如何玩转Xavier了 在开始本章内容之前,大家可以下载我翻译的Xavier中文指导手册 地址:玩转NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier--- 中文用户手册_木子 ...

  2. 玩转NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier(1)--- jetson是什么

    先进的 AI 边缘设备平台 NVIDIA Jetson 是业内领先的 AI 计算平台,它面向移动嵌入式系统市场中的 GPU 加速并行处理.在深度学习和计算机视觉方面的高性能.低能耗计算,使得 Jets ...

  3. 玩转NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier(5)--- Xavier jetpack 4.2 刷机(nano TX2)

    使用jetpack 4.2为Xavier nano TX2刷机 JetPack从4.2版本开始不再是.run的安装方式,而是.deb的安装方式 1.下载安装包 https://developer.nv ...

  4. 玩转NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier(7)--- jetson打开关闭风扇,解决风扇不转

    本文介绍如何控制Xavier的风扇 很多小伙伴拿到Xavier之后发现运行的很热但是风扇始终不转,经过了四处查找资料,终于搞定了如何打开关闭风扇以及控制转速. 本文系统环境基于 jetpack4.2 ...

  5. NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier 安装 JetPack 注意事项

    NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier 安装 JetPack 注意事项 本文主要记录了我第一次接触Linux和为NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier安装JetPack时遇到的一些 ...

  6. 手把手教你备份 nvidia jetson agx xavier 系统(亲测有效、超详细)

    手把手教你备份 nvidia jetson agx xavier 系统(亲测有效.超详细) 此版本适合小白,网上虽然很多教程,但是对于超级小白来说还是有点粗略了,教程奉上! 文章目录 手把手教你备份 ...

  7. nvidia jetson agx xavier运行 OpenCL

    nvidia jetson agx xavier 运行 OpenCL 最近用OpenCL在某个GPGPU上开发了某些功能,想移植到nvidia的gpu上时才发现nvidia的移动端GPU居然没有Ope ...

  8. Nvidia Jetson Agx Xavier 在Ros中调用GMSL2相机

    一.背景 在ros中调用GMSL2摄像头,刚开始是通过修改官方驱动包ros-meloidc-usb-cam,可能是修改的地方不对,一直报错,调用失败,要是有大佬修改成功,希望能交流一下. 后来借鉴了一 ...

  9. NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier冰壶的跟踪与识别

    NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier冰壶的跟踪与识别 一.项目简介 二.硬件平台的选取 2.1为什么选择NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier 三.识别环境配置 3.1 下载py ...


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