kindle fire1代

If you’ve just opened your shiny new Kindle Fire and tried to connect it to Gmail using your own custom (not email address, you might be in for a surprise: the email account wizard has no idea how to handle this scenario, even if you pick Gmail at the beginning. Here’s how to fix it.

如果您刚刚打开新的Kindle Fire,并尝试使用您自己的自定义(而不是@电子邮件地址将其连接到Gmail,您可能会感到惊讶:电子邮件帐户向导不知道如何处理在这种情况下,即使您在一开始就选择了Gmail。 解决方法如下。

Note: we’re in the middle of doing a thorough test of the Kindle Fire, and we’ll post our in-depth review in the next few days. So far: it’s a great tablet for the price.

注意:我们正在对Kindle Fire进行全面测试,我们将在接下来的几天中发布深入的评论。 到目前为止:这是一款物超所值的平板电脑 。

在Kindle Fire中设置Gmail自定义域电子邮件 (Setting Up Gmail Custom Domain Email in Kindle Fire)

You’ll need to start, naturally, by opening up the Email application and selecting from the list—you can choose Gmail, even though we’ll have to tweak the settings. Once there, enter your email address and password.

自然,您需要打开“电子邮件”应用程序并从列表中进行选择,即使我们需要调整设置,也可以选择Gmail。 在那里,输入您的电子邮件地址和密码。

Note: if you haven’t already enabled IMAP, you’ll want to head to your Gmail mail settings page and turn it on there.


Then you’ll probably want to choose IMAP.


And now you’ll come to the screen that makes no sense. The username is wrong, the IMAP server is wrong, and the security type is wrong.

现在,您将进入没有意义的屏幕。 用户名错误,IMAP服务器错误,安全类型错误。

Instead of using those values, you’ll want to use the following:


  • Username: Your full email address


  • IMAP server:


  • Security type: SSL

    安全类型: SSL

Head to the next screen, which will ask you for the outgoing server settings. You’ll want to use the following:

转到下一个屏幕,它将要求您提供传出服务器设置。 您将要使用以下内容:

  • SMTP server:


  • Security type: TLS

    安全类型: TLS

Once you get past that screen, you’ll be able to access your email without issue.



kindle fire1代

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