
Kindle Popular Highlights appear as underlined text in your book when more than ten people have highlighted that passage. It sound like a nice feature theory, but in practice, it can get annoying. Here’s how to turn it off.

当十多个人突出显示该段落时,Kindle Popular Highlights会在您的书中显示为带下划线的文本。 听起来像一个不错的特征理论,但是在实践中,它可能会令人讨厌。 这是关闭它的方法。

Popular Highlights appear in lots of Kindle books. You’ll come across underlined text while you’re reading, along with a little note saying that there are “386 Highlighters” or however many there are (like in the image above). There are a couple of problems with this:

热门精选集出现在许多Kindle书中。 阅读时,您会看到带下划线的文本,还有一条小纸条,上面写着“ 386荧光笔”,或者有很多(如上图所示)。 这有两个问题:

  • Popular Highlights break your immersion. If you’re reading your favorite book, you might not be interested in seeing that a sentence has been highlighted by lots of people.热门精选打破您的沉浸感。 如果您正在阅读自己喜欢的书,则可能不希望看到很多人都突出了一个句子。
  • Popular Highlights direct your reading and stop you thinking independently. Sure, a passage might be important but you should find it out for yourself as you read; what’s important to you might not be to others and vice versa. Plus, a teacher telling a single high school class to highlight a particular passage is enough to highlight it on every copy of that Kindle book in the world.热门摘要指导您的阅读,并阻止您独立思考。 当然,一段话可能很重要,但是您在阅读时应该自己找出来; 对您而言重要的对他人可能不重要,反之亦然。 另外,一位老师告诉一个高中班级突出显示某个特定段落,就足以在世界上该Kindle书的每本副本上突出显示该段落。
  • Highlights beget more highlights. Once a section is a popular highlight, more people just highlight it and ignore other, possibly more relevant, passages.突出显示更多突出显示。 一旦某个部分成为热门部分,更多的人只会突出显示该部分,而忽略其他可能更相关的段落。

So, here’s how to turn them off.


在Kindle,Kindle Paperwhite,Kindle Voyage或Kindle Oasis上 (On a Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Voyage, or Kindle Oasis)

Go to your Kindle’s main menu, tap the Menu button (the three vertical dots), and then select the “Settings” option.


On the Settings page, tap the “Reading Options” entry.


Next, tap the “Highlights and About This Book” setting.


Turn off the “Popular Highlights” and “Public Notes” options.


And just like that, they’re gone.


在iOS版Kindle应用程序上 (On the Kindle App for iOS)

Open the Kindle app, tap the “Menu” button, and then tap the “Settings” option.


On the Settings page, tap the “Other” setting. On the Other page, turn off the “Popular Highlights” toggle.

在“设置”页面上,点击“其他”设置。 在其他页面上,关闭“热门集锦”切换开关。

在适用于Android的Kindle应用程序上 (On the Kindle App for Android)

Open the Kindle App on your Android phone, tap the “More” button, and then tap the “Settings” option.

在您的Android手机上打开Kindle App,点击“更多”按钮,然后点击“设置”选项。

Scroll down the Settings page to the “Books” section, and then turn off the Popular Highlights” option.


Popular Highlights sound like a good idea but, in reality, you’re usually better off creating your own if you want them.





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