英语读书笔记-Book Lovers Day 05

Part 1

  1. Libby takes a swig of tomato juice.
  2. Because he’s made the unilateral decision to roll all four windows down.
  3. My hair is flapping so violently across my face I can barely see his watery eyes in the rear-view mirror when I look up from my phone.
  4. In the time that we were deplaning and collecting our luggage - a full hour, despite the fact that our flight was the only arrival in the dinky airport.
  5. It looks like I just got back from an eight-week stranding on a desert island.
  6. Nothing makes a coterie of already neurotic authors quite so neurotic as publishing’s annual slow season.

Part 2

  1. Every delayed reply they get seems to trigger an avalanche of DOES MY EDITOR HATE ME???
  2. He laughs, whipping around a corner.
  3. Libby sits up woozily, smoothing her gleaming (miraculously untangled ) hair.
  4. There’s nothing but shaggy.
  5. it ends abruptly , and a meadow slope upwards, riddled with sprays of yellow and purple wildflowers, A dead end.
  6. The driver ducks his head to peer up the slope.
  7. Libby grimaces. “The listing did note it wasn’t wheelchair accessible.”
  8. Santa has already gotten out of the car to wrestle our luggage from the trunk.
  9. I clamber out after him into the brilliant sunlight. the heat instantly making my all-black travel uniform fell stiflingly thick.

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