英语读书笔记-Book Lovers Day 03

Part 1

  1. Maybe you can take a page out of your exes’ books and have a whirlwind romance with a local lobster hunter.
  2. I stare at her, trying to parse out how serious she is.
  3. She says, a ragged edge creeping into her voice.
  4. I try to swallow, but it’s like my esophagus is inside a vise.
  5. I’m suddenly sure there’s more going on with Libby than run-of-the-mill money problems,lack of sleep, or irritation with my work schedule.
  6. My stomach plummets and rebounds.
  7. her palms pressed together and her lower lip jutted.
  8. she shifts on the windowsill to wriggle something out of her back pocket.
  9. And you’re going to fall in love with a lumberjack.
  10. “If there is one thing that makes me horny.” I say “it’s deforestation”.
  11. “An ethical, sustainable, organic, gluten-free lumberjack” Libby amends.
  12. I chug the drink in the first twenty minutes of our flight.
  13. I don’t like leaving my clients in the lurch.
  14. Or in that case, one rather indispensable client: I spent the forty-eight hours pre-takeoff alternating between trying to talk her down and pump her up.

Part 2

  1. We’ve already bumped the deadline for her next book back six months.
  2. The whole publishing schedule will be thrown off.
  3. She’s so superstitious about the drafting process that we don’t even know what she’s working on, but I fire off another you-can-do-it email on my phone anyway.
  4. “So” she says, appeased, and drags her cartoonishly large purse onto the folding tray table.
  5. She fishes out an actual , full-sized folder and flops it open.
  6. “Heist, Sissy,Robbery sounds so de’classe’ , and we’re going to wearing three-piece-suits the whole time.” she says, not missing a beat as she pulls two identical laminated sheets with the typed heading LIFE-CHANGING VACATION LIST
  7. It looks like your face muscles are being controlled by a half dozen amateur puppeteers, Now, back to the bucket list.
  8. I’d say it’s the glint of mischief.
  9. Wear a flannel shirt.
  10. We’ll have to thrift some- maybe, we can find some cowgirl boots too.

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