英语读书笔记-Book Lovers Day 04

Part 1

  1. When we were teenagers, we’d spend hours sorting through junk for gems at our favorite GoodWill.
  2. I’d go for the sleek designer pieces and she’d beline toward anything with color, fringe, or rhinestones.
  3. Whatever little gaps have cropped up between us will be stitched close again.
  4. But since she**'s** usually beholden to the taste buds of a four-and-three-year-old, she’s always saved her adventurous recipes for our nights in together.
  5. General makeover(let hairs down or/get bangs).
  6. Build something(literal, not figurative).
  7. The first four items almost directly correlated to Libby’s Graveyard of Abandoned Potential Careers.
  8. Run an online vintage store that curated thrift store finds.(curator,curate).
  9. She lifts her copy of the list, on which number five is struck through.
  10. and five trillion weeks pregnant.
  11. Libby lights up and scooches forward in her seat.
  12. grabs my hands on the armrest between us.

Part 2

  1. If you just say 'men I**'m compatible with**.
  2. Something cold lances through me at the mention of him.
  3. She says it flippantly.
  4. When I was trying to keep us afloat.
  5. A long-winded monologue ending with something along the lines of “FOR ALL I KNOW , YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE FEELINGS”.
  6. I deserve to live vicariously through you.
  7. She squeals excitedly, “Young or Old?”
  8. Go skinny-dipping in a natural body of water.
  9. “Damn it”, she grumbles, frowning.
  10. at the local roller rink.
  11. If there was one thing all stephens girls had in common-------aside from our love of books, vitamin-c serums,and pretty clothes----it was our avoidance of the great outdoors.
  12. The closest we ever came to hiking was a brisk walk in Central Park’s Ramble, and ever then, there were usually paper bowls filled with food truck, walffles, the ice cream involved.
  13. We’ve gotten a steep discount by staying so long.
  14. Maybe we can get the ritualistic sacrifice community.
  15. They’ll have to die on the altar.

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