


fdDate 日期
fdType 考勤类型(工作日N,周末W,节假日H[需要根据需要自己修改])


Create     PROCEDURE [dbo].[NewMonthWeekDay_Calendar]
@sdate smalldatetime,
@edate smalldatetime
declare @fdDate smalldatetime
declare @WeekDay varchar(20)
declare cr0 cursor for
 select fdDate from calendar where fddate>=@sdate and fddate<=@edate
open cr0
fetch next from cr0 into @fdDate
 while @@fetch_status=0
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期一')
   update calendar set fdType='N' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期二')
   update calendar set fdType='N' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期三')
   update calendar set fdType='N' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期四')
   update calendar set fdType='N' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期五')
   update calendar set fdType='N' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期六')
   update calendar set fdType='W' where fdDate=@fdDate
  if (datename(weekday,@fdDate)='星期日')
   update calendar set fdType='W' where fdDate=@fdDate
  fetch next from cr0 into @fdDate

close cr0
deallocate cr0


Create    PROCEDURE [dbo].[NewMonth_Calendar]
@Year int,
@Month int

insert into cas..calendar(fdDate)
 Select Convert(Varchar(10), DateAdd(dd, ID, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime)), 120) as fdDate
 Where T.ID < DateDiff(dd, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime),
 DateAdd(mm, 1, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime)))


 Select TOP 50 ID = Identity(Int, 0, 1) Into #T From SysColumns
 insert into cas..calendar(fdDate)
 Select Convert(Varchar(10), DateAdd(dd, ID, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime)), 120) From #T
 Where ID < DateDiff(dd, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime), DateAdd(mm, 1, Cast(Rtrim(@Year) + '-' + Rtrim(@Month) + '-' + '01' As DateTime)))
 Drop Table #T



Create   PROCEDURE [dbo].[NewYearInsrt]
@Year int
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,1
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,2
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,3
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,4
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,5
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,6
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,7
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,8
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,9
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,10
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,11
 exec NewMonth_Calendar @Year,12
declare @sdate smalldatetime
declare @edate smalldatetime
set @sdate=cast(cast(@Year as varchar(4))+'-1-1' as smalldatetime)
set @edate=cast(cast(@Year as varchar(4))+'-12-31' as smalldatetime)
 exec NewMonthWeekDay_Calendar @sdate,@edate

--直接运行 EXEC [dbo].[NewYearInsrt] 2010 即可


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