sql 生成csv数据

介绍 ( Introduction )

A few months back, I presented a paper at SQL Saturday 327 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Late last month I received an email from one of the attendees. His issue was quite interesting and I decided to share it with you. The gentleman wanted a SSIS script that would permit him to extract data from a SQL Server database table and place it in a CSV file with a dynamically allocated name. Being a strong advocate of using the SSIS toolbox, I experimented with an alternative solution. We are going to construct THIS SOLUTION in today’s get together.

几个月前,我在南非约翰内斯堡SQL Saturday 327上发表了一篇论文。 上个月下旬,我收到了一位与会者的电子邮件。 他的问题很有趣,我决定与您分享。 这位绅士想要一个SSIS脚本,该脚本允许他从SQL Server数据库表中提取数据并将其放置在具有动态分配名称的CSV文件中。 作为使用SSIS工具箱的坚定拥护者,我尝试了一种替代解决方案。 我们将在今天的聚会中构建此解决方案。

Let’s get started.


入门 ( Getting Started )

As our point of departure, we shall once again utilize our ‘SQLShackFinancial” database. We shall utilize data from the FASB table (see below).

作为出发点,我们将再次使用我们的“ SQLShackFinancial”数据库。 我们将利用FASB表中的数据(见下文)。

Our end goal is to obtain the following output:


The astute reader will note that the csv file name contains the date and time on which the file was created.


Opening Visual Studio we begin by creating a new Integration Services project.

打开Visual Studio,我们首先创建一个新的Integration Services项目。

We select New and Project (see above).


We select an Integration Services project and give our project a name. We click OK to create the project.

我们选择一个Integration Services项目,并给我们的项目起一个名字。 我们单击确定以创建项目。

We find ourselves on our Integration Services project workspace (see above).

我们发现自己在我们的Integration Services项目工作区中(请参见上文)。

Our first task is to create a data connection to our SQLShackFinancial database.


创建数据库连接 ( Creating the database connection )

We begin by right clicking in the “Connection Manager” box and selecting a “New OLE DB Connection” (see above).

首先,右键单击“连接管理器”框,然后选择“新建OLE DB连接”(请参见上文)。

The “Configure OLE DB Connection Manager” dialogue box is brought up. We select “New” (see above).

出现“配置OLE DB连接管理器”对话框。 我们选择“新建”(见上文)。

The “Connection Manager” dialogue box is now brought up and we configure this box as shown above.


Testing the connection, we find that we are ready to go.


We now add a Data Flow Task to our work surface (see below).


Double clicking on the “Data Flow Task” we are brought into the “Data Flow Task” designer (see below).


We now add an “OLE DB Data Source” to our work surface (see below).

现在,我们将一个“ OLE DB数据源”添加到工作表中(见下文)。

Double clicking on the “OLE DB Source” brings up the “OLE DB Source Editor” dialogue box.

双击“ OLE DB Source”,将弹出“ OLE DB Source Editor”对话框。

We configure our connection manager to point to the FASB table (see above).


The columns tab shows the data columns within the table (see above).


添加和配置目标CSV文件 ( Adding and configuring the destination csv file )

We are now in a position to add the destination flat file which will contain the table data in a csv format.


We drag a “Flat File Destination” control onto our work surface (see above) and join the “OLE DB” data source to the “Flat File” destination (see below).

我们将“平面文件目标”控件拖到工作表面上(请参见上文),并将“ OLE DB”数据源连接到“平面文件”目标(请参见下文)。

Double clicking the control brings up the “Flat File Destination” editor (see above). We click “New” to create a new connection.

双击控件将打开“平面文件目标”编辑器(请参见上文)。 我们单击“新建”以创建新的连接。

The “Flat File Format” dialogue box is brought into view (see above and to the left). We accept the “Delimited” radio button. Click OK.

进入“平面文件格式”对话框(请参见上方和左侧)。 我们接受“定界”单选按钮。 单击确定。

The “Flat File Connection Manager Editor” is then brought up. We are asked for a “Description” (which is optional) but more importantly we are asked for an output file name.

然后出现“平面文件连接管理器编辑器”。 我们要求提供“描述”(这是可选的),但更重要的是,我们要求提供输出文件名。

We give our output file the name “FASB_” and set its type to csv (see above). We click “Open”.

我们将输出文件命名为“ FASB_”,并将其类型设置为csv(请参见上文)。 我们点击“打开”。

Clicking the “Columns” tab, we see that the fields from our table are visible. We click OK to exit this dialogue box and then click on the “Mappings” tab to configure the source to the destination (see below).

单击“列”选项卡,我们看到表中的字段可见。 我们单击“确定”退出此对话框,然后单击“映射”选项卡以将源配置为目标(请参见下文)。

We click OK to exist the “Flat File Destination Editor”.


We now find ourselves back on our working surface. THE ISSUE is that in creating the flat csv file we have hard-wired the file name is this is NOT what we want.

现在,我们回到工作表面。 问题是,在创建平面csv文件时,我们已经硬连线了文件名,这不是我们想要的

为我们的输出文件创建一个动态文件名 ( Creating a dynamic file name for our output file )

We begin by right clicking on our output file connection and bringing up its “Properties” box (see above and to the bottom right).


We scroll down to find the “Expressions” property (see above and to the bottom right).


Clicking on the “Expressions” ellipsis the “Property Expresssion Editor” is brought up(see above).


We select the “Connectionstring” Property from the “Property” dropdown list (see above) and click upon the “Expression” box.


The “Expression Builder” dialogue box is brought into view (see above).


In the “Expression” box, we enter the following code snippet. Adding a time component (to the string) enables us to produce multiple daily extracts.

在“表达式”框中,输入以下代码段。 在字符串中添加时间成分使我们能够产生多个每日摘录。

"C:\\SQLShack\\FASB_" +
Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("m",getdate()),2) +
Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("d",getdate()),2) +
(DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("yyyy",getdate()) + "_"
+ (DT_STR,2,1252) DatePart("hh",getdate()) +"_"
+  (DT_STR,2,1252) DatePart("n",getdate())
+ ".csv"

The astute reader will note that when we “Evaluate” the expression (see above) that the fully qualified file name appears in the “Evaluated value” box. Further we must note the usage of two “\\” for every one that we wish to appear in the file “Evaluated” path and file name. FORTRAN and COBOL programmers will remember this one!

精明的读者会注意到,当我们“评估”表达式(见上文)时,完全限定的文件名将出现在“评估值”框中。 此外,我们必须注意每个希望出现在文件“ Evaluated”路径和文件名中的两个“ \\”的用法。 FORTRAN和COBOL程序员会记住这一点!

We click OK to leave the “Expression Builder” and OK to leave the “Property Expressions Editor” (see above).


We find ourselves back on our work surface (see above).


让我们给我们的包裹一个“旋转” ( Let us give our package a “whirl” )

We click the “Debug” tab on the top ribbon and select “Start Debugging” (see above).


The process completes successfully.


Our extract file may be seen in the screen dump above. Note that the file name contains the run date and time of the process.

我们的提取文件可以在上面的屏幕转储中看到。 请注意, 文件 包含进程的运行日期和时间。

Opening the comma delimited file in Notepad, we see the data in a comma delimited form.


结论 ( Conclusion )

Oft times we find that we have external processes that require extracts of data from our tables. In some cases the final format must be in CSV format.

通常,我们发现我们有一些外部过程需要从表中提取数据。 在某些情况下,最终格式必须为CSV格式。

In this “get together” we have constructed a quick and dirty process to pull data from a database table and to place the data into a flat csv file IN ADDITION to providing a mechanism to run the process throughout the day.


Should you wish the code for this article, please feel free to contact either the SQLShack editor or me.


In the interim, happy programming.


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/creating-dynamically-generated-csv-files-containing-sql-server-data/

sql 生成csv数据

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