
rep replicates the values in x.



rep(x, times = 1, length.out = NA, each = 1)


a vector (of any mode including a list) or a factor
or (for rep only) a POSIXct or POSIXlt or Date object;
or an S4 object containing such an object.

x: 重复的对象

an integer-valued vector giving the (non-negative) number of times
to repeat each element if of length length(x),
or to repeat the whole vector if of length 1.
Negative or NA values are an error.
A double vector is accepted,
other inputs being coerced to an integer or double vector.

times: 重复次数

If ‘times’consists of a single integer,
the result consists of the whole input repeated this many times.
If ‘times’ is a vector of the same length as ‘x’ (after replication by each),
the result consists of x[1] repeated times[1] times,
x[2] repeated times[2] times and so on.


non-negative integer.
The desired length of the output vector.
Other inputs will be coerced to a double vector and the first element taken.
Ignored if NA or invalid.


‘length.out’ may be given in place of ‘times’,
in which case x is repeated as many times as is necessary to create a vector of this length.
If both are given, length.out takes priority and times is ignored.


non-negative integer.
Each element of x is repeated each times.
Other inputs will be coerced to an integer or double vector
and the first element taken. Treated as 1 if NA or invalid.


Normally just one of the additional arguments is specified,
but if ‘each ’is specified with either of the other two,
its replication is performed first,
and then that implied by times or length.out.


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