1、本文是中英对照毕业设计论文外文文献翻译,下载后直接可用!省去您找文献、pdf整理成word以及翻译的时间,一辈子也就一次的事!文献引用作者出处信息:Freeman, Adam Pro Vue.js 2, 2019 (如年份太老,可改为近2年,很多毕业生都这样做,毕竟外文翻译要求也不高)英文3912单词,22450字符(字符就是印刷符),中文6122汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。)Understanding Vue.js Projects and ToolsIn Chapter 9, I briefly described how a Vue.js application works in order to provide context for the rest of the book, and as part of that process, I created a project using the vue-cli package and then used the tools it contained. In this cha。

2、pter, I explain how this kind of Vue.js project is structured and what each of the tools does. Table 10-1 puts this chapter in context.Table 10-1. Putting Vue.js Projects in ContextQuestionAnswerWhat are they?Projects created with the vue-cli package are designed for the development of complex applications.Why are they useful?This kind of project includes a set of tools that simplifies Vue.js development and makes it possible to easily work with some of the advanced features that Vue.js provides。

3、.How are they used?The project is created using the vue/cli package, and a series of questions are answered to determine the initial content of the project.Are there any pitfalls or limitations?This kind of project can be overkill if you are only experimenting with Vue.js.Are there any alternatives?You can create your own projects without using the vue/cli package, in which case you are free to assemble your own toolchain, although this can be a time-consuming process.Creating a Vue.js Developme。

4、nt ProjectModern client-side development frameworks include their own development tools, and Vue.js is no exception. That means you can create a project and start development using tools that have been created specifically for use in Vue.js applications and that have been thoroughly tested by a large and active community.The vue/cli package you installed in Chapter 1 is provided by the Vue.js team to simplify the creation of Vue.js projects and install all of the development and build tools that。

5、 are required. Run the command in Listing 10-1 to create a new project using the vue create command, which is provided by the vue/cli package.The vue create command uses an interactive process for selecting the options to create a project and will prompt you as shown in Figure 10-1.Figure 10-1. Selecting the project settingsThe text can be hard to read from the image, but the vue create command starts by asking you to choose a preset. There is one preset availablecalled defaultthat selects the s。

6、ame configuration used in earlier chapters. This is the configuration that I use throughout the rest of the book because it lets me demonstrate how different components are added to the project. There is nothing wrong with using project tools when they are convenient, just as long as you understand what it is they are doing for you behind the scenes. The other option is to manually select the features that you require. Use the arrow keys to select the Manually Select Features option and press En。

7、ter, and you will see the list of features shown in Figure 10-2.Figure 10-2. The project features available for manual selectionUse the arrow keys to navigate up and down the list of features, which are toggled on and off using the spacebar. Table 10-3 describes the features that are available. I describe the features that are directly related to Vue.js development, either in this chapter or in later chapters. For other features, I have included a URL that provides more details.Figure 10-3. Sele。

8、cting features for the example projectPress Enter once you have selected the features. Additional options are presented to configure some of the features you have chosen.Configuring the LinterThe first option configures the linter, which was selected with the Linter/Formatter feature, as shown in Figure 10-4.Figure 10-4. Configuring the linterChoose the “ESLint with error prevention only” option. The linter is responsible for inspecting the project to make sure it conforms to a coding standard, 。

9、and this question selects the coding rules that are applied to the project. I explain what each option means in the “Using the Linter” section later in the chapter. The next option is to choose when the linter is applied to the source code in the project, as shown in Figure 10-5.Figure 10-5. Configuring when the linter is appliedThis option configures when the linter is used to inspect the project. Select the “Lint on save” option, which applies the linter each time a file in the project is saved.Completing the Project ConfigurationOnce you have selected the project features, you will be asked what style of configuration you want, as shown in Figure 10-6.Figure 10-6. Selecting the style of configuration fileThere are two options. You can choose to use separate configuration files for each of the features that require configuration, or you can choo。



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