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外文标题:Overview of Delphi

外文作者:Elvis C. Foster Shripad V. Godbole

文献出处:Database Systems:345-352


Overview of Delphi

This chapter looks at the second front-end system that we will consider — Delphi. The chapter provides an overview of the product under the following subheadings:


?Main Components of the Delphi Suite

?Shortcomings of Delphi

?Summary and Concluding Remarks


Delphi is an object-oriented RAD tool, which allows the software engineer to develop applications for Windows platforms. Delphi also provides a simple cross-platform solution when used in conjunction with Kylix, the equivalent RAD tool for the Linux platform. Kylix understands most of the code developed under a Delphi environment, making cross-platform software development more accessible to developers.

Delphi was developed by Borland in the early 1990s. The product evolved from Borland Turbo Pascal after the company decided to make an object-oriented Pascal version of the popular product and simplify greatly the software development process. Since 2003, the market has seen several releases including Delphi V7, Delphi V8, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 2009. The rest of the chapter will be based on a review of Delphi 2005 and Delphi 2007. However, since the chapter deliberately avoids implementation details, you will find that the information provided also applies to earlier versions all the way back to Delphi V6, as well as more recent versions. Since 2008, the Borland Software Development Division (responsible for the Delphi product line) has been acquired by software engineering firm called Embarcadero Technologies. The contemporary version of the product is called Delphi Delphi XE2, and is marketed by Embarcadero.

Delphi is best described as a front-end RAD tool that interfaces with various databases through at least one of the following strategies:

?Database drivers fo


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