
The Boolean data type (bool) can be one of two values, either true or false. Booleans are used in programming to make comparisons and to control the flow of the program.

布尔数据类型( bool )可以是truefalse两个值之一。 在编程中使用布尔值进行比较并控制程序的流程。

Booleans represent the truth values that are associated with the logic branch of mathematics, which informs algorithms in computer science. Named for the mathematician George Boole, the word Boolean always begins with a capitalized B.

布尔值表示与数学逻辑分支相关联的真值,该真值用于通知计算机科学中的算法。 以数学家George Boole的名字命名的Boolean总是以大写的B开头。

The data type in Go for Boolean is bool, all lowercase. The values true and false will always be with a lowercase t and f respectively, as they are special values in Go.

Go for Boolean中的数据类型为bool ,均为小写。 值truefalse始终分别使用小写的tf ,因为它们是Go中的特殊值。

This tutorial will cover the basics you’ll need to understand how the bool data type works, including Boolean comparison, logical operators, and truth tables.


比较运算符 (Comparison Operators)

In programming, comparison operators are used to compare values and evaluate down to a single Boolean value of either true or false.

在编程中, 比较运算符用于比较值并评估为true或false的单个布尔值。

The table below shows Boolean comparison operators.


Operator What it means
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
操作员 这是什么意思
== 等于
!= 不等于
< 少于
> 比...更棒
<= 小于或等于
> = 大于或等于

To understand how these operators work, let’s assign two integers to two variables in a Go program:


x := 5
y := 8

In this example, since x has the value of 5, it is less than y which has the value of 8.

在此示例中,由于x的值为5 ,因此它小于y的值为8

Using those two variables and their associated values, let’s go through the operators from the preceding table. In this program, you’ll ask Go to print out whether each comparison operator evaluates to either true or false. To help better understand this output, you’ll have Go also print a string to show you what it’s evaluating:

使用这两个变量及其关联的值,让我们遍历上表中的运算符。 在此程序中,您将要求Go打印出每个比较运算符的评估结果是否为true或false。 为了更好地理解此输出,您将让Go还打印一个字符串以向您显示其评估内容:

package mainimport "fmt"func main() {x := 5y := 8fmt.Println("x == y:", x == y)fmt.Println("x != y:", x != y)fmt.Println("x < y:", x < y)fmt.Println("x > y:", x > y)fmt.Println("x <= y:", x <= y)fmt.Println("x >= y:", x >= y)
x == y: false
x != y: true
x < y: true
x > y: false
x <= y: true
x >= y: false

Following mathematical logic, Go has evaluated the following from the expressions:


  • Is 5 (x) equal to 8 (y)? false

    5( x )等于8( y )吗?

  • Is 5 not equal to 8? true

    5不等于8吗? 真正

  • Is 5 less than 8? true

    5比8小吗? 真正

  • Is 5 greater than 8? false


  • Is 5 less than or equal to 8? true

    5是否小于或等于8? 真正

  • Is 5 not less than or equal to 8? false


Although integers were used here, you could substitute them with float values.


Strings can also be used with Boolean operators. They are case-sensitive unless you use an additional string method.

字符串也可以与布尔运算符一起使用。 除非您使用其他字符串方法,否则它们区分大小写。

You can look at how strings are compared in practice:


Sammy := "Sammy"
sammy := "sammy"fmt.Println("Sammy == sammy: ", Sammy == sammy)
Sammy == sammy:  false

The string Sammy is not equal to the string sammy, because they are not exactly the same; one starts with an uppercase S and the other with a lowercase s. But, if you add another variable that is assigned the value of Sammy, then they will evaluate to equal:

字符串Sammy不等于字符串sammy ,因为它们并不完全相同。 一个以大写S开头,另一个以小写s开头。 但是,如果添加分配了Sammy值的另一个变量,则它们的值将等于:

Sammy := "Sammy"
sammy := "sammy"
alsoSammy := "Sammy"fmt.Println("Sammy == sammy: ", Sammy == sammy)
fmt.Println("Sammy == alsoSammy", Sammy == alsoSammy)
Sammy == sammy:  false
Sammy == alsoSammy true

You can also use the other comparison operators including > and < to compare two strings. Go will compare these strings lexicographically using the ASCII values of the characters.

您还可以使用其他比较运算符,包括><来比较两个字符串。 Go将使用字符的ASCII值按字典顺​​序比较这些字符串。

You can also evaluate Boolean values with comparison operators:


t := true
f := falsefmt.Println("t != f: ", t != f)
t != f:  true

The preceding code block evaluated that true is not equal to false.


Note the difference between the two operators = and ==.


x = y   // Sets x equal to y
x == y  // Evaluates whether x is equal to y

The first = is the assignment operator, which will set one value equal to another. The second, ==, is a comparison operator and will evaluate whether two values are equal.

第一个=是赋值运算符,它将设置一个值等于另一个值。 第二个==是比较运算符,它将评估两个值是否相等。

逻辑运算符 (Logical Operators)

There are two logical operators that are used to compare values. They evaluate expressions down to Boolean values, returning either true or false. These operators are &&, ||, and !, and are defined in the list below:

有两个用于比较值的逻辑运算符。 他们将表达式计算为布尔值,返回truefalse 。 这些运算符是&&||! ,并在以下列表中定义:

  • && (x && y) is the and operator. It is true if both statements are true.

    && ( x && y )是and运算符。 如果两个语句都为真,则为真。

  • || (x || y) is the or operator. It is true if at least one statement is true.

    || ( x || y )是or运算符。 如果至少一个陈述为真,则为真。

  • ! (!x) is the not operator. It is true only if the statement is false.

    ( !x )是not运算符。 仅当语句为假时才为真。

Logical operators are typically used to evaluate whether two or more expressions are true or not true. For example, they can be used to determine if the grade is passing and that the student is registered in the course, and if both cases are true, then the student will be assigned a grade in the system. Another example would be to determine whether a user is a valid active customer of an online shop based on whether they have store credit or have made a purchase in the past 6 months.

逻辑运算符通常用于评估两个或多个表达式是否为真。 例如,可以使用它们来确定成绩是否及格,以及该课程是否已注册该学生,如果两种情况都成立,则将在系统中为该学生分配一个成绩。 另一个示例将是根据用户在过去6个月中是否拥有商店信用额或进行过购买来确定用户是否是在线商店的有效活跃客户。

To understand how logical operators work, let’s evaluate three expressions:


fmt.Println((9 > 7) && (2 < 4))   // Both original expressions are true
fmt.Println((8 == 8) || (6 != 6)) // One original expression is true
fmt.Println(!(3 <= 1))            // The original expression is false

In the first case, fmt.Println((9 > 7) && (2 < 4)), both 9 > 7 and 2 < 4 needed to evaluate to true since the and operator was used.

在第一种情况下, fmt.Println((9 > 7) && (2 < 4)) ,因为使用了and运算符,所以9 > 72 < 4需要评估为true。

In the second case, fmt.Println((8 == 8) || (6 != 6)), since 8 == 8 evaluated to true, it did not make a difference that 6 != 6 evaluates to false because the or operator was used. If you had used the and operator, this would evaluate to false.

在第二种情况下, fmt.Println((8 == 8) || (6 != 6)) ,因为8 == 8计算为true,所以6 != 6计算为false没什么区别,因为or运算符。 如果使用了and运算符,则该运算结果将为false。

In the third case, fmt.Println(!(3 <= 1)), the not operator negates the false value that 3 <=1 returns.

在第三种情况下, fmt.Println(!(3 <= 1))not运算符取反3 <=1返回的假值。

Let’s substitute floats for integers and aim for false evaluations:


fmt.Println((-0.2 > 1.4) && (0.8 < 3.1))  // One original expression is false
fmt.Println((7.5 == 8.9) || (9.2 != 9.2)) // Both original expressions are false
fmt.Println(!(-5.7 <= 0.3))               // The original expression is true

In this example:


  • and must have at least one false expression evaluate to false.


  • or must have both expressions evaluate to false.


  • ! must have its inner expression be true for the new expression to evaluate to false.

    ! 必须使内部表达式为true,新表达式的值为false。

If these results seem unclear to you, go through some truth tables for further clarification.


You can also write compound statements using &&, ||, and !:

您也可以使用&&||编写复合语句。 和!

!((-0.2 > 1.4) && ((0.8 < 3.1) || (0.1 == 0.1)))

Take a look at the inner-most expression first: (0.8 < 3.1) || (0.1 == 0.1). This expression evaluates to true because both mathematical statements are true.

首先看一下最里面的表达式: (0.8 < 3.1) || (0.1 == 0.1) (0.8 < 3.1) || (0.1 == 0.1) 。 该表达式的计算结果为true因为两个数学陈述均为true

Next, Go takes the returned value true and combines it with the next inner expression: (-0.2 > 1.4) && (true). This example returns false because the mathematical statement -0.2 > 1.4 is false, and (false) and (true) returns false.

接下来,Go将返回值true并将其与下一个内部表达式组合: (-0.2 > 1.4) && (true) 。 此示例返回false因为数学表达式-0.2 > 1.4为false,并且( false )和( true )返回false

Finally, we have the outer expression: !(false), which evaluates to true, so the final returned value if we print this statement out is:

最后,我们有外部表达式: !(false) ,其计算结果为true ,因此,如果我们打印出此语句,最终返回的值是:


The logical operators &&, ||, and ! evaluate expressions and return Boolean values.

逻辑运算符&&||! 计算表达式并返回布尔值。

真相表 (Truth Tables)

There is a lot to learn about the logic branch of mathematics, but you can selectively learn some of it to improve your algorithmic thinking when programming.


The following are truth tables for the comparison operator ==, and each of the logic operators &&, || and !. While you may be able to reason them out, it can also be helpful to memorize them as that can make your programming decision-making process quicker.

以下是比较运算符==以及每个逻辑运算符&&||的真值表。 和! 。 尽管您可以推理出它们,但记住它们也可能会有所帮助,因为这可以使您的编程决策过程更快。

== (等于)真值表 (== (equal) Truth Table)

x == y Returns
true == true true
true == false false
false == true false
false == false true
X == ÿ 退货
真正 == 真正 真正
真正 ==
== 真正
== 真正

&& (和)真值表 (&& (and) Truth Table)

x and y Returns
true and true true
true and false false
false and true false
false and false false
X ÿ 退货
真正 真正 真正

|| (或)真值表 (|| (or) Truth Table)

x or y Returns
true or true true
true or false true
false or true true
false or false false
X 要么 ÿ 退货
真正 要么 真正 真正
真正 要么 真正
要么 真正 真正

! (不是)真值表 (! (not) Truth Table)

not x Returns
not true false
not false true
X 退货

Truth tables are common mathematical tables used in logic, and are useful to keep in mind when constructing algorithms (instructions) in computer programming.


使用布尔运算符进行流量控制 (Using Boolean Operators for Flow Control)

To control the stream and outcomes of a program in the form of flow control statements, you can use a condition followed by a clause.


A condition evaluates down to a Boolean value of true or false, presenting a point where a decision is made in the program. That is, a condition would tell you if something evaluates to true or false.

条件的求值结果为布尔值true或false,表示在程序中做出决定的点。 也就是说,条件会告诉您某物的值为真还是假。

The clause is the block of code that follows the condition and dictates the outcome of the program. That is, it is the “do this” part of the construction “If x is true, then do this.”

子句是遵循条件并指示程序结果的代码块。 也就是说,这是构造的“执行此操作”部分“如果xtrue ,则执行此操作。”

The code block below shows an example of comparison operators working in tandem with conditional statements to control the flow of a Go program:


if grade >= 65 {                 // Conditionfmt.Println("Passing grade") // Clause
} else {fmt.Println("Failing grade")

This program will evaluate whether each student’s grade is passing or failing. In the case of a student with a grade of 83, the first statement will evaluate to true, and the print statement of Passing grade will be triggered. In the case of a student with a grade of 59, the first statement will evaluate to false, so the program will move on to execute the print statement tied to the else expression: Failing grade.

该计划将评估每个学生的成绩是及格还是不及格。 如果学生的分数为83 ,则第一个陈述将评估为true ,并且将触发Passing grade的打印陈述。 对于年级为59的学生,第一个语句的评估结果为false ,因此程序将继续执行与else表达式相关联的print语句: Failing grade

Boolean operators present conditions that can be used to decide the eventual outcome of a program through flow control statements.


结论 (Conclusion)

This tutorial went through comparison and logical operators belonging to the Boolean type, as well as truth tables and using Booleans for program flow control.


翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-boolean-logic-in-go



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