

下面是3.5代码,sympy 1.0应该可以打印,list comps可能不会向后兼容到2.x.

from numpy import linalg

from numpy import linspace

import numpy as np

from numpy import meshgrid

import random

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy import optimize

from sympy import *

xs = [1.02, 0.95, 0.87, 0.77, 0.67, 0.56, 0.44, 0.30, 0.16, 0.01]

ys = [0.39, 0.32, 0.27, 0.22, 0.18, 0.15, 0.13, 0.12, 0.12, 0.15]

b = [i ** 2 for i in xs] # That is the list that contains the results that are given as x^2 from the equation.

def fxn(x, y): # That is the function that solves the given equation to find each parameter.

my_list = [] #It is the main list.

for z in range(len(x)):

w = [0] * 5

w[0] = y[z] ** 2

w[1] = x[z] * y[z]

w[2] = x[z]

w[3] = y[z]

w[4] = 1


return my_list

t = linalg.lstsq(fxn(xs, ys), b)

def ysolv(coeffs):

x,y,a,b,c,d,e = symbols('x y a b c d e')

ellipse = a*y**2 + b*x*y + c*x + d*y + e - x**2

y_sols = solve(ellipse, y)

print(*y_sols, sep='


num_coefs = [(a, f) for a, f in (zip([a,b,c,d,e], coeffs))]

y_solsf0 = y_sols[0].subs(num_coefs)

y_solsf1 = y_sols[1].subs(num_coefs)

f0 = lambdify([x], y_solsf0)

f1 = lambdify([x], y_solsf1)

return f0, f1

f0, f1 = ysolv(t[0])

y0 = [f0(x) for x in xs]

y1 = [f1(x) for x in xs]

plt.scatter(xs, ys)

plt.scatter(xs, y0, s=100, color = 'red', marker='+')

plt.scatter(xs, y1, s=100, color = 'green', marker='+')



runfile('C:/Users/john/mypy/mySE_answers/ellipse.py', wdir='C:/Users/john/mypy/mySE_answers')

(-b*x - d + sqrt(-4*a*c*x - 4*a*e + 4*a*x**2 + b**2*x**2 + 2*b*d*x + d**2))/(2*a)

-(b*x + d + sqrt(-4*a*c*x - 4*a*e + 4*a*x**2 + b**2*x**2 + 2*b*d*x + d**2))/(2*a)



f0(0.1), f1(0.1)

Out[5]: (0.12952825130864626, 0.6411040771593166)


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in


File "", line 1, in

ValueError: math domain error

In [7]:

域错误需要try / execpt来“感觉”有效的x范围或更多的数学


def feeloutXrange(f, midx, endx):

fxs = []

x = midx

while True:

try: f(x)




x += (endx - midx)/100

return fxs

midx = (min(xs) + max(xs))/2

xpos = feeloutXrange(f0, midx, max(xs))

xnegs = feeloutXrange(f0, midx, min(xs))

xs_ellipse = xnegs[::-1] + xpos[1:]

y0s = [f0(x) for x in xs_ellipse]

y1s = [f1(x) for x in xs_ellipse]

ys_ellipse = y0s + y1s[::-1] + [y0s[0]] # add y start point to end to close drawing

xs_ellipse = xs_ellipse + xs_ellipse[::-1] + [xs_ellipse[0]] # added x start point

plt.scatter(xs, ys)

plt.scatter(xs, y0, s=100, color = 'red', marker='+')

plt.scatter(xs, y1, s=100, color = 'green', marker='+')

plt.plot(xs_ellipse, ys_ellipse)



ys_ellipse = y0s + y1s[::-1] + [y0s[0]] # add y start point to end to close drawing

xs_ellipse = xs_ellipse + xs_ellipse[::-1] + [xs_ellipse[0]] # added x start point


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