
It’s in your car, home theater system, phone, and audio player but it doesn’t have an instruction manual. It’s an equalizer, and with a little know-how you can tweak your audio and fall in love with it all over again.

它在您的汽车,家庭影院系统,电话和音频播放器中,但没有说明手册。 这是一个均衡器,只需一点技巧,您就可以调整音频并重新爱上它。

等于什么? (Equalizing What?)

Equalizers are software or hardware filters that adjust the loudness of specific frequencies. As with all sound engineering, the basis is on the human ear. Certain frequencies are louder than others to our ears, despite having the same or even more energy behind it. Our range is around 20-20,000 Hz, and the closer we approach or exceed these boundaries, the softer things sound. Compounded by the fact that our cars, rooms, and speakers are in various shapes, sizes, and configurations, the same note from the same instrument can sound completely different, let alone a whole song! That’s why ancient amphitheaters were designed with acoustic projections in mind, so voices could carry.

均衡器是调整特定频率响度的软件或硬件滤波器。 与所有声音工程一样,基础在于人耳。 尽管某些频率具有相同或什至更多的能量,但它们对我们的耳朵来说比其他的声音响亮。 我们的范围在20-20,000 Hz左右,我们越接近或超过这些边界,听起来越柔和。 再加上我们的汽车,房间和扬声器的形状,大小和配置各不相同,来自同一乐器的同一音符听起来可能完全不同,更不用说整首歌了! 这就是为什么古代圆形剧场在设计时会考虑到声音投射,因此声音可以传播的原因。

Not all venues look like this. (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)

并非所有场所看起来都是这样。 (图片由Wikimedia Commons拍摄)

Equalizers were originally developed for physical venues such as movie theaters and outdoor areas, places that aren’t designed with acoustics in mind, to “equalize” all of the sound frequencies. For example, some venues will respond better to bass frequencies, so the EQ can be turned down on that end to prevent feedback and turned slightly up on the higher end to even things out. In general, you equalize for the physical space, to account for the particular combination of the room and equipment.

均衡器最初是为诸如电影院和室外区域之类的物理场所开发的,这些场所在设计时并未考虑声学因素,目的是“均衡”所有声音频率。 例如,某些场所对低音频率的响应会更好,因此可以将EQ的那一端调低以防止反馈,而在高端将EQ稍微调高以使声音均匀。 通常,您需要平衡物理空间,以考虑房间和设备的特定组合。

While still used in this way for live shows and the like, everyday listeners can use EQs to not only adjust for deficiencies in their acoustics, but for more aesthetic reasons. In your car, for example, you can’t really change how the sound travels much aside from speaker balance and fading. You can’t move the speakers to better locations or change the layout of your seats. In this case, an EQ can be used to lessen and strengthen, or “cut” and “boost,” specific ranges of frequencies.

虽然仍然以这种方式用于现场表演等,但日常聆听者可以使用EQ不仅针对声学缺陷进行调整,而且出于审美原因。 例如,在您的汽车中,除了扬声器的平衡和衰减之外,您无法真正改变声音的传播方式。 您不能将扬声器移到更好的位置或更改座椅的布局。 在这种情况下,可以使用均衡器来减少和增强或“削减”和“增强”特定的频率范围。

一切如何均衡? (How Is It All Equalized?)

Equalizers work in ranges, or “bands.” Odds are that your car at the minimum has a dual-band EQ, meaning you can cut and boost the high and low ranges. These are also referred to as “treble” and “bass” bands, respectively. Nicer sound systems may have three, five, or even up to twelve bands. Professional music equipment uses twenty to thirty bands. The more bands you have, the more divisions you have in the wide range of human hearing. Because of this, each band controls a small range of frequencies, thus allowing more control over the sound.

均衡器在范围或“频段”内工作。 奇怪的是,您的汽车至少具有双频段均衡器,这意味着您可以削减和提高高频和低频范围。 这些也分别称为“高音”和“低音”频带。 更好的声音系统可能具有三个,五个甚至最多十二个频段。 专业音乐设备使用二十至三十个频段。 您拥有的乐队越多,在人类听觉上的划分就越多。 因此,每个频段控制的频率范围很小,因此可以更好地控制声音。

(Photo by aussiegall, also in banner)


Audio filters are used to isolate bands, usually in a bell shape around a central band. In a hardware system these filters can get pretty complicated, but it’s pretty easy to see thanks to graphic EQs. You can adjust knobs visually very easily to get what sounds you like. Software EQs, like those in your audio player of choice, essentially imitate this setup.

音频滤波器用于隔离频带,通常在中心频带周围呈钟形。 在硬件系统中,这些过滤器可能会变得非常复杂,但是由于具有图形均衡器,因此很容易看到。 您可以非常轻松地从视觉上调节旋钮,以获得所需的声音。 像您选择的音频播放器中的软件均衡器一样,软件均衡器实质上是模仿此设置的。

预设和自定义设置 (Presets and Custom Settings)

I’ve been a proud user of Winamp for over twelve years and one of the most important reasons is the EQ.


All of the sliders are centered on a certain frequency, in Hz. The bottommost one is 70 Hz, and the topmost one is 16,000. There’s also a preamp on the left side, which lets you boost the overall gain, in case you’re cutting a lot more than boosting and you want to make up for the loss in volume. Winamp also has a ridiculous 250-band EQ plugin.

所有滑块均以一定频率为中心,以Hz为单位。 最下面的一个是70 Hz,最上面的一个是16,000。 左侧还有一个前置放大器,可以让您提高整体增益,以防万一您要削减得比增益大得多,并且您想弥补音量的损失。 Winamp还有一个荒谬的250频段EQ插件。

It even lets you set different EQ curves for your left and right channel. Admittedly, it’s a bit of overkill, but it provides a great example of how customizable things can get.

它甚至可以让您为左右声道设置不同的EQ曲线。 诚然,这有点矫kill过正,但是它提供了一个很好的示例,说明如何获得可定制的东西。

Often, software EQs come with presets for many different genres of music. While audio purists will often say that you shouldn’t set EQs for genres, the fact of the matter is that it can make a big difference for normal listeners. A lot of music – especially pop music – can get to be sort of homogenous. Let’s take the example of “generic” techno, which usually has pumping beats and high melodies. If you have speakers that muddle this into sounding flat, then a techno EQ will help by boosting the low and high bands. Here’s a shot of Winamp’s “Techno” preset:

通常,软件EQ带有针对许多不同流派的音乐的预设。 尽管音频纯粹主义者通常会说您不应该为流派设置EQ,但事实是,它对普通听众可能会产生很大的影响。 许多音乐,尤其是流行音乐,可能会变得同质。 让我们以“通用”技术为例,该技术通常具有震撼的节奏和很高的旋律。 如果您有扬声器使声音混为一谈,那么Techno EQ将通过增强低频和高频来帮助您。 这是Winamp的“ Techno”预设的镜头:

Here’s a shot of a “Rock” preset:

这是“ Rock”预设的快照:

You can see that the two have similar shapes, but note that the dip into the 320 Hz and 600 Hz bands is lower in the Rock preset, and the boost in the 3 KHz band is higher. With the vast ranges of frequencies in any particular song, this can make a noticeable difference, or it may not. You have to tailor the preset for the music you listen to. Classical music has rich mids and the high end can sometimes over power, while vocal tracks focus usually on mids and highs and less on the low end. And many songs in both of these genres don’t follow this pattern at all, so you’ll have to adjust accordingly.

您可以看到两者具有相似的形状,但是请注意,在Rock预设中,进入320 Hz和600 Hz频带的下降较低,而在3 KHz频带中的增强较高。 在任何特定歌曲中,由于频率范围很广,因此可以产生显着差异,也可以没有。 您必须为所听音乐定制预设。 古典音乐具有丰富的中音,高端有时可能会胜过力量,而声轨通常则集中在中高音上,而较少集中在低端上。 这两种类型的许多歌曲根本都不遵循这种模式,因此您必须进行相应的调整。

Presets can work to help make things sound a little better, but it’s more of a generic fix. Creating some custom settings and presets and being able to switch through them is ideal, so you can match them to songs, artists, or albums. The best thing to do is to close your eyes and listen. As always, do what sounds better to your ears.

预设可以使声音听起来更好一些,但这更多的是通用的解决方案。 创建一些自定义设置和预设并能够在它们之间进行切换是理想的,因此您可以将它们与歌曲,艺术家或专辑进行匹配。 最好的办法是闭上眼睛听。 与往常一样,做对您而言听起来更好的事情。

Equalizers, or EQs, are pretty ubiquitous, a fact that’s testament to the impact it has. Sure, you can load presets, but they don’t always work perfectly. Knowing how they work will allow you to make your own curves and can change the way you hear you music completely.

均衡器(EQ)非常普遍,这一事实证明了它的影响。 当然,您可以加载预设,但是它们并不总是能完美工作。 了解它们的工作原理将使您能够制作自己的曲线,并可以完全改变音乐的聆听方式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/59467/htg-explains-what-is-an-equalizer-and-how-does-it-work/



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