1、Ping Pong Buffer 原理分析





typedef struct{void *buffer[2];volatile uint8_t writeIndex;volatile uint8_t readIndex;volatile uint8_t readAvaliable[2];} PingPongBuffer_t;

void *buffer[2] 无类型指针,指向不同数据类型的缓冲Buff

volatile uint8_t writeIndex 缓冲写索引

volatile uint8_t readIndex 缓冲读索引

volatile uint8_t readAvaliable[2] 可读标志位


/*** @brief  Ping-pong buffer initialization* @param  ppbuf: Pointer to the ping-pong buffer structure* @param  buf0:  Pointer to the first buffer* @param  buf1:  Pointer to the second buffer* @retval None*/
void PingPongBuffer_Init(PingPongBuffer_t *ppbuf, void *buf0, void *buf1)
{memset(ppbuf, 0, sizeof(PingPongBuffer_t));ppbuf->buffer[0] = buf0;ppbuf->buffer[1] = buf1;
}/*** @brief  Get a readable buffer* @param  ppbuf:     Pointer to the ping-pong buffer structure* @param  pReadBuf:  Pointer to the pointer to the buffer to be read* @retval Returns true if there is a buffer to be read*/
bool PingPongBuffer_GetReadBuf(PingPongBuffer_t *ppbuf, void **pReadBuf)
{if (ppbuf->readAvaliable[0]){ppbuf->readIndex = 0;}else if (ppbuf->readAvaliable[1]){ppbuf->readIndex = 1;}else{return false;}*pReadBuf = ppbuf->buffer[ppbuf->readIndex];return true;
}/*** @brief  Notify buffer read completion* @param  ppbuf: Pointer to the ping-pong buffer structure* @retval None*/
void PingPongBuffer_SetReadDone(PingPongBuffer_t *ppbuf)
{ppbuf->readAvaliable[ppbuf->readIndex] = false;
}/*** @brief  Get writable buffer* @param  ppbuf:      Pointer to the ping-pong buffer structure* @param  pWriteBuf:  Pointer to the pointer to the buffer to be wriye* @retval None*/
void PingPongBuffer_GetWriteBuf(PingPongBuffer_t *ppbuf, void **pWriteBuf)
{if (ppbuf->writeIndex == ppbuf->readIndex){ppbuf->writeIndex = !ppbuf->readIndex;}*pWriteBuf = ppbuf->buffer[ppbuf->writeIndex];
}/*** @brief  Notify buffer write completion* @param  ppbuf: Pointer to the ping-pong buffer structure* @retval None*/
void PingPongBuffer_SetWriteDone(PingPongBuffer_t *ppbuf)
{ppbuf->readAvaliable[ppbuf->writeIndex] = true;ppbuf->writeIndex = !ppbuf->writeIndex;

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