
Microsoft has finally added virtual desktops as a built-in feature to Windows 10. Virtual desktops are useful if you run a lot of programs at once and want to organize them into categories, such as for work, web surfing, or playing games.

Microsoft终于将虚拟桌面作为Windows 10的内置功能添加了。如果您一次运行许多程序并希望将它们组织成类别(例如,用于工作,上网或玩游戏),则虚拟桌面非常有用。

If you want to open a file or program in a new virtual desktop, you could create a new desktop using the Task View, switch to that desktop, and then open the file or program on that desktop. However, there’s a quicker way using a free tool that adds an option to the context menu.

如果要在新的虚拟桌面中打开文件或程序,则可以使用“任务视图”创建一个新的桌面 ,切换到该桌面,然后在该桌面上打开文件或程序。 但是,有一种使用免费工具的快捷方式,该工具可以向上下文菜单添加一个选项。

Download Vdesk and save it in any folder on your hard drive. You don’t install this like a traditional program, so don’t double-click it–instead, save it in a safe place (where it won’t get deleted), and we’ll use a command line argument to create that context menu item.

下载Vdesk并将其保存在硬盘驱动器上的任何文件夹中。 您不会像传统程序那样安装它,因此请不要双击它-而是将其保存在安全的地方(不会被删除),我们将使用命令行参数来创建该文件上下文菜单项。

Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder in which you saved the Vdesk.exe file. Right-click on the file and select “Open command window here” from the popup menu.

打开文件资源管理器,然后导航到保存Vdesk.exe文件的文件夹。 右键单击该文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“此处打开命令窗口”。

To add an option to the context menu that opens a file or folder in a new virtual desktop, type the following command at the prompt and press “Enter”.

要在上下文菜单中添加选项以在新的虚拟桌面中打开文件或文件夹,请在提示符下键入以下命令,然后按“ Enter”。

vdesk -install

Click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the command prompt window to close it.

单击命令提示符窗口右上角的“ X”按钮以将其关闭。

To open a file or program in a new virtual desktop, right-click on the file, program .exe file, or program shortcut and select “Open in new virtual desktop” from the popup menu.


A new virtual desktop is created and the selected file or program is opened on that virtual desktop.


To remove the “Open in new virtual desktop” option from the context menu, open a command prompt window as discussed earlier in this article, type the following command at the prompt, and press “Enter”.

要从上下文菜单中删除“在新的虚拟桌面中打开”选项,请按照本文前面的说明打开命令提示符窗口,在提示符下键入以下命令,然后按“ Enter”。

vdesk -uninstall

You can also have a specific file or program open in a new virtual desktop when Windows boots. For example, maybe you have a text file you open in Notepad every time you log into Windows so you can keep a log of your work. Vdesk is a command line tool, so you can create a batch file (a text file with the extension “.bat”) that runs Vdesk with the appropriate commands automatically when Windows starts. The command in the batch file for this example would be something like the following.

Windows引导时,您还可以在新的虚拟桌面中打开特定的文件或程序。 例如,也许您每次登录Windows时都会在记事本中打开一个文本文件,以便保留工作日志。 Vdesk是一种命令行工具,因此您可以创建一个批处理文件(扩展名为“ .bat”的文本文件),该批处理文件将在Windows启动时自动使用适当的命令运行Vdesk。 该示例的批处理文件中的命令将类似于以下内容。

vdesk "C:\Users\Lori\Documents\My Work\MyLog.txt"

Be sure to put the appropriate path to the text file you want to open. Also, do not put “notepad” after “vdesk”. Doing so will open Notepad to a new, empty text file instead of opening the file you specify. Simply putting the full path to the text file after the “vdesk” command will open the text file in the default text editor. If you use the “vdesk” command on its own (without the full path) as listed above, you will need to add the full path to the vdesk.exe file to the Path system variable. If you don’t want to add the path to the Path system variable, be sure to put the full path to the vdesk.exe file in the batch file.

确保将适当的路径放置到要打开的文本文件中。 另外,请勿将“记事本”放在“ vdesk”之后。 这样做会将记事本打开到一个新的空文本文件,而不是打开您指定的文件。 只需在“ vdesk”命令之后放置文本文件的完整路径,即可在默认文本编辑器中打开文本文件。 如果如上所述单独使用“ vdesk”命令(没有完整路径),则需要将vdesk.exe文件的完整路径添加到Path系统变量 。 如果不想将路径添加到Path系统变量,请确保将完整路径添加到批处理文件中的vdesk.exe文件。

Vdesk can be used along with batch files to automatically set up virtual desktops with files and programs open that you use every day every time you boot Windows. You can also use Vdesk to launch a specific number of virtual desktops without opening specific files or programs on them. For example, the following command opens three virtual desktops (all the open programs become part of the first virtual desktop).

Vdesk可与批处理文件一起使用,以自动设置虚拟桌面,并在每次引导Windows时每天使用打开的文件和程序。 您也可以使用Vdesk启动特定数量的虚拟桌面,而无需在其上打开特定文件或程序。 例如,以下命令将打开三个虚拟桌面(所有打开的程序成为第一个虚拟桌面的一部分)。

vdesk 3

If you have many virtual desktops running, it’s handy to know the number of the virtual desktop you’re currently viewing and there’s a free tool that adds an indicator to the system tray that displays the number of the currently active virtual desktop.

如果您有许多正在运行的虚拟桌面,那么就很容易知道当前正在查看的虚拟桌面的数量,并且有一个免费工具可以在系统托盘中添加一个指示器,以显示当前活动的虚拟桌面的数量 。



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