

Most modern browsers support extensions, which add additional features to your browser. But the fewer extensions you have installed, the speedier your browser should be. Here’s how to uninstall or disable extensions you don’t use.

大多数现代浏览器都支持扩展,这些扩展会向您的浏览器添加其他功能。 但是,安装的扩展程序越少, 浏览器的速度就应该越快 。 以下是卸载或禁用不使用的扩展程序的方法。

Programs–like your antivirus–can often install their own browser extensions without your permission, so this is useful for uninstalling those as well. Each web browser has its own extensions. Removing an extension, add-on, or plug-in from one browser–like Chrome–won’t remove any similar extensions from your other installed browsers–like Firefox or Internet Explorer.

程序( 例如您的防病毒程序)通常可以在未经您许可的情况下安装自己的浏览器扩展,因此这对于卸载它们也很有用。 每个网络浏览器都有自己的扩展名。 从一个浏览器(如Chrome)中删除扩展程序,附加程序或插件,不会从其他已安装的浏览器(如Firefox或Internet Explorer)中删除任何类似的扩展程序。

Note that browser plug-ins–like Java, Silverlight, and Flash–are different, and must be uninstalled in another way.

请注意,浏览器插件(例如Java,Silverlight和Flash)是不同的, 必须以其他方式卸载 。

如何在Google Chrome浏览器中卸载扩展程序 (How to Uninstall Extensions in Google Chrome)

Google Chrome (and other Chromium-based web browsers) make this fairly easy. In Chrome, click the menu button at the top-right corner of the window, point to “More tools,” and select “Extensions.”

谷歌浏览器(和其他基于Chromium的网络浏览器)使此操作相当容易。 在Chrome浏览器中,点击窗口右上角的菜单按钮,指向“更多工具”,然后选择“扩展程序”。

You can also click the menu button, select “Settings,” and select the “Extensions” option at the left side of the Settings page, or type chrome://extensions into the address bar.


Chrome will display your list of installed extensions. Scroll through the list and click the trash can icon to the right of any extensions you want to uninstall. You can also just uncheck the “Enabled” box to temporarily disable an extension without uninstalling it. You won’t have to restart your browser after uninstalling or disabling extensions.

Chrome会显示您已安装的扩展程序列表。 滚动列表,然后单击要卸载的扩展程序右侧的垃圾桶图标。 您也可以仅取消选中“已启用”框以暂时禁用扩展程序而不将其卸载。 卸载或禁用扩展程序后,您无需重新启动浏览器。

If you’ve set up syncing with your Google account in Chrome, and it’s synchronizing your installed extensions, this will also uninstall that extension on your other computers.


如何在Mozilla Firefox中卸载附加组件 (How to Uninstall Add-Ons in Mozilla Firefox)

In Firefox, click the “Menu” button in the upper right corner and then click the “Add-ons” button to go directly to your list of installed Firefox add-ons. Click the puzzle piece icon on the left side of the page to view your browser extensions. (The other icons here allow you to manage your installed themes, browser plug-ins, and “social services.”)

在Firefox中,单击右上角的“菜单”按钮,然后单击“加载项”按钮,直接转到已安装的Firefox加载项列表。 单击页面左侧的拼图块图标以查看浏览器扩展。 (此处的其他图标使您可以管理已安装的主题,浏览器插件和“ 社交服务” 。)

From here, you can right-click an extension to uninstall it from your browser or temporarily disable it. If you see a “Restart Now” link, you’ll need to restart Firefox to finish the uninstallation process.

在这里,您可以右键单击扩展程序,以从浏览器中将其卸载或暂时禁用它。 如果看到“立即重启”链接,则需要重新启动Firefox才能完成卸载过程。

If an extension was installed by another program on your computer, you’ll only be able to “Disable” it instead of fully removing it from your browser. To remove the extension, you’d have to uninstall the associated program. You could try removing an extension’s files by hand, but, if it was installed by a program running on your computer, that program could just re-add those files in the future. But you don’t have to worry about that–a disabled extension might clutter the list of extensions, but it won’t run at all. It’s as good as if it were uninstalled.

如果扩展程序是由计算机上的另一个程序安装的,则只能“禁用”该扩展程序,而不能将其从浏览器中完全删除。 要删除扩展名,您必须卸载关联的程序。 您可以尝试手动删除扩展程序的文件,但是,如果扩展程序是由计算机上运行的程序安装的,则该程序将来可以重新添加这些文件。 但是您不必担心–禁用的扩展名可能会使扩展名列表杂乱无章,但它根本不会运行。 就像被卸载一样好。

如何在Internet Explorer中卸载附加组件 (How to Uninstall Add-Ons in Internet Explorer)

To disable a toolbar or other browser extension in Internet Explorer, click the gear menu at the top-right corner of the browser window and select “Manage add-ons.”

要在Internet Explorer中禁用工具栏或其他浏览器扩展,请点击浏览器窗口右上角的齿轮菜单,然后选择“管理加载项”。

Select “Toolbars and Extensions” under Add-on Types, and then click the “Show” box and ensure it’s set to “All add-ons.” This ensures you’ll see all your installed browser extensions here.

选择“加载项类型”下的“工具栏和扩展”,然后单击“显示”框,并确保将其设置为“所有加载项”。 这样可以确保您在此处看到所有已安装的浏览器扩展。

Locate the extension you want to remove, paying attention to the “Name” and “Publisher” fields to identify them. If you see an extension with an unfamiliar name, try performing a web search for it. Select the extension and click the “Disable” button at the bottom-right of the window to disable it.

找到您要删除的扩展名,注意“名称”和“发布者”字段以进行识别。 如果您看到名称不熟悉的扩展名,请尝试对其进行网络搜索。 选择扩展名,然后单击窗口右下方的“禁用”按钮以将其禁用。

To completely uninstall an extension instead of just disabling it, you’ll usually need to visit the “Uninstall a program” pane in the Windows Control Panel and uninstall that plug-in. You may need to look for the name of the plug-in itself, or you may have to uninstall a program the plug-in came bundled with.

要完全卸载扩展而不是仅禁用扩展,通常需要访问Windows控制面板中的“卸载程序”窗格并卸载该插件。 您可能需要查找插件本身的名称,或者可能必须卸载该插件捆绑在一起的程序。

If you don’t see it in the list, you might want to perform a web search online. Some malicious extensions won’t include any easy uninstaller, so you’ll have to find an uninstall tool or remove the files by hand. Search the web for how to uninstall that particular extension from Internet Explorer and you’ll see more specific instructions.

如果您没有在列表中看到它,则可能要在线执行网络搜索。 一些恶意扩展将不包含任何简单的卸载程序,因此您必须找到卸载工具或手动删除文件。 在网上搜索如何从Internet Explorer卸载该特定扩展程序,您将看到更多具体说明。

如何在Apple的Safari中卸载扩展程序 (How to Uninstall Extensions in Apple’s Safari)

To manage your list of installed browser extensions in Safari, click the “Safari” menu at the top of your Mac’s desktop and select “Preferences.” Don’t click “Safari Extensions”–that’ll just take you to Apple’s Safari Extensions Gallery website you can download more extensions.

要管理Safari中已安装的浏览器扩展的列表,请单击Mac桌面顶部的“ Safari”菜单,然后选择“首选项”。 不要单击“ Safari扩展”,这将带您进入Apple的Safari扩展库网站,您可以下载更多扩展。

Click the “Extensions” icon at the top of the Preferences window to see your list of installed extensions. Select an extension at the left side of the screen and either click the “Uninstall” button to remove it from your Mac or uncheck the “Enable [Extension Name]” box to disable the extension without removing it entirely.

单击“首选项”窗口顶部的“扩展名”图标以查看已安装扩展名的列表。 在屏幕左侧选择一个扩展名,然后单击“卸载”按钮将其从Mac上删除,或者取消选中“启用[扩展名]”框以禁用该扩展名而不将其完全删除。

如何在Opera中卸载扩展 (How to Uninstall Extensions in Opera)

In Opera, click the “Opera” menu button at the top-left corner of the browser window, point to “Extensions,” and select “Extensions manager” to see a list of your installed extensions.

在Opera中,单击浏览器窗口左上角的“ Opera”菜单按钮,指向“扩展”,然后选择“扩展管理器”以查看已安装扩展的列表。

Click the “x” button to the right of an extension to remove it, or click the “Disable” button under an extension to disable it without removing it from your browser. You won’t have to restart Opera after disabling or removing an extension.

单击扩展程序右侧的“ x”按钮以将其删除,或单击扩展程序下方的“禁用”按钮以禁用它而不将其从浏览器中删除。 禁用或删除扩展程序后,无需重启Opera。

Microsoft Edge doesn’t yet support extensions, but it’s gaining support for Chrome-style extensions soon. This process should be similar on Edge when it ultimately does gain support for browser extensions.

Microsoft Edge尚不支持扩展,但很快就会获得对Chrome样式扩展的支持。 当最终获得对浏览器扩展的支持时,此过程在Edge上应该类似。

If you use another web browser, the process should be similar. Look in your web browser’s menus for an option about “extensions,” “add-ons,” or “plug-ins.”

如果使用其他Web浏览器,则过程应类似。 在网络浏览器的菜单中查找有关“扩展”,“附加组件”或“插件”的选项。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240090/how-to-uninstall-extensions-in-chrome-firefox-and-other-browsers/



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