内网禁用u盘 远程协助

Remote Assistance lets you—or someone who you trust—gain access to your computer remotely. It’s a useful way to let a family member or trusted tech diagnose a problem you’re having with your PC without having to be there. When not using Remote Assistance, you might want to disable this potentially vulnerable service.

远程协助使您或您信任的人可以远程访问您的计算机。 这是让家人或受信任的技术人员诊断计算机存在问题的有用方法,而不必在那里。 当不使用远程协助时,您可能想禁用此潜在的易受攻击的服务。

如何禁用远程协助 (How to Disable Remote Assistance)

Open up Control Panel by clicking the Start Menu, typing “Control Panel,” and then clicking the application’s icon.


From the list of settings, click on “System and Security.”


Next, click on “System.”


On the list of setting on the left side, click on “Remote Settings” to open the Remote Assistance settings window.


Finally, untick the box next to “Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer” and then click “OK.”


That’s all there is to disabling Windows Remote Assistance. Next time you need remote help from a friend or family, be sure you re-enable this service before you start.

禁用Windows远程协助就是这些。 下次您需要朋友或家人的远程帮助时,请确保在开始之前重新启用此服务。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402312/how-to-disable-remote-assistance-in-windows-10/

内网禁用u盘 远程协助

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