
The drop shadows on applications in the Windows 10 preview are really big and suspiciously similar to the ones in OS X, and if they aren’t your speed, you can easily remove them. We actually think they look good, but since somebody out there won’t like them, here is how to disable them.

Windows 10预览版中应用程序的阴影确实很大,并且可疑地类似于OS X中的阴影,如果不是您的速度,则可以轻松删除它们。 我们实际上认为它们看起来不错,但是由于那里的人会不喜欢它们,因此下面介绍了如何禁用它们。

Open up Control Panel and head to System and Security and then System, and click the Advanced system settings link.


Alternatively you can use the Start Menu and search for “advanced system settings” and click on that item.


From here, go to the Advanced tab and click the Settings button under Performance.


Find and uncheck “Show shadows under windows” and click Apply or OK.


The drop shadows will immediately be removed.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/197866/how-to-disable-the-drop-shadows-in-windows-10/


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