When you first set up your Apple Watch, you may or may not have a few world clocks on it. You can change the world clocks on your Apple Watch, but you’ll need to use your iPhone to do it.

首次设置Apple Watch时,它可能有也可能没有世界时钟。 您可以在Apple Watch上更改世界时钟,但需要使用iPhone来执行。

Adding, subtracting, and changing world clocks on the Apple Watch would seem like it would be fairly intuitive, but it is not. In fact, in order to do anything with world clocks on your Watch, you must use your iPhone’s Clock app.

在Apple Watch上添加,减去和更改世界时钟似乎很直观,但事实并非如此。 实际上,为了在Watch上处理世界时钟,您必须使用iPhone的Clock应用程序。

Here is the World Clock app on the Apple Watch. In this case, the only two clocks available are Cupertino and New York. Your Watch may vary.

这是Apple Watch上的World Clock应用程序。 在这种情况下,仅有的两个时钟是库比蒂诺和纽约。 您的手表可能会有所不同。

So, let’s go ahead and change our world clocks so they are then reflected on your Apple Watch’s world clock app.

因此,让我们继续进行操作,更改我们的世界时钟,以便它们反映在Apple Watch的世界时钟应用程序中。

First, open the iPhone’s clock app and tap open the World Clock tab.


Once you’ve opened up the World Clock settings, tap “Edit” to access your world clocks. Next to each clock a “-” symbol will appear. To remove a clock, tap that symbol.

打开世界时钟设置后,点击“编辑”以访问您的世界时钟。 每个时钟旁边都会出现一个“-”符号。 要删除时钟,请点击该符号。

You will need to confirm your intentions by tapping the “Delete” button that appears to the right of each world clock city. It will then be deleted.

您需要通过点击出现在每个世界时钟城市右侧的“删除”按钮来确认您的意图。 然后将其删除。

Now, tap the “+” symbol in the upper-right corner and you can pick your city or cities.

现在,点击右上角的“ +”符号,您可以选择一个或多个城市。

Now you see that we’ve added a few more cities to our world clocks on our iPhone.


Now, we’ll go back to our Apple Watch, and all our new clocks should be reflected in our World Clock app. For example, you see when we tap open Brasília, it shows us all the pertinent information about that city.

现在,我们将返回到Apple Watch,所有新时钟都应反映在World Clock应用程序中。 例如,当您点击打开“巴西利亚”时,您会看到它向我们显示了有关该城市的所有相关信息。

So, there you have it. Now you can add any cities you want to your Apple Watch and quickly check the time wherever you are without having to whip out your iPhone (unless you want to make changes, of course).

所以你有它。 现在,您可以将想要的任何城市添加到Apple Watch,并快速检查时间,无论您身在何处,而不必掏出iPhone(当然,除非您想进行更改)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237691/how-to-add-and-change-world-clocks-on-the-apple-watch/

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