apple id 强制激活

Just like apps can misbehave on your phone and tablet, apps can misbehave on the Apple TV. Read on as we show you how to force quit an out of line application on your Apple TV.

就像应用程序可能在您的手机和平板电脑上出现异常一样,应用程序也可能在Apple TV上出现异常。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何在Apple TV上强制退出离线应用程序。

Note: This tutorial applies to the 2015 4th-generation Apple TV hardware update and the subsequent updates running tvOS.

注意:本教程适用于2015年第4代Apple TV硬件更新以及运行tvOS的后续更新。

为什么以及何时要执行此操作? (Why And When Do I Want To Do This?)

The new tvOS optimized apps that port your favorite iOS applications (and some new ones along the way) over to the Apple TV aren’t immune to the occasional glitch, crash, or ghost-in-the-machine funny business anymore than regular iOS applications are.

新的经过tvOS优化的应用程序将您喜爱的iOS应用程序(以及此过程中的一些新应用程序)移植到Apple TV上,与常规的iOS相比,它不再无法承受偶尔出现的故障,崩溃或机器中的鬼怪业务应用程序。

If you find an app isn’t updating right, is acting quirky, or is outright frozen (but the rest of the tvOS is still responsive) then the best course of action is to force quit the application and restart it fresh without going through the hassle of restarting your entire Apple TV. Let’s take a look now at how easy it is.

如果您发现某个应用程序没有正确更新,运行异常或被完全冻结(但是其余的tvOS仍处于响应状态),则最好的做法是强制退出该应用程序并重新启动它,而无需经历重新启动整个Apple TV的麻烦。 现在让我们看看它有多容易。

如何强制退出Apple TV应用 (How to Force Quit Apple TV Apps)

Readers familiar with iOS, and most people researching how to do something on the Apple TV will be as there’s a high overlap between iPhone owners and Apple TV owners, will find the process for force quitting a tvOS application to be quite similar to how it is done in iOS.

熟悉iOS的读者以及正在研究如何在Apple TV上做某事的大多数人都会发现,因为iPhone所有者和Apple TV所有者之间存在高度重叠,他们会发现强制退出tvOS应用程序的过程与之相似。在iOS中完成。

Let’s say, for example, that the popular game Crossy Road is frozen (in fairness to the Crossy Road development team the tvOS-optimizes version has not caused us any problems despite sending thousands of chickens to their deaths since our Apple TV arrived).

比方说,流行的游戏Crossy Road被冻结了(公平地对Crossy Road开发团队说,尽管自从Apple TV到货以来,数千只鸡已经死亡,但tvOS优化版本并未对我们造成任何问题)。

In order to force quit the application and restart it we need to double tap on the Home button on the Apple TV Remote.

为了强制退出应用程序并重新启动它,我们需要双击Apple TV Remote上的“主页”按钮。

Upon double tapping upon the Home button the Apple TV interface will engage the application-switching mode as seen below.

双击“主页”按钮后,Apple TV界面将进入应用程序切换模式,如下所示。

If the app is already in front of you, great, if not swipe left or right until the application selector is centered on the problematic application.


Now simply slide your finger up the Apple TV remote trackpad until the preview of the application begins to slide off the screen as seen below.

现在,只需将手指向上滑动Apple TV远程触控板,直到应用程序的预览开始滑离屏幕,如下所示。

Just like swiping up on an application in iOS forces an application to close the same thing happens in tvOS.


At this point the application is completely closed and you can either leave it closed or restart it from the Home screen.


Have a pressing Apple TV question? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有一个紧迫的Apple TV问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至,我们将尽力答复。


apple id 强制激活

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