


d = {key1 : value1, key2 : value2 }


       2.1. 字典的创建:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}print(d)   # {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'海角', '天涯'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}


2.2. 字典的访问:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}# 根据键获取值
print(d['name'])  # IT之旅
print(d.get('name'))  # IT之旅# 成员存在则进行访问
if 'age' in d:print(d.get('age'))  # 25# 循环遍历访问
for k in d:print(k, d[k])
name IT之旅
age 25
hobby ['编程', '看报', 111]
location {'天涯', '海角'}
('male', 'female') male
for k, v in d.items():print(k, '-->', v)
name --> IT之旅
age --> 25
hobby --> ['编程', '看报', 111]
location --> {'海角', '天涯'}
('male', 'female') --> male
for v in d.values():print(v)
['编程', '看报', 111]
{'海角', '天涯'}

2.2. 修改字典的值:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}print(d['age'])  # 25d['age'] = 27
print(d['age'])  # 27

2.3. 删除字典的元素:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}del d['name']
print(d)  # name键值对已被删除d.clear()
print(d)  # d已被清除,输出为空的对象 {}
del d
print(d)  # name 'd' is not defined

2.4. 增加字典元素:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}del d['name']
del d['hobby']
del d['location']
print(d)  # {'age': 25, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}d.update({'name_1': '测试用户名'})  # 添加元素值
print(d)  # {'age': 25, ('male', 'female'): 'male', 'name_1': '测试用户名'}m = {'test': 'test', 1: 1}  # 合并字典值
print(d)  # {'age': 25, ('male', 'female'): 'male', 'name_1': '测试用户名', 'test': 'test', 1: 1}

2.5. 字典的复制:

d = {'name': 'IT之旅', 'age': 25, 'hobby': ['编程', '看报', 111], 'location': {'天涯', '海角'}, ('male', 'female'): 'male'}m = d.copy()  # 浅复制
print(m == d)  # True
print(id(m) == id(d))  # Falsen = d  # 直接赋值
print(id(n) == id(d))  # True'''

2.6.  python内置了一些函数用于操作字典,包含有:计算字典元素个数的len()函数,以可打印字符串输出的str()函数,删除字典给定键 key 所对应值的pop()函数,等等。

三、实践案例 - 统计英文文章中单词出现的频率


With the gradual deepening of Internet of things, artificial intelligence, big data and other concepts, the construction of smart city is particularly urgent, and smart transportation is an important step in this link, which is not only the key words of urban construction,
It is also an important traffic information data of each city component. In order to strengthen data information sharing and exchange, each region has begun to make efforts to build.
As an important indicator of road section, traffic indicator cone plays an important role in road section status indication and vehicle drainage.
The traditional cone barrel has some disadvantages, such as single function, poor warning effect, inconvenient transportation and poor ability to withstand harsh conditions, which can not meet the requirements of current conditions. Based on this situation,
We start to use NB-IoT communication technology and IPv6 protocol to further explore the use value of cone barrel and further improve the utilization rate.
What is the next direction of the Internet of things? We'll see


original_words = open(r'C:\Users\itour\Desktop\words-original.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
# 将文本中的句子分割成一个一个单次,去除标点符号后存入word_list列表中。
word_list = []
for lines in original_words:word = lines.replace('\n', '').split(' ')for reduce_word in word:  # 去除单次中的标点符号word_list.append(reduce_word.strip(',').strip('?').strip('.'))# 使用字典数据结构统计单词出现的频率
word_dict = {}
for w in word_list:if w in word_dict.keys():word_dict[w] += 1else:word_dict[w] = 1
# 输出结果
{'With': 1, 'the': 8, 'gradual': 1, 'deepening': 1, 'of': 10, 'Internet': 2,
'things': 2, 'artificial': 1, 'intelligence': 1, 'big': 1, 'data': 3, 'and': 7,'other': 1, 'concepts': 1, 'construction': 2, 'smart': 2, 'city': 2, 'is': 5, 'particularly': 1, 'urgent': 1, 'transportation': 2, 'an': 4, 'important': 4, 'step': 1, 'in': 2, 'this': 2, 'link': 1, 'which': 2, 'not': 2, 'only': 1, 'key': 1, 'words': 1, 'urban': 1, 'It': 1, 'also': 1, 'traffic': 2, 'information': 2, 'each': 2, 'component': 1, 'In': 1, 'order': 1, 'to': 6, 'strengthen': 1, 'sharing': 1, 'exchange': 1,'region': 1, 'has': 2, 'begun': 1, 'make': 1, 'efforts': 1, 'build': 1, 'As': 1, 'indicator': 2, 'road': 2, 'section': 2, 'cone': 3, 'plays': 1, 'role': 1, 'status': 1, 'indication': 1, 'explore': 1}'''




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