


  1. 数量大于 ⌈ K 2 ⌉ \lceil \frac{K}{2} \rceil ⌈2K​⌉ 的点独立集
  2. 长度不大于 K K K 的环



如果 m = n − 1 m=n-1 m=n−1(即为一棵树),那就之间二分图染色,两个独立集一定有一个大小 ≥ ⌈ K 2 ⌉ \ge \lceil \frac{K}{2} \rceil ≥⌈2K​⌉


  1. 环大小小于等于K:直接输出环就好了

  2. 环大小大于K:那环里面隔一个输出一个,至少有 ⌈ K 2 ⌉ \lceil \frac{K}{2} \rceil ⌈2K​⌉ 个,而且都是相互独立的

#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
using namespace __gnu_cxx;#define int long long
#define PI acos(-1.0)
#define eps 1e-9
#define lowbit(a) ((a)&-(a))
#define mid ((l+r)>>1)
#define mem(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof x)const int mod = 1e9+7;
int qpow(int a,int b){int ans=1;while(b){if(b&1)ans=(ans*a)%mod;a=(a*a)%mod;b>>=1;}return ans;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int N = 1e5+10;
int n,m,k,pre[N],dep[N],col[N],pos,mincir=INF;
void bfs(){mem(col,-1);queue<int>q; q.push(1); col[1]=1; c[1].push_back(1);while(!q.empty()){int u=q.front(); q.pop(); for(auto v:g[u]){if(col[v]==-1){col[v]=col[u]^1;q.push(v); c[col[v]].push_back(v);}}}
void dfs(int u,int fa){dep[u]=dep[fa]+1,pre[u]=fa;for(auto v:g[u]){if(v==fa)continue;if(dep[v]){if(dep[v]<dep[u]&&dep[u]-dep[v]+1<mincir){pos=u;mincir=dep[u]-dep[v]+1;}}else dfs(v,u);}
#define endl '\n'
signed main(){std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0);cin>>n>>m>>k;for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){int u,v; cin>>u>>v;g[u].push_back(v),g[v].push_back(u);}if(m==n-1){bfs();cout<<1<<endl;if(c[0].size()>=(k+1)/2)for(int i=0;i<(k+1)/2;i++)cout<<c[0][i]<<" ";else for(int i=0;i<(k+1)/2;i++)cout<<c[1][i]<<" ";}else{dfs(1,1);if(mincir<=k){cout<<2<<endl<<mincir<<endl;while(mincir--){cout<<pos<<" ";pos=pre[pos];}}else{cout<<1<<endl;mincir=(k+1)>>1;while(mincir--){cout<<pos<<" ";pos=pre[pre[pos]];}}}

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