关于解决arduino pluseIn与官方舵机库冲突的办法




C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino/libraries/Servo/src/avr/Servo.cpp中的这段程序:

void Servo::write(int value)
{if(value < MIN_PULSE_WIDTH){  // treat values less than 544 as angles in degrees (valid values in microseconds are handled as microseconds)if(value < 0) value = 0;if(value > 180) value = 180;value = map(value, 0, 180, SERVO_MIN(),  SERVO_MAX());}this->writeMicroseconds(value);
}void Servo::writeMicroseconds(int value)
{// calculate and store the values for the given channelbyte channel = this->servoIndex;if( (channel < MAX_SERVOS) )   // ensure channel is valid{if( value < SERVO_MIN() )          // ensure pulse width is validvalue = SERVO_MIN();else if( value > SERVO_MAX() )value = SERVO_MAX();value = value - TRIM_DURATION;value = usToTicks(value);  // convert to ticks after compensating for interrupt overhead - 12 Aug 2009uint8_t oldSREG = SREG;cli();servos[channel].ticks = value;SREG = oldSREG;}

从以上代码可以看出,Servo.write(degree)和Servo.writeMicroseconds(value)是差不多一样的,只不过Servo.write(degree)把输入进去的角度转换成脉冲宽度,传入调用的Servo.writeMicroseconds(value)而已,主要问题出在了void Servo::writeMicroseconds(int value)中调用的一个函数cli()上,不少有经验的开发者经常用到,关闭中断 意思是设置了之后,外部中断和内部中断都被屏蔽了,不会去处理了,然后把脉宽值转为Ticks值,从而设置定时器。

static inline void handle_interrupts(timer16_Sequence_t timer, volatile uint16_t *TCNTn, volatile uint16_t* OCRnA)
{if( Channel[timer] < 0 )*TCNTn = 0; // channel set to -1 indicated that refresh interval completed so reset the timerelse{if( SERVO_INDEX(timer,Channel[timer]) < ServoCount && SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.isActive == true )digitalWrite( SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.nbr,LOW); // pulse this channel low if activated}Channel[timer]++;    // increment to the next channelif( SERVO_INDEX(timer,Channel[timer]) < ServoCount && Channel[timer] < SERVOS_PER_TIMER) {*OCRnA = *TCNTn + SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).ticks;if(SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.isActive == true)     // check if activateddigitalWrite( SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.nbr,HIGH); // its an active channel so pulse it high}else {// finished all channels so wait for the refresh period to expire before starting overif( ((unsigned)*TCNTn) + 4 < usToTicks(REFRESH_INTERVAL) )  // allow a few ticks to ensure the next OCR1A not missed*OCRnA = (unsigned int)usToTicks(REFRESH_INTERVAL);else*OCRnA = *TCNTn + 4;  // at least REFRESH_INTERVAL has elapsedChannel[timer] = -1; // this will get incremented at the end of the refresh period to start again at the first channel}

再看下面的代码:C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino\wiring_pulse.c

unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout)
{// cache the port and bit of the pin in order to speed up the// pulse width measuring loop and achieve finer resolution.  calling// digitalRead() instead yields much coarser resolution.uint8_t bit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);uint8_t stateMask = (state ? bit : 0);// convert the timeout from microseconds to a number of times through// the initial loop; it takes approximately 16 clock cycles per iterationunsigned long maxloops = microsecondsToClockCycles(timeout)/16;unsigned long width = countPulseASM(portInputRegister(port), bit, stateMask, maxloops);// prevent clockCyclesToMicroseconds to return bogus values if countPulseASM timed outif (width)return clockCyclesToMicroseconds(width * 16 + 16);elsereturn 0;

这个函数里并没有用到定时器中断,或者什么其他的中断,其核心在unsigned long width = countPulseASM(portInputRegister(port), bit, stateMask, maxloops);这句话上

 * unsigned long pulseInSimpl(volatile uint8_t *port, uint8_t bit, uint8_t stateMask, unsigned long maxloops)* {*     unsigned long width = 0;*     // wait for any previous pulse to end*     while ((*port & bit) == stateMask)*         if (--maxloops == 0)*             return 0;**     // wait for the pulse to start*     while ((*port & bit) != stateMask)*         if (--maxloops == 0)*             return 0;**     // wait for the pulse to stop*     while ((*port & bit) == stateMask) {*         if (++width == maxloops)*             return 0;*     }*     return width;* }





/* Measures the length (in microseconds) of a pulse on the pin; state is HIGH* or LOW, the type of pulse to measure.  Works on pulses from 2-3 microseconds* to 3 minutes in length, but must be called at least a few dozen microseconds* before the start of the pulse.** This function performs better with short pulses in noInterrupt() context*/




//这个函数的精确度一般,但是能用int servopin = 7;    //定义舵机接口数字接口7 ,接舵机信号线,这个IO口随便定义void servopulse(int angle)//定义一个脉冲函数,这个函数的频率是50hz的,20000us=20ms=1/50hz{int pulsewidth=(angle*11)+500;  //将角度转化为500-2480的脉宽值digitalWrite(servopin,HIGH);    //将舵机接口电平至高,反过来也是可以的delayMicroseconds(pulsewidth);  //延时脉宽值的微秒数digitalWrite(servopin,LOW);     //将舵机接口电平至低delayMicroseconds(20000-pulsewidth);
}void setup(){pinMode(servopin,OUTPUT);//设定舵机接口为输出接口
void loop()
{//把值的范围映射到0到165左for( int angle = 0;angle<180;angle+=10){for(int i=0;i<50;i++)  //发送50个脉冲{servopulse(angle);   //引用脉冲函数}  delay(1000);  }



Arduino的资源是相当多的,我用的解决方法是安装了一个第三方库Servo_Hardware_PWM.h 这个库只用用于Arduino mega2560。该库用了mega2560的定时器3,4,5及其相对应的引脚进行使用,库里直接寄存器操作,省去了大量的时钟周期。示例代码如下:

/* Servo SweepCreated by Daniel Duller, 12. January, 2019.Changed by Daniel Duller, 11. October, 2019.This example code is in the public domain.
*/#include <Servo_Hardware_PWM.h>Servo myServo1; //creating a servo object (any custom name could be used)
Servo myServo2;
Servo myServo3;
Servo myServo4;
Servo myServo5;
Servo myServo6;unsigned int valueMicros = 0; //variable that contains the microseconds
int valueDegrees = 0; //variable that contains the degreesvoid setup() {myServo1.attach(2); //attaches the servo to pin 2myServo2.attach(3);myServo3.attach(7);myServo4.attach(8);myServo5.attach(44);myServo6.attach(45);
}void loop() {//option 1 - using microseconds and the writeMicroseconds-function:for (valueMicros = 500; valueMicros < 2500; valueMicros++){ //goes from 500us to 2500us (0° to 180°)myServo1.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros); //writes the value of valueMicros to the servomyServo2.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros);myServo3.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros);myServo4.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros);myServo5.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros);myServo6.writeMicroseconds(valueMicros);delay(1);}//option 2 - using degrees and the write-function:for (valueDegrees = 180; valueDegrees > 0; valueDegrees--){ //goes from 180° to 0° (2500us to 500us)myServo1.write(valueDegrees); //writes the value of valueDegrees to the servomyServo2.write(valueDegrees);myServo3.write(valueDegrees);myServo4.write(valueDegrees);myServo5.write(valueDegrees);myServo6.write(valueDegrees);delay(10);}


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