• 坐标系的旋转与欧拉角

    • Definition

      • Geometrical definition
      • Definition by intrinsic本质的 rotation
      • Signs and ranges
    • 矩阵表示
      • 点变换
      • 坐标变换
    • 手机坐标系
    • References



The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the orientation of a rigid body with respect to a fixed coordinate system.[1] They can also represent the orientation of a mobile frame of reference in physics or the orientation of a general basis in 3-dimensional linear algebra.


Euler angles are typically denoted as α,β,γ,or φ,θ,ψ\alpha,\beta,\gamma,or\ \varphi,\theta,\psi

Tait–Bryan angles are also called Cardan angles; nautical angles; heading, elevation, and bank; or yaw(偏航角), pitch(俯仰角), and roll(横滚角). Sometimes, both kinds of sequences are called “Euler angles”. In that case, the sequences of the first group are called proper or classic Euler angles.

Geometrical definition

The axes of the original frame are denoted as x,y,z and the axes of the rotated frame as X,Y,Z. The geometrical definition (sometimes referred to as static) begins by defining the line of nodes as the intersection of the planes xy and XY (it can also be defined as the common perpendicular(公垂线) to the axes z and Z and then written as the vector product N=z×Z N = z\times Z). Using it, the three Euler angles can be defined as follows:

  • α or φ\alpha\ or\ \varphi is the angle between the x axis and the N axis (x-convention - it could also be defined between y and N, called y-convention).
  • β or θ\beta\ or\ \theta is the angle between the z axis and the Z axis.
  • γ or ψ\gamma\ or\ \psi is the angle between the N axis and the X axis (x-convention).
    Euler angles between two reference frames are defined only if both frames have the same handedness(手性).

Definition by intrinsic(本质的) rotation

Intrinsic rotations are elemental rotations that occur about the axes of a coordinate system XYZ attached to a moving body. Therefore, they change their orientation after each elemental rotation. The XYZ system rotates, while xyz is fixed. Starting with XYZ overlapping xyz, a composition of three intrinsic rotations can be used to reach any target orientation for XYZ.

  • x-y-z, or x0-y0-z0 (initial)
  • x’-y’-z’, or x1-y1-z1 (after first rotation)
  • x″-y″-z″, or x2-y2-z2 (after second rotation)
  • X-Y-Z, or x3-y3-z3 (final)

Signs and ranges

  • for α and γ, the range is defined modulo 2π radians. For instance, a valid range could be [−π, π).
  • for β, the range covers π radians (but can’t be said to be modulo π). For example, it could be [0, π] or [−π/2, π/2].




R_x(\theta)= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & \cos \theta & -\sin\theta \\ 0 & \sin \theta & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix}


R_y(\theta)= \begin{pmatrix} \cos \theta & 0 & -\sin\theta\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ \sin \theta & 0 & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix}


R_z(\theta)= \begin{pmatrix}\cos \theta & -\sin\theta &0 \\\sin \theta & \cos\theta &0\\0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}











第一个角度:Azimuth 方位角
第二个角度:Pitch 俯仰角(degrees of rotation around x axis)
第三个角度:Roll 横滚角(degrees of rotation around y axis)


  1. Euler angles, wikipedia


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