
部分-乡镇第一师 (Sections — First Divisions of Townships)

The PLSS Townships are typically divided into 36 Sections (nominally one mile on a side), but in the national standard this feature is called the first division because Townships can be divided into non-section features. Most local governments, and even places where Townships are not sectionalized, the GIS attribute and feature will be called Sections or Section Number.

PLSS乡镇通常分为36个部分(每侧名义上为一英里),但是在国家标准中,此功能被称为“第一个分区”,因为乡镇可以分为无节特征。 大多数地方政府,甚至是未划分城镇的地方,GIS属性和功能都将称为“分区”或“分区号”。

PLSS First Divisions — Sections

It is important to realize that not all townships are divided into sections and it is important to recognize the variations so you can identify these divisions correctly in land descriptions or in data use.


First divisions do NOT overlap and all first divisions in a Township should completely cover or completely account for all area in a PLSS Township, except meandered water areas. Typically, sections are numbered in Boustrophedon order from 1 to 36, nominally defining one mile square areas. Boustrophedon meaning the numbers move across the township back and forth from east to west and then west to east much as oxen would plow the ground. However, as with most things cadastral, there are many exceptions, so just be aware that sections are not always numbered starting with 1 in the Northeast corner of the Township, there can be more than 36 sections in a township, section numbers can be duplicated, and sections can be “missing”.

第一个分区不要重叠,并且一个乡镇的所有第一个分区都应完全覆盖或完全覆盖PLSS乡镇的所有区域,除了蜿蜒的水域。 通常,区域按Boustrophedon顺序编号,编号范围为1到36,名义上定义了1平方英里的区域。 Boustrophedon意思是数字从小镇上来回移动,从东到西,然后从西到东,就像牛耕地一样。 但是,与大多数地籍一样,也有很多例外,因此请注意,在乡镇的东北角,区并不总是从1开始编号,乡镇中可以有36个以上的区,可以重复的区号,部分可能会“丢失”。

Normally the GIS should have a place for the section number, a label field, and if the jurisdiction has non-sectionalized townships than an attribute for the type of first division, either as a code or text, and an indication as to whether the area has been surveyed or protracted is helpful. If the jurisdiction has large non-PLSS rectangular areas such as Land grants or water Bodies, it is helpful to included the survey status (surveyed or protracted or extended) so that if the rectangular PLSS areas are extended across the large land area, it can be symbolized or labeled as an index or extended grid and not part of the legal PLSS.

通常,GIS应该在分区号,标签字段中放置一个地方,如果辖区中有未分区的乡镇,则应在第一分区类型的属性上以代码或文字形式显示,并指​​明该区域是否被调查或长期待测是有帮助的。 如果辖区具有较大的非PLSS矩形区域,例如土地赠款或水体,则包括调查状态(调查,长期或扩展)是有帮助的,这样,如果矩形PLSS区域扩展到整个陆地区域,则可以被符号化或标记为索引或扩展网格,而不是合法PLSS的一部分。

Some of the more frequently occurring First Division types that are not sections are shown Lots, Protracted (or Protraction) Blocks, and Quarter Townships. Examples of each are shown.

一些不是分区的更频繁发生的“第一师”类型显示为“地块”,“按比例分摊”或“按比例分摊”。 显示了每个示例。

PLSS Protracted Blocks in Utah

Protraction Blocks or protracted Blocks are areas defined by the Bureau of Land management as a plan of survey. When a federal survey is executed in these areas the rectangular PLSS will follow the plan in the protraction diagram as closely as possible.

划块或划块是土地管理局定义为调查计划的区域。 当在这些区域执行联邦调查时,矩形PLSS将尽可能遵循比例图中的计划。

Township Lots in Calumet County Wisconsin

These townships were not sectionalized when the PLSS was first run. At a later date, the lands in these townships, which were originally Indian Reservation areas, were subdivided. The divisions were identified as lots not sections and they are not 1 mile by 1 mile.

最初运行PLSS时,未对这些乡进行分区。 后来,这些乡镇的土地原先是印第安人保留区被细分了。 划分被确定为地段而不是路段,并且它们不是1英里乘1英里。

It is not hard to find places in the PLSS with duplicated section numbers or irregularly defined section numbers. The main point is that the PLSS Township First Division, may or may not be a section and the dimensions will vary significantly from one mile by one mile. This further emphasizes the legal land description function of the PLSS. While it may look like a nice regular grid from an airplane, on the ground there a lot of exceptions. If you have an application that needs a regular guided cell, it is better to lay down a mathematical grid, than to rely on the PLSS divisions to be regularly spaced.

在PLSS中找到重复的节号或定义不正确的节号并不难。 要点是,PLSS乡镇第一分区可能是一个区间,也可能不是一个区间,其尺寸从一英里到一英里会有很大不同。 这进一步强调了PLSS的合法土地描述功能。 尽管它看起来像是一架飞机的规则网格,但在地面上却有很多例外。 如果您的应用程序需要常规的引导单元,则最好放下数学网格,而不是依赖于PLSS划分规则的间隔。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@nancy.vonmeyer/public-land-survey-system-2cd0cdd652cb




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