如果你设置好了SSH公钥然后还是不行,那么你试一下其他的开源的项目地址,然后如果你可以git clone 下来,那么说明你想要clone的这个项目的地址是错误的,或者是你的权限不够


Remote URL test failed: protocol ‘Remote URL test failed: Authentication failed for,不能clone,push和pul相关推荐

  1. remote: pingfan443: Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed for

    remote: pingfan443: Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed for 在 ...

  2. remote: username : Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed for

    git推送报错: remote: Mercury_Lc: Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication fai ...

  3. remote: XXX Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed for XXX

    异常信息 remote: Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed for 'https:/ ...

  4. svn: E215004: Authentication failed

    Linux环境配置安装好SVN服务器后,输入命令: svn co svn:// IP : PORT 结果返回Authentication failed [root]@iZ23whn33Z conf]# ...

  5. 使用git push推送到远程仓库发生Authentication failed错误

    问题描述: remote: chen_sheng: Incorrect username or password (access token) fatal: Authentication failed ...

  6. git服务器 修改url,如何更改Git Remote的URL

    Git Remote是一个指针,它指向通常托管在远程服务器上的存储库的另一个副本. 在某些情况下,例如将远程存储库迁移到另一个主机时,您需要更改远程URL. 本指南介绍了如何更改Git遥控器的URL. ...

  7. 【rabbitmq】Authentication failed (rejected by the remote node), please check the Erlang cookie

    前言 erlang 23.1 rabbitmq server v3.8.9 win 10 问题描述 使用 rabbitmqctl 命令时出现错误: C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ ...

  8. 【转】 android sdk setup时出现:Failed to fetch URL

    在官方下的android SDK的安装包,运行时,出现: Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/reposi ...

  9. remote: Incorrect username or password ( access token ) fatal: Authentication failed for gitee

    gitee推送到远程仓库时提示错误 remote: Incorrect username or password ( access token ) fatal: Authentication fail ...


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