
Execrise 1

static void *boot_alloc(uint32_t n)
{static char *nextfree;char *result;if (!nextfree) {extern char end[];nextfree = ROUNDUP((char *) end, PGSIZE);}result = nextfree;nextfree = nextfree + ROUNDUP(n, PGSIZE);return result;


void mem_init(void)
{// 缺少的部分pages = (struct PageInfo *) boot_alloc(npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo));memset(pages, 0, npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo));

分配npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo)个字节用于存放物理页面信息

void page_init(void)
{size_t left_i = PGNUM(IOPHYSMEM);size_t right_i = PGNUM(PADDR(pages + npages));for (size_t i = 1; i < npages; i++) {if (left_i > i || i > right_i) {pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;page_free_list = &pages[i];}}


  • IDT存放的位置,即第0个页面
  • IO映射内存,即0xA00000x100000
  • 用于存放物理页面信息的内存,即pagespages+npages
struct PageInfo *page_alloc(int alloc_flags)
{if (page_free_list == NULL) {return NULL;}struct PageInfo *pp = page_free_list;page_free_list = page_free_list -> pp_link;pp -> pp_link = NULL;if (alloc_flags & ALLOC_ZERO) {memset(page2kva(pp), 0, PGSIZE);}return pp;


void page_free(struct PageInfo *pp)
{if (pp -> pp_ref || pp -> pp_link) {panic("free error!");}pp -> pp_link = page_free_list;page_free_list = pp;


Execrise 4

pte_t *pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
{pde_t pde = pgdir[PDX(va)];if (!(pde & PTE_P)) {if (!create) {return NULL;        }struct PageInfo *pp = page_alloc(true);if (!pp) {return NULL;}(pp -> pp_ref)++;pgdir[PDX(va)] = page2pa(pp) | PTE_U | PTE_P | PTE_W;return (pte_t *) page2kva(pp) + PTX(va);}return (pte_t *) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pde)) + PTX(va);


static void boot_map_region(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va, size_t size, physaddr_t pa, int perm)
{for (uintptr_t end = va + size; va != end; pa += PGSIZE, va+= PGSIZE) {pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, (void *) va, true);*pte = pa | perm | PTE_P;}


struct PageInfo *page_lookup(pde_t *pgdir, void *va, pte_t **pte_store)
{pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, false);if (!pte || !(*pte & PTE_P)) {return NULL;}if (pte_store != NULL) {*pte_store = pte;}   return pa2page(PTE_ADDR(*pte));


void page_remove(pde_t *pgdir, void *va)
{pte_t *pte;struct PageInfo *pp = page_lookup(pgdir, va, &pte);if (pp) {page_decref(pp);*pte = 0;tlb_invalidate(pgdir, va);  }


int page_insert(pde_t *pgdir, struct PageInfo *pp, void *va, int perm)
{pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, true);if (!pte) {return -E_NO_MEM;}if (*pte & PTE_P) {if (PTE_ADDR(*pte) == page2pa(pp)) {*pte = page2pa(pp) | perm | PTE_P;return 0;}page_remove(pgdir, va);}++(pp -> pp_ref);*pte = page2pa(pp) | perm | PTE_P;return 0;


  • 插入位置不存在页面,直接插入即可
  • 插入位置存在不相同的页面,先移除该页面再插入
  • 插入位置存在相同页面,设置权限即可

Execrise 5

void mem_init(void)
{// 缺少的部分boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, ROUNDUP(npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo), PGSIZE), PTSIZE, PTE_U | PTE_P);boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE, PADDR(bootstack), PTE_W | PTE_P); boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, 1 << 28, 0, PTE_W | PTE_P);



  • Assuming that the following JOS kernel code is correct, what type should variable x have, uintptr_t or physaddr_t?


  • What entries (rows) in the page directory have been filled in at this point? What addresses do they map and where do they point? In other words, fill out this table as much as possible:
Entry Base Virtual Address Points to (logically)
1023 0x003be000 Page table for top 4MB of phys memory
Page table for top 4MB of phys memory
961 0x003fc000 Page table for top 4MB of phys memory
960 0x003ff000 Page table for top 4MB of phys memory
959 0x003fe000 Kernel Stack & Invalid Memory
957 0x00118000 Page Table
956 0x003fd000 Read-Only PAGES
  • We have placed the kernel and user environment in the same address space. Why will user programs not be able to read or write the kernel’s memory? What specific mechanisms protect the kernel memory?

通过权限控制,设置U/S = 0可阻止用户程序访问内核内存

  • What is the maximum amount of physical memory that this operating system can support? Why?

由于PAGES的大小为4MB而一个PageInfo的大小为8Byte,所以最多有524288个页面,即最大内存为524288 * 4KB = 2GB

  • How much space overhead is there for managing memory, if we actually had the maximum amount of physical memory? How is this overhead broken down?

无法拥有最大内存,管理内存的开销为1个一级页表与1024个二级页表,再加上4MBPAGES,即 1025 * 4KB + 4MB = 6100KB

  • Revisit the page table setup in kern/entry.S and kern/entrypgdir.c. Immediately after we turn on paging, EIP is still a low number (a little over 1MB). At what point do we transition to running at an EIP above KERNBASE? What makes it possible for us to continue executing at a low EIP between when we enable paging and when we begin running at an EIP above KERNBASE? Why is this transition necessary?


jmp *%eax

执行之后eip位于KERNBASE之上,在设置页表后还有一小段指令是运行在低地址的,可以运行的原因是页表中同时也把虚拟地址[0, 4MB)映射到了物理地址[0, 4MB),这是必须的,不然会找不到地址


  • We consumed many physical pages to hold the page tables for the KERNBASE mapping. Do a more space-efficient job using the PTE_PS (“Page Size”) bit in the page directory entries.


void mem_init(void)
//  boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, 1 << 28, 0, PTE_W | PTE_P);// 开启 cr4 PSE 位uint32_t cr4;cr4 = rcr4();cr4 |= CR4_PSE;lcr4(cr4);// 设置 PDEuintptr_t va = KERNBASE;physaddr_t pa = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i != 64; ++i) {kern_pgdir[PDX(va)] = pa | PTE_W | PTE_P | PTE_PS;va += PTSIZE;pa += PTSIZE;}

原本4KB的页面大小,需要64PDE表项和64 * 1024PTE表项,也就是大约256KB
qemu虚拟机中,输入指令info pg,下面为截取片段

[f0000-f43ff]  PDE[3c0-3d0] --SDA---WP 00000-043ff
[f4400-fffff]  PDE[3d1-3ff] --S-----WP 04400-0ffff


  • Extend the JOS kernel monitor with commands


static struct Command commands[] = {{ "help", "Display this list of commands", mon_help },{ "kerninfo", "Display information about the kernel", mon_kerninfo },{ "showmappings", "Display information about physical page mappings", mon_showmappings }


mon_showmappings(int args, char **argv, struct Trapframe *tf)
{char flag[1 << 8] = {[0] = '-',[PTE_W] = 'W',[PTE_U] = 'U',[PTE_A] = 'A',[PTE_D] = 'D',[PTE_PS] = 'S'};char *arg1 = argv[1];char *arg2 = argv[2];char *arg3 = argv[3];char *endptr;if (arg1 == NULL || arg2 == NULL || arg3) {cprintf("we need exactly two arguments!\n");return 0;}uintptr_t va_l = strtol(arg1, &endptr, 16);if (*endptr) {cprintf("argument's format error!\n");return 0;}uintptr_t va_r = strtol(arg2, &endptr, 16);if (*endptr) {cprintf("argument's format error!\n");return 0;}if (va_l > va_r) {cprintf("the first argument should not larger than the second argument!\n");return 0;}pde_t *pgdir = (pde_t *) PGADDR(PDX(UVPT), PDX(UVPT), 0);   // 这里直接用 kern_pgdir 也可以cprintf("      va range         entry      flag           pa range      \n");cprintf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n");while (va_l <= va_r) {pde_t pde = pgdir[PDX(va_l)];if (pde & PTE_P) {char bit_w = flag[pde & PTE_W];char bit_u = flag[pde & PTE_U];char bit_a = flag[pde & PTE_A];char bit_d = flag[pde & PTE_D];char bit_s = flag[pde & PTE_PS];pde = PTE_ADDR(pde);if (va_l < KERNBASE) {cprintf("[%08x - %08x]", va_l, va_l + PTSIZE - 1);cprintf(" PDE[%03x] --%c%c%c--%c%cP\n", PDX(va_l), bit_s, bit_d, bit_a, bit_u, bit_w);pte_t *pte = (pte_t *) (pde + KERNBASE);for (size_t i = 0; i != 1024 && va_l <= va_r; va_l += PGSIZE, ++i) {if (pte[i] & PTE_P) {bit_w = flag[pte[i] & PTE_W];bit_u = flag[pte[i] & PTE_U];bit_a = flag[pte[i] & PTE_A];bit_d = flag[pte[i] & PTE_D];bit_s = flag[pte[i] & PTE_PS];cprintf(" |-[%08x - %08x]", va_l, va_l + PGSIZE - 1);   cprintf(" PTE[%03x] --%c%c%c--%c%cP", i, bit_s, bit_d, bit_a, bit_u, bit_w);cprintf(" [%08x - %08x]\n", PTE_ADDR(pte[i]), PTE_ADDR(pte[i]) + PGSIZE - 1);           }}continue;}cprintf("[%08x - %08x]", va_l, va_l + PTSIZE - 1, PDX(va_l));cprintf(" PDE[%03x] --%c%c%c--%c%cP", PDX(va_l), bit_s, bit_d, bit_a, bit_u, bit_w);cprintf(" [%08x - %08x]\n", pde, pde + PTSIZE - 1);if (va_l == 0xffc00000) {break;}}va_l += PTSIZE;}return 0;


K> showmappings ef400000 f0000000va range         entry      flag           pa range
[ef400000 - ef7fffff] PDE[3bd] ----A--U-P|-[ef7bc000 - ef7bcfff] PTE[3bc] -------UWP [003fd000 - 003fdfff]|-[ef7bd000 - ef7bdfff] PTE[3bd] ----A--U-P [00118000 - 00118fff]|-[ef7bf000 - ef7bffff] PTE[3bf] -------UWP [003fe000 - 003fefff]|-[ef7c0000 - ef7c0fff] PTE[3c0] --SDA---WP [00000000 - 00000fff]|-[ef7c1000 - ef7c1fff] PTE[3c1] --SDA---WP [00400000 - 00400fff]|-[ef7c2000 - ef7c2fff] PTE[3c2] --SDA---WP [00800000 - 00800fff]|-[ef7c3000 - ef7c3fff] PTE[3c3] --SDA---WP [00c00000 - 00c00fff]|-[ef7c4000 - ef7c4fff] PTE[3c4] --SDA---WP [01000000 - 01000fff]|-[ef7c5000 - ef7c5fff] PTE[3c5] --SDA---WP [01400000 - 01400fff]|-[ef7c6000 - ef7c6fff] PTE[3c6] --SDA---WP [01800000 - 01800fff]|-[ef7c7000 - ef7c7fff] PTE[3c7] --SDA---WP [01c00000 - 01c00fff]|-[ef7c8000 - ef7c8fff] PTE[3c8] --SDA---WP [02000000 - 02000fff]|-[ef7c9000 - ef7c9fff] PTE[3c9] --SDA---WP [02400000 - 02400fff]|-[ef7ca000 - ef7cafff] PTE[3ca] --SDA---WP [02800000 - 02800fff]|-[ef7cb000 - ef7cbfff] PTE[3cb] --SDA---WP [02c00000 - 02c00fff]|-[ef7cc000 - ef7ccfff] PTE[3cc] --SDA---WP [03000000 - 03000fff]|-[ef7cd000 - ef7cdfff] PTE[3cd] --SDA---WP [03400000 - 03400fff]|-[ef7ce000 - ef7cefff] PTE[3ce] --SDA---WP [03800000 - 03800fff]|-[ef7cf000 - ef7cffff] PTE[3cf] --SDA---WP [03c00000 - 03c00fff]|-[ef7d0000 - ef7d0fff] PTE[3d0] --SDA---WP [04000000 - 04000fff]|-[ef7d1000 - ef7d1fff] PTE[3d1] --S-----WP [04400000 - 04400fff]|-[ef7d2000 - ef7d2fff] PTE[3d2] --S-----WP [04800000 - 04800fff]|-[ef7d3000 - ef7d3fff] PTE[3d3] --S-----WP [04c00000 - 04c00fff]|-[ef7d4000 - ef7d4fff] PTE[3d4] --S-----WP [05000000 - 05000fff]|-[ef7d5000 - ef7d5fff] PTE[3d5] --S-----WP [05400000 - 05400fff]|-[ef7d6000 - ef7d6fff] PTE[3d6] --S-----WP [05800000 - 05800fff]|-[ef7d7000 - ef7d7fff] PTE[3d7] --S-----WP [05c00000 - 05c00fff]|-[ef7d8000 - ef7d8fff] PTE[3d8] --S-----WP [06000000 - 06000fff]|-[ef7d9000 - ef7d9fff] PTE[3d9] --S-----WP [06400000 - 06400fff]|-[ef7da000 - ef7dafff] PTE[3da] --S-----WP [06800000 - 06800fff]|-[ef7db000 - ef7dbfff] PTE[3db] --S-----WP [06c00000 - 06c00fff]|-[ef7dc000 - ef7dcfff] PTE[3dc] --S-----WP [07000000 - 07000fff]|-[ef7dd000 - ef7ddfff] PTE[3dd] --S-----WP [07400000 - 07400fff]|-[ef7de000 - ef7defff] PTE[3de] --S-----WP [07800000 - 07800fff]|-[ef7df000 - ef7dffff] PTE[3df] --S-----WP [07c00000 - 07c00fff]|-[ef7e0000 - ef7e0fff] PTE[3e0] --S-----WP [08000000 - 08000fff]|-[ef7e1000 - ef7e1fff] PTE[3e1] --S-----WP [08400000 - 08400fff]|-[ef7e2000 - ef7e2fff] PTE[3e2] --S-----WP [08800000 - 08800fff]|-[ef7e3000 - ef7e3fff] PTE[3e3] --S-----WP [08c00000 - 08c00fff]|-[ef7e4000 - ef7e4fff] PTE[3e4] --S-----WP [09000000 - 09000fff]|-[ef7e5000 - ef7e5fff] PTE[3e5] --S-----WP [09400000 - 09400fff]|-[ef7e6000 - ef7e6fff] PTE[3e6] --S-----WP [09800000 - 09800fff]|-[ef7e7000 - ef7e7fff] PTE[3e7] --S-----WP [09c00000 - 09c00fff]|-[ef7e8000 - ef7e8fff] PTE[3e8] --S-----WP [0a000000 - 0a000fff]|-[ef7e9000 - ef7e9fff] PTE[3e9] --S-----WP [0a400000 - 0a400fff]|-[ef7ea000 - ef7eafff] PTE[3ea] --S-----WP [0a800000 - 0a800fff]|-[ef7eb000 - ef7ebfff] PTE[3eb] --S-----WP [0ac00000 - 0ac00fff]|-[ef7ec000 - ef7ecfff] PTE[3ec] --S-----WP [0b000000 - 0b000fff]|-[ef7ed000 - ef7edfff] PTE[3ed] --S-----WP [0b400000 - 0b400fff]|-[ef7ee000 - ef7eefff] PTE[3ee] --S-----WP [0b800000 - 0b800fff]|-[ef7ef000 - ef7effff] PTE[3ef] --S-----WP [0bc00000 - 0bc00fff]|-[ef7f0000 - ef7f0fff] PTE[3f0] --S-----WP [0c000000 - 0c000fff]|-[ef7f1000 - ef7f1fff] PTE[3f1] --S-----WP [0c400000 - 0c400fff]|-[ef7f2000 - ef7f2fff] PTE[3f2] --S-----WP [0c800000 - 0c800fff]|-[ef7f3000 - ef7f3fff] PTE[3f3] --S-----WP [0cc00000 - 0cc00fff]|-[ef7f4000 - ef7f4fff] PTE[3f4] --S-----WP [0d000000 - 0d000fff]|-[ef7f5000 - ef7f5fff] PTE[3f5] --S-----WP [0d400000 - 0d400fff]|-[ef7f6000 - ef7f6fff] PTE[3f6] --S-----WP [0d800000 - 0d800fff]|-[ef7f7000 - ef7f7fff] PTE[3f7] --S-----WP [0dc00000 - 0dc00fff]|-[ef7f8000 - ef7f8fff] PTE[3f8] --S-----WP [0e000000 - 0e000fff]|-[ef7f9000 - ef7f9fff] PTE[3f9] --S-----WP [0e400000 - 0e400fff]|-[ef7fa000 - ef7fafff] PTE[3fa] --S-----WP [0e800000 - 0e800fff]|-[ef7fb000 - ef7fbfff] PTE[3fb] --S-----WP [0ec00000 - 0ec00fff]|-[ef7fc000 - ef7fcfff] PTE[3fc] --S-----WP [0f000000 - 0f000fff]|-[ef7fd000 - ef7fdfff] PTE[3fd] --S-----WP [0f400000 - 0f400fff]|-[ef7fe000 - ef7fefff] PTE[3fe] --S-----WP [0f800000 - 0f800fff]|-[ef7ff000 - ef7fffff] PTE[3ff] --S-----WP [0fc00000 - 0fc00fff]
[efc00000 - efffffff] PDE[3bf] -------UWP|-[efff8000 - efff8fff] PTE[3f8] --------WP [0010d000 - 0010dfff]|-[efff9000 - efff9fff] PTE[3f9] --------WP [0010e000 - 0010efff]|-[efffa000 - efffafff] PTE[3fa] --------WP [0010f000 - 0010ffff]|-[efffb000 - efffbfff] PTE[3fb] --------WP [00110000 - 00110fff]|-[efffc000 - efffcfff] PTE[3fc] --------WP [00111000 - 00111fff]|-[efffd000 - efffdfff] PTE[3fd] --------WP [00112000 - 00112fff]|-[efffe000 - efffefff] PTE[3fe] --------WP [00113000 - 00113fff]|-[effff000 - efffffff] PTE[3ff] --------WP [00114000 - 00114fff]
[f0000000 - f03fffff] PDE[3c0] --SDA---WP [00000000 - 003fffff]

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