I’m feeling stuck.


In my current work and in the content I create (videos and blog posts), I feel like I’ve begun to stall out. Most of the consumers of my content are at the start of their data science journey. The longer I’m in the field, the less I feel I can relate to them.

在我目前的工作和创作的内容(视频和博客文章)中,我感觉自己已经开始陷入困境。 我内容的大多数消费者都处于他们的数据科学之旅的起点。 我在该领域工作的时间越长,与他们的联系就越少。

On the other hand, I don’t work with anything cutting edge in my day job. I’m not exactly progressing my data science skills further either. I’ve been caught up in the messy middle, and I don’t like it.

另一方面,我在日常工作中没有任何前沿技术。 我也没有进一步提高我的数据科学技能。 我陷入了混乱的中间,我不喜欢它。

It is time for a change.


If You Prefer Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXLnbdHMf8w

如果您喜欢影片: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v = uXLnbdHMf8w

我从头开始 (I’m starting from the beginning)

I decided that the best way to jump-start myself would be to start learning data science again from the beginning. This would also help me to relate better to my core audience and produce better content.

我认为,快速入门的最好方法是从头开始重新学习数据科学。 这也将帮助我更好地与核心受众建立联系并产生更好的内容。

I have come to realize that the habits that I have related to data science were starting to atrophy. I wanted to find a way to reinforce those as well.

我已经意识到,与数据科学有关的习惯正开始萎缩。 我也想找到一种方法来增强这些功能。

The two concepts that I have found most valuable in my pursuit of data science have been consistency and accountability. I wanted to create a movement to foster growth in these areas.

在追求数据科学方面,我发现最有价值的两个概念是一致性和责任感。 我想发起一项运动来促进这些领域的增长。

我的解决方案:#66DaysOfData (My solution: #66DaysOfData)

Instead of doing this by myself, I wanted to share my data science learning journey with others and encourage them to participate. I am officially starting the #66DaysOfData initiative on September 1st. I chose 66 days because that is the average amount of time that it takes to establish a new habit (I know there are major problems with averages… but bear with me).

我不想自己做,而是要与他人分享我的数据科学学习历程,并鼓励他们参与。 我将于9月1日正式开始#66DaysOfData计划。 我选择66天是因为这是养成新习惯所需的平均时间(我知道平均水平存在重大问题……但要忍受)。

This is a very simple challenge. There are only two requirements:

这是一个非常简单的挑战。 只有两个要求:

  1. Learn data science for a minimum of 5 minutes per day for 66 days straight (consistency)每天至少学习5分钟的数据科学,连续66天(一致性)
  2. Share what you will be working on each day on the platform of your choice using #66DaysOfData (accountability)使用#66DaysOfData(问责制)在您选择的平台上共享您每天的工作量

You are welcome to start from the beginning again with me, or you can study whatever matches your current interests.


Discord Server for the initiative: https://discord.gg/VXSUJYJ

主动的Discord Server: https : //discord.gg/VXSUJYJ

You can also hold me accountable here: https://twitter.com/KenJee_DS

您也可以在这里要求我负责: https : //twitter.com/KenJee_DS

为什么你应该加入我 (Why you should join me)

I think everyone can benefit from improved data science habits. To me, habits make it so that we don’t have to work as hard. We go into auto-pilot when our habits kick in and we don’t have to fight the resistance of starting.

我认为每个人都可以从改善的数据科学习惯中受益。 对我来说,习惯使之成为现实,这样我们就不必再努力工作了。 当我们的习惯开始时,我们将进入自动驾驶,而我们不必对抗起步的阻力。

For me, momentum has always been a huge problem. I get really into a project or an idea and have no problem spending a significant amount of time on it. After I put it down for a day or two, I struggle to pick it up again because I feel like I have to relearn it all over. Working every day (even if it is just 5 minutes), can help you keep momentum and avoid stalling out.

对我而言,动力一直是一个巨大的问题。 我真的很喜欢一个项目或一个主意,并且花大量时间在它上面没有问题。 在放下一两天后,我很难再次拾起它,因为我觉得我必须重新学习它。 每天工作(即使只有5分钟)也可以帮助您保持动力并避免停滞。

From producing YouTube content, I know that I am far more likely to do something if I tell others about it. I have been very vocal with my goals and projects and I think this has helped me have some moderate success on the platform. I want to share the power of accountability with those interested in this initiative. It can be incredibly scary, but it also tremendously rewarding.

通过制作YouTube内容,我知道,如果我告诉其他人,我更有可能做某事。 我一直对自己的目标和项目表达意见,我认为这有助于我在平台上取得一定程度的成功。 我想与对此计划感兴趣的人分享问责制的力量。 它可能会令人难以置信的令人恐惧,但也会带来巨大的回报。

Not only will you be held accountable, but this will also encourage you to share your work. If you have read my articles or watched my videos, you know how important I believe sharing your work socially is. This is a very simple and low pressure way to get in the habit of sharing your projects and goals with your communities.

您不仅要承担责任,而且还会鼓励您分享自己的工作。 如果您阅读了我的文章或观看了我的视频,您就会知道我相信与他人分享您的作品非常重要。 这是养成与社区共享项目和目标的习惯的一种非常简单且压力小的方法。

我将如何学习 (How I’ll be learning)

Again, there is no need to follow along with exactly what I am doing. This challenge is focused more on creating good habits and helping you to learn the exact data science knowledge that you are interested in.

同样,没有必要完全按照我在做什么。 这项挑战更多地集中在养成良好的习惯并帮助您学习感兴趣的确切数据科学知识上。

Still, if people are interested in starting from the beginning with me, I have shared the resources I will be using and the steps that I will be taking in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXLnbdHMf8w .

尽管如此,如果人们有兴趣从头开始,我已经分享了我将使用的资源以及该视频中将采取的步骤: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXLnbdHMf8w 。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

I think this is a great excuse to break out of the rut that you’re in. It is common to feel unmotivated and stuck. We can break out of these feelings together with the power of the habits that we are creating.

我认为这是摆脱您发情的绝妙借口。感到动力不足和陷入困境很常见。 我们可以摆脱这些感觉,并养成我们所养成的习惯的力量。

Hopefully seeing me start again from the beginning will help inspire you to pick it up as well! I think that this will be a fun experiment, and I hope that you all participate in it with me!

希望看到我从头开始重新起步,也将有助于激发您的兴趣! 我认为这将是一个有趣的实验,希望大家与我一起参与!

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-im-starting-data-science-over-21bec8036ce9



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