
Data science is considered the "sexiest job of the 21st century." Learn data science in this full 6-hour course for absolute beginners from Barton Poulson of datalab.cc.

数据科学被认为是“ 21世纪最艰巨的工作”。 通过datalab.cc的 Barton Poulson的为期 6小时的面向初学者的完整课程,学习数据科学。

In this course, you'll learn the important elements of data science. You'll be introduced to the principles, practices, and tools that make data science the powerful medium for critical insight in business and research. You'll have a solid foundation for future learning and applications in your work. With data science, you can do what you want to do, and do it better.

在本课程中,您将学习数据科学的重要元素。 我们将向您介绍使数据科学成为业务和研究中重要洞察力的强大媒介的原理,实践和工具。 您将为将来的学习和应用奠定坚实的基础。 借助数据科学,您可以做自己想做的事,并且做得更好。

This course covers:


  • foundations of data science数据科学基础
  • data sourcing数据采购
  • coding for data scientists为数据科学家编码
  • mathematics for data scientists数据科学家的数学
  • statistics统计

You can watch the full video course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (6 hour watch).

您可以在freeCodeCamp.org YouTube频道上观看完整的视频课程(观看6小时)。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/data-science-course-for-beginners/



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