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  • hypermnesia *n.* [hye-perm-NEE-zhee-uh]
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hypermnesia podcast

hypermnesia n. [hye-perm-NEE-zhee-uh]

n. 【医】记忆增强


: abnormally vivid or complete memory or recall of the past

Did You Know?

Perhaps the most famous individual to exhibit hypermnesia was a Russian man known as “S,” whose amazing photographic memory was studied for 30 years by a psychologist in the early part of the 20th century. Hypermnesia sometimes refers to cases like that of “S,” but it can also refer to specific instances of heightened memory (such as those brought on by trauma or hypnosis) experienced by people whose memory abilities are unremarkable under ordinary circumstances. The word hypermnesia, which has been with us since about the mid-19th century, was created in New Latin as the combination of hyper- (meaning “beyond” or “super”) and -mnesia (patterned after amnesia). It ultimately derives from the Greek word mnasthai, meaning “to remember.”

mnasthai (“to remember”) —> mnesia
hyper- + mnesia —> hypermnesia

或许最著名的展示超级记忆能力的人就是这个被称为“S”的俄罗斯人,他具有令人惊异的照片式的记忆能力,在20世纪早期被心理学家研究了大约30年。hypermnesia有时指代类似于“S”这样的案例,不过也可以用来指代特定的高能力记忆的实例(例如由于创伤或者催眠导致的),这些人在常规环境下也展示出了超乎寻常的记忆能力。自从19世纪中叶,我们就开始使用hypermnesia这个词了,在New Latin中被创建,是hyper-(“超越”或者“极好”)与*-mnesia*(“根据amnesia(失忆症)构造来的”)。最终衍生自希腊单词mnasthai,意思是“记住”。



  • “Imaging being able to recall anything you’ve ever dreamt, tasted or read. That’s the reality for a woman with a rare condition which means she can remember virtually every single detail of her life — even being able to recite all the Harry Potter books word-for-word. Rebecca Sharrock is one of just 80 people worldwide who have been identified as having … hypernmesia.”
    Erin Cardiff, The Mirror, 6 Oct. 2015

    想象一下,你可以记住你梦到的任何事,吃过的任何食物或者度过的任何书。对于一位女性,这是事实,尽管极其罕见,这意味着她能回忆起生活中的任何一个细节 — 甚至逐字逐句的背诵《哈利波特》全书。Rebecca Sharrock是全球在医学上被诊断为 记忆增强症的仅有的80人中的其中一个。

  • “Qui perd gagne!” …, which is translated as ‘Loser Take All,’ maintains its interest all the way through and awards the viewer with a nice little twist at the end. … Loriot has hypermnesia… . He remebers with total recall absolutely everything he has ever seen or heard, which could drive him crazy without the medication he must take."
    Daniel Neman, The Richmond (Virginia) Times-Dispatch, 2 Apr. 2005

    “Qui perd gagne!”…,这句译作“失败者获得所有”,这个游戏始终保持着兴趣,在结束时对观众也有绕口令小奖励。… Loriot患有医学生的记忆增强症…。他可以记住他经历过的任何事情,不过如果不吃药的话,这会令他发疯。

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