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  • Parthian *adj.* [PAR-thee-un]
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Parthian podcast

Parthian adj. [PAR-thee-un]

adj. 帕提亚的;临别的;


1: of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Parthia or its people

2: relating to, being, or having the effect of a shot fired while in real or feigned retreat

Parthia n. 帕提亚(在里海东南方的古国,亦可称为安息)

Did You Know?

The adjective Parthian, which often shows up in the phrase “Parthian shot,” has its roots in the military strategies of the ancient Parthians. One of the fighting maneuvers of Parthian horsemen was to discharge arrows while in real or feigned retreat. The maneuver must have been memorable because “Parthian shot” continues to be used for a “parting shot,” or a cutting remark made by a person who is leaving, many centuries after the dissolution of the Parthian empire.

词源词根演化:Parthia (n.) —> Parthian (adj.)

形容词Parthian,经常出现在短语“Parthian shot”里,与古代Parthian人在战争中的军事行为有密切关系。Parthian骑兵在真实撤退或者假意撤退时会发射弓箭。在Parthian帝国瓦解数个实际之后,这个行为之所以还会被人记住,可能主要是由于短语“Parthian shot”一直被用于表达“parting shot (临别时的话)”,或者cutting remark(某人要离开时说的尖刻的话语)。

注:have its root in:根植于;military maneuver:军事行动;horseman:骑兵;discharge arrow:发射弓箭;Parthian shot:要离开的信号;parting shot:临别时的话;cutting remark:尖刻的话语


  • After being fired, the coach gave a Parthian shot to the general manger informing him that he was a churlish miser.


    注:churlish miser:粗野的,举止粗俗的,难对付的;miser:守财奴,吝啬鬼

  • “Although the exact origins of polo are unknown, it earned its reputation as ‘the sport of kings’ in the Parthian Empire in Persia and the Byzantine Empire…”
    Town & Country, May 2018



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