
Whether you’re planning a day out on the town, or want to orchestrate the perfect road trip across the country, Google Maps allows you to add up to nine stops, excluding your starting point, when you make directions from both the website and the Maps app. Here’s how you do it.

无论您是计划在小镇上度过一天,还是想安排一次遍及全国的完美公路旅行,当您从网站和网站上进行路线导航时,Google Maps最多可以添加9个停靠点(不包括起点)地图应用。 这是您的操作方式。

使用网站添加多个站点 (Add Multiple Stops Using the Website)

First, open up your browser and head on over to Google Maps. Click the “Directions” button to the right of the search bar.

首先,打开浏览器并转到Google Maps。 点击搜索栏右侧的“方向”按钮。

By default, Maps will use your device’s location for the starting point. If you want this to be a different location, enter it now.

默认情况下,地图会以您设备的位置为起点。 如果您希望它位于其他位置,请立即输入。

Next, enter the location of your first destination into the field provided, and then hit Enter. Alternatively, you can click any location on the map to get the same results.

接下来,在提供的字段中输入第一个目的地的位置,然后按Enter。 或者,您可以单击地图上的任何位置以获得相同的结果。

Make sure you have either the driving or walking option selected, as Maps only lets you make multiple destinations with these two travel modes.


To add another destination, all you have to do is click either the “+” or the space below your first destination, and then start typing a new location. You can repeat this to add up to nine total stops. If you have more stops than is allowed, you may need to make another map from where you left off.

要添加另一个目的地,您所要做的就是单击“ +”或第一个目的地下方的空格,然后开始输入新位置。 您可以重复此操作以总计增加九个停靠点。 如果您的停车站数量超出了允许的范围,则可能需要从停下的位置再制作一张地图。

If at any point you decide you want to change up the order of your destinations, just drag any location up or down on the list using the circles on the left.


And once you’ve created your map in your web browser, you can click the “Send directions to your phone” link to send it to your mobile device by email or text message. Assuming you’ve got the Google Maps app installed, you can open it right up.

在网络浏览器中创建地图后,您可以单击“向手机发送路线”链接,以通过电子邮件或短信将其发送到移动设备。 假设您已经安装了Google Maps应用,则可以立即打开它。

使用移动应用添加多个站点 (Add Multiple Stops Using the Mobile App)

You can use the Google Apps mobile app (free for iOS or Android) to create a map with multiple destinations in much the same way.

您可以使用Google Apps移动应用程序( iOS或Android免费)来创建具有多个目的地的地图,方法几乎相同。

Fire up the Google Maps app on your mobile device, and then tap the blue “Go” button on the bottom right of your screen.

在您的移动设备上启动Google Maps应用,然后点击屏幕右下角的蓝色“开始”按钮。

By default, Maps uses your device’s location for the starting point. If you want this to be a different location, enter it now.

默认情况下,地图会以您设备的位置为起点。 如果您希望它位于其他位置,请立即输入。

Start typing in your first destination or tap a location on the map below to start your journey.


Next, open the menu (the three dots at the top right), and then tap the “Add Stop” command.


Enter the location of your next stop, or tap anywhere on the map to add the next destination.


To change the order of your destinations, just drag any of the locations up or down the list using the “Hamburger” (three stacked lines) on the left.


When you’ve added all the stops to your trip, go ahead and tap “Done” so you can start your journey.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361021/how-to-plan-a-road-trip-with-multiple-destinations-on-google-maps/



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