谷歌手机pixel4 夜景

Capturing your phone’s screen is useful in many situations. If you’re a Pixel user, you can do it with a couple of button clicks.

在许多情况下,捕获手机的屏幕非常有用。 如果您是Pixel用户,则只需单击几下即可完成操作。

如何截图 (How to Take a Screenshot)

With the phone in your hand, you’re going to press two hardware buttons at the same time: Power and Volume Down. Hold these two buttons down for about half a second.

手持手机,您将同时按下两个硬件按钮:“电源”和“调低音量”。 按住这两个按钮约半秒钟。

When the screenshot is taken, it briefly shows up as a preview overlay on top of your screen, and then disappears.


Boom—your screenshot has been saved.


在哪里找到您的截图 (Where to Find Your Screenshots)

By default, your screenshots are saved to a dedicated Screenshots folder within the Pictures folder, but there are a couple of different ways to access it.


If you just took the screenshot, swipe down on the notification shade, and you’ll see a notification that allows you to share or delete your screenshot immediately. You can also tap the notification to open the screenshot.

如果您只是截屏,请在通知栏上向下滑动,您会看到一条通知,可让您立即共享或删除截屏。 您也可以点击通知以打开屏幕截图。

Note: if you have multiple apps that can open images, the app picker will show up here. Just choose the app you’d normally use to look at pictures.

注意:如果您有多个可以打开图像的应用,则应用选择器将显示在此处。 只需选择您通常用来查看图片的应用即可。

You also can access all of your screenshots within the Photos app. Swipe in from the left side to show the menu, and then choose the “Device Folders” option.

您还可以在“照片”应用中访问所有屏幕截图。 从左侧轻扫以显示菜单,然后选择“设备文件夹”选项。

Tap the “Screenshots” folder.


And there you go—every screenshot you’ve ever taken.



谷歌手机pixel4 夜景

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