谷歌手机pixel4 夜景


Live Caption automatically adds captions for any audio playing on your phone, which can be incredibly useful in many situations. We’ll show you how to use it on any Google Pixel smartphone, including the Pixel 2 or newer.

实时字幕会自动为手机上播放的任何音频添加字幕,这在许多情况下非常有用。 我们将向您展示如何在任何Google Pixel智能手机(包括Pixel 2或更高版本)上使用它。

At this writing, the Live Caption feature only supports English, but it works with videos, podcasts, phone and video calls, and more. (It doesn’t work with music.)

在撰写本文时,“ 实时字幕”功能仅支持英语,但可用于视频,播客,电话和视频通话等。 (不适用于音乐。)

The first thing to do is check and see if you have Live Caption on your phone. To do so, swipe down from the top of the screen twice, and then tap the Gear icon to open the “Settings” menu.

首先要做的就是检查手机上是否有实时字幕。 为此,请从屏幕顶部向下滑动两次,然后点击齿轮图标以打开“设置”菜单。

Next, tap “Sound.”


Scroll down and tap “Live Caption.” If you don’t see this, you don’t have the Live Caption feature on your phone.

向下滚动并点击“实时字幕”。 如果您没有看到此消息,则说明您的手机没有实时字幕功能。

There are two ways you can use Live Caption. If you want it to automatically display captions any time audio is detected, toggle-On the “Live Caption” option.

您可以通过两种方式使用实时字幕。 如果希望它在检测到音频时自动显示字幕,请打开“实时字幕”选项。

If you want it to be off, but easily accessible whenever audio is playing, toggle-On the “Live Caption in Volume Control” option.


You can also use Live Caption during phone calls. To enable this, tap “Caption Calls” and select when and how you want it to work. It’s not intended to be used for calls with more than one other person.

您还可以在通话过程中使用实时字幕。 要启用此功能,请点按“字幕通话”,然后选择您希望其工作的时间和方式。 不能用于与多人通话。

In the image below, you see what Live Caption looks like when you watch a YouTube video. You can drag the caption box around the screen by tapping and holding it.

在下图中,您可以看到观看YouTube视频时的实时字幕。 您可以通过点击并按住标题框将其拖到屏幕周围。

To manually turn Live Caption on or off, press one of the Volume buttons on the side of your phone to open the “Volume” controls. Tap the Live Caption icon to quickly turn the feature on or off.

要手动打开或关闭实时字幕,请按手机侧面的“音量”按钮之一以打开“音量”控件。 点按“实时字幕”图标可快速打开或关闭该功能。

If you selected “Ask Every Time” for Caption Calls, you’ll see the popup shown below whenever you answer a call. Select either “Caption Call” or “Don’t Caption Call.” You can also select the “Don’t Ask Again” checkbox if you don’t want to see this popup in the future.

如果您为字幕通话选择了“每次询问”,则每次接听电话时都会看到以下弹出窗口。 选择“字幕通话”或“不字幕通话”。 如果您以后不想再看到此弹出窗口,则也可以选择“不再询问”复选框。

That’s it! Depending on what you chose, Live Caption will either start every time you play audio on your phone, or you can toggle it on or off, as needed.

而已! 根据您选择的内容,实时字幕将在您每次在手机上播放音频时启动,也可以根据需要将其打开或关闭。


谷歌手机pixel4 夜景

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