
Little smart QiQi is fond of coin tossing. This day, he came to a huge field, where there's a irregular convex swamp within. Little smart QiQi didn’t want to toss the coin into the swamp, and thus, she needed to know the area of this convex. Please help her.


The input contains several test cases, ended with EOF. In each test case, an integer N(3≤N≤100) exists first, indicating the number of vertex. The following N lines give the coordinates(x,y) of each vertex.(−106≤x,y≤106), x and y are real numbers.


Output the area of each convex. The answer should be corrected to 1 decimal places.


-1 0
0 1
1 1





顺便一提, 现在这些代码大都都是热身赛的代码直接复制过来的, 书写习惯不好比较难看 见谅- -

USER_ID: test#birdstorm
SUBMISSION_TIME: 2014-03-11 00:38:01
#define For(i,m,n) for(i=m;i<n;i++)
#define MAXN 105typedef struct v{double x, y;
}v;v vex[MAXN];int cmp(const void* a, const void* b)
{double xa=(*(struct v*) a).x, xb=(*(struct v*) b).x, ya=(*(struct v*) a).y, yb=(*(struct v*) b).y;double x0=vex[0].x, y0=vex[0].y;return (xa-x0)*(yb-y0)-(ya-y0)*(xb-x0)<0;
{int i, j, k, n, t;double sum=0;while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){sum=0;For(i,0,n) scanf("%lf%lf",&vex[i].x,&vex[i].y);qsort(vex,n,sizeof(vex[0]),cmp);For(i,2,n) sum+=0.5*fabs((vex[i-1].x-vex[0].x)*(vex[i].y-vex[0].y)-(vex[i-1].y-vex[0].y)*(vex[i].x-vex[0].x));printf("%.1lf\n",sum);}return 0;

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